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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Great to see everyone, moving forward together

    Welcome Johno & CONGRATS to Ambrose on 3 AF weeks - great work!
    Making a good plan & sticking with it, no matter always works. We have to plan to succeed!

    Wishing a great AF dau to one & all.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Bird's of a feather..

      Flock together in the nest!
      Hello fellow drunks!
      Well the 4 beers was days ago.. and not any urge to drink again.. So it's a big step to avoid the cycle of binge drinking. Seems I have broken the spell.. I think this only comes with psychological strength.. The problem is.. IF you keep drinking - booze breaks down your will power! So you must be healthy to achieve the metal courage to STOP!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning all, Starting on Day 5 today. Nursie be safe in the icy rain! A good day to everyone - I'll check with you in the evening.


          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters! Boy this nest is busy and I just don't have the energy or mental capacity to give much today. I'm on day 34, so anyone who is new and anyone who is struggling, it is doable under whatever your circumstances are. They can be rough, but AL can make them a whole lot rougher and make you feel depressed and hopeless whereas you need to be AF so you can heal faster and deal with things on a reasonable level. Being AF doesn't remove your problems, but at least you can pull yourself out of your low points much faster than you could adding to the problems with AL.

          A BIG thanks and hugs to No Sugar, Almost Free, Daisy, and Dottie for your thoughts and comforting words. It is really appreciated.:h It's a cyber hug and we can all use a hug during difficult times. Many many thanks, girls.

          I don't have to go to trial tomorrow. Yesterday was the pretrial conference and he plead guilty which came as a big relief to me. However, it would appear they just gave him a slap on the hand and said if you're good for so many months, you are free to go. I am not sure of all the details yet, so until I hear from the PA, I won't know for sure. I have not received a call back yet. How truly broken the system is amazes me, though. They said he was a first time offender so they don't do much. No, he is not a first time offender. He just offended in another country and ran here. No doubt how terrorists and dangerous people get through the system undetected. I continually have wow moments with how completely broken the legal and immigration systems are. There are so many loopholes and escape routes, it's incredibly easy to do wrong and have no consequences if you just use the right tricks and find the broken avenues in the system. With that said, I may yet find out something more today or tomorrow, but even so, it appears it pays to do criminal acts to get what you want. Crazy!

          On an up note, this latest winter storm leaves beauty in its path. I do love observing that beauty. Everyday can have something to find joy in even in bad times. The following photo is from last night just a short time into the winter storm just before the darkness totally consumed the night. The second one is a squirrel looking for food in the snow. I took some this morning, but I don't have them on my computer yet. I like photography and nature.


          Slay Attached files [img]/converted_files/2065534=7443-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2065534=7444-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2065534=7445-attachment.jpg[/img]
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Erotic Dreams..

            GeauxGirl, I have replied to your Erotic Dream on the Dream Warriors thread..
            It's totally normal.. No worries..


              Newbies Nest

              speaking of dreams, I had a dream last night where I drank a rather large glass of chardonnay but then did not have another. In my dream, I thought, wow, I really can have just one glass. That is my AL demon trying to get the better of me!!! It now has to wait until I am asleep and not actively fighting it. (funny, this dream happened on my 30th night sober)
              HA!!! LOSER!!!!!! I win this battle because NO WAY could I have just one glass of chardonnay and be ok....I would then become insatiable and would drink until I passed out.

              Slay: I have so much respect for you!! Don't let the system get you down. You are being so brave!!! :wow:
              I just won't anymore


                Newbies Nest

                Dang, so many posts of success! Almost free, you are amazing, your strength is shining thru and you are helping others find their way. I am so happy for you!

                Ambrose, take it from me, if you have a bottle of AL in the house, it will sprout heads and begin talking. IF you get company, they can either bring their own or drink what you's NOT worth it to have it in the house for those very occasional times. I've seen so many nesters have a hard craving and succumb to the stash they were saving for company. EX OR CIZE it! Like in the movie...GET. IT. OOOUT. (to be said with drama and a deep scary voice!)

                Day 3' is the day you are operating under your own power!!! All the AL is out of your system!! Full steam ahead!! If you went AF yustaday, you can do it today! Rinse and Repeat....

                Day 4 and 5' careful! This is when the Voices tell you that you've got this thing licked and maybe you really DON'T have a problem after all!!! Don't listen, it's a trap....keep going! Remember you get a Full Moon prize at 7 days!! That should be incentive enough!!! ehehehe....

                Day 13 is a great day, at least it was for me....that's the day that I really felt like I could do this as a lifestyle. It was a gamechanging day for me, and something to strive for...after all, we are here to get some peace in ours heads, right? NOT to be a slave anymore. So keep it going no matter what and no matter who! You will never regret ONE day you spent sober!! So proud of this nest!! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  We deserve this
                  stay close!
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thank you to all for the help. Wow this is so hard to say, I finally picked up the phone and first it was her and then I knew it was that other guy "his words are I will kick your a**" and much of the same, I just finally said how can someone of 5 years just walk out and who know how long she has been seeing this man, I started to cry and get worried that I was going to be harmed, then I just asked myself what did I do wrong, I never cheated on her, gave her a roof, food, things I thought were good until that night. Maybe I should have seen the warning signs, like the ringer always on vibrate, but I asked her once and she said she was just trying to ignore someone from work and didn't want to hear the ringer go off. I just couldn't bear it and finally went and bought a bottle. Sorry to say I am at back on day one. I did tell myself I will be stronger and do my best to ignore the urges to drink, I am still thinking of all that happened. I would have been posting last night, but sorry to say I was drinking. Now this morning I have a huge hangover and seems nothing has changed. Thanks to everyone for reading this.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning to day 3

                      Good morning to you all. So many post to read.
                      I got a full nights sleep and that felt great.
                      Today is the start of day three for me.
                      Looking forward to another AF day.
                      Keeping myself busy and exercise seem to be a big
                      Factor in being AF this time.
                      I am going to see a Hypnothearapist today to work
                      On my OCD stuff around the old Gf.
                      She takes up way to much room in my head.
                      But even that is getting better. I am in a place where
                      I am willing to do anything new to stay AF.
                      Hard to write this on my IPhone.

                      Oh on a side note I have lost 22 pounds since I started this process. Yahoo.. almost to my target weight.

                      Have a good AF day

                      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                        Newbies Nest

                        rednose;1470169 wrote: Good morning to you all. So many post to read.
                        I got a full nights sleep and that felt great.
                        Today is the start of day three for me.
                        Looking forward to another AF day.
                        Keeping myself busy and exercise seem to be a big
                        Factor in being AF this time.
                        I am going to see a Hypno thearapist today to work
                        On my OCD stuff around the old Gf.
                        She takes up way to much room in my head.
                        But even that is getting better. I am in a place where
                        I am willing to do anything new to stay AF.
                        Hard to write this on my IPhone.

                        Have a good AF day

                        Health is the REAL WEALTH RedNose! Health will give you strong will power! :goodjob:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Bobby...I'm so sorry you are going this this hell on Earth. DimDrifter just summed it all right up...Health DOES equal wealth. Last month, I had to sit and watch my dad pass is THE hardest thing I've ever done. What HE would have given to be sitting in MY shoes! And I'm a dang ALK!!! What he would have given for one more chance to live!! You HAVE that chance....all of us do. Our disease IS curable. As I say to myself and others here, the first thing you have to do is get back control of your mind...right now it is running amuck with stray unreasonable thoughts and thoughts that lead to unreasonable action. Reign it back in. Vow to get thru the next 24 hours AF no matter what and no matter who. If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't understand where you you must do this to get back on track. Leave thier pitiful party and try to move on!! You can do this! Get right back up on those steps and give this thing a go! You can do it!! If I can....I know you can, too!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yes , I think I will just change my number since I did contact the law, I am a few months away from being 36 I never did think this sort of phone calling thing would happen. I hope she is happy is happy with him and I finally told a close relative about what happened even if it was embarrassing as all h*** Just I need him to take her stuff to her and all of it. No I wont let this Alcohol win me, I did drink while I was with her and so did she , I know now its just getting out of control due to to her and the other man. It hurts me deep down inside to know after 5 years someone could do this too me. just another day at day 1. I am reading you are right I will not let them win.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Slay, stay close and let us know how you are doing. What an ordeal! Yeah, the legal system is really disappointing....Hope you can recoup and rest a bit today. Stress is so draining. Loved your pics. It's wonderful that you can find some peace and serenity in nature. Many of us are lucky enough to have beautiful surroundings and never really appreciate it, especially when drinking.

                              Thanks for the kind words, Byrdie. Your sage advice and tireless efforts on behalf of us newbies is amazing. Thank you for all of the time and effort you put in to help us. We love you!

                              Bobby, was that what they were calling about all day? Getting her stuff? One thing I can say is that alcohol distorts our perceptions, and makes us extremely sensitive. If you stay alcohol free, it will be easier to deal with things in a less emotional manner. It's always a mistake to ask the other person 'why'. First, it shows you care and second, it gives them an opening to insult you. Maintain your dignity. You well feel better later that you did.

                              Rednose has gone through a similar experience and has reached out to you. I'm sure he would be glad to offer any advice he has. Maybe you should change your locks, too, for good measure, since the guy threatened you. 'Kick your a**' for what?

                              Hello to Rednose, Drifter and Jenniech, too. And to everyone else in the nest. Will check in later......
                              AF since 12/2/12


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone. I've been so busy I have not caught up nor stayed up on posts. I do notice that Tess2 is missing. Why?

                                AF since 12/26/13

                                "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


