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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow, busy thread! Day 4 for me too runningbird (congrats to us!) but waiting for 7-10 (I want moons) but those will be my trigger days. Although, I am remembering that today is usually Wing Night with a group of friends but I am not going. Yay, for me!

    Welcome to John.

    Hi DimensionDrifter. I am a binge drinker too, so I know of what you speak!

    Wow, 3 weeks Ambrose. Congrats!

    Slaythefear, love the pics. Winters is such a lovely time of year.

    Bobbys, I know you are hurting and that's okay. But remember whatever she is doing is a reflection of her character not your own. Keep on truckin.' I agree with almostfree that the more AF days you get the more clarity you will get around the situation. I know alcohol makes me do or see things in a way I never do when I am sober.

    To everyone who has welcomed me, thank you. I enjoy this forum and I am not usually one to hang out at one or post all that often. You've changed me already!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone!

      Bobby-Sorry to hear that you are going through such a struggle. Believe me, I know how it feels. I drank for years over someone. We were together for 7 years, he was a father figure to my daughter, and then all of a sudden, he just wasn't there anymore. It's hard to accept. I drank a lot over it, and it got me nowhere. Well not exactly, it got me into jail a few times! Don't let that happen to you! Pick yourself up and start over. I know you CAN do this!

      Let's keep our eyes peeled for a new member named THEMILKYWAYKID (I'm hoping she'll see her name and hop right in! )

      Red - Glad you're back on track and on Day 3. Hang in there my friend. Get some exercise. I've found recently that going to the gym actually makes me feel GREAT (when it's over of

      Hello to everyone else...stick close!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        I know im feeling it how hard it is and to use alcohol as my crutch. She took most of her belongings that night , it was like asking for her shampoo she said and then finally the guy came on and said all this nonsense. I just cryed for an hour then finally giave in to the bottle. I just thought physical harm. How does someone who has been with you for 5 years change all I could do is contribute it too me overworking a bit. I always had time for her. But Ive learned I need to better myself and not let them win. I can and my heart can move on.


          Newbies Nest

          jenniech;1470160 wrote: speaking of dreams, I had a dream last night where I drank a rather large glass of chardonnay but then did not have another. In my dream, I thought, wow, I really can have just one glass. That is my AL demon trying to get the better of me!!! It now has to wait until I am asleep and not actively fighting it. (funny, this dream happened on my 30th night sober)
          HA!!! LOSER!!!!!! I win this battle because NO WAY could I have just one glass of chardonnay and be ok....I would then become insatiable and would drink until I passed out.

          Slay: I have so much respect for you!! Don't let the system get you down. You are being so brave!!! :wow:

          I am now 6 days AF and I had a dream last night about having a glass of chardonnay too. So funny, that we both have a similar experience. I also had a dream about a demon after me. I would translate this as the AL being the demon trying to break me down. I do have to say everynight is a battle though. It begins for me around 4:00 in the afternoon while I'm at work and tempts me through out the night. I can't wait until that crazing is gone.


            Newbies Nest

            Sober22113;1470224 wrote:
            It begins for me around 4:00 in the afternoon while I'm at work and tempts me through out the night. I can't wait until that crazing is gone.
            Hi, Sober

            That is about when my urge to drink starts also but guess what?? -- we get used to satisfying that craving with a drink but food works, also. Our brains got rewired and often confuse hunger with a "need" to drink.
            I've found that getting off sugar really reduced that daily 4 pm urge but in any case, EAT when you feel it. My choice is to have some nuts, meat and cheese, etc.; i.e. good fat and protein. Another option if you are comfortable with supplements and know that you have good kidney and liver function is to take L-glutamine supplements. I bought the powdered form in the body builder section of a health-food store.
            Then, make yourself a good quality dinner of food you like. Some of us are contributing recipes to a Real Food thread. The link is in my signature.

            Have a great AF day, ` NF


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1470185 wrote: Bobby...I'm so sorry you are going this this hell on Earth. DimDrifter just summed it all right up...Health DOES equal wealth. Last month, I had to sit and watch my dad pass is THE hardest thing I've ever done. What HE would have given to be sitting in MY shoes! And I'm a dang ALK!!! What he would have given for one more chance to live!! You HAVE that chance....all of us do. Our disease IS curable. As I say to myself and others here, the first thing you have to do is get back control of your mind...right now it is running amuck with stray unreasonable thoughts and thoughts that lead to unreasonable action. Reign it back in. Vow to get thru the next 24 hours AF no matter what and no matter who. If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't understand where you you must do this to get back on track. Leave thier pitiful party and try to move on!! You can do this! Get right back up on those steps and give this thing a go! You can do it!! If I can....I know you can, too!! Byrdie
              Byrdlady.....I just want to hug you right now! :l. You give me strength hope and courage and have brought me to tears right here at my Maggie's playtime. I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad. I lost my Dad 3 years ago, I watched him fight tooth and nail against cancer. What he wouldn't have given for another chance at life. After he passed was when I really found my way into the bottle and did find my way out until I came here. He would kick my ass for the way I have been living my life by NOT living my life. You are right our disease is curable!!!!!!!!!! I am 24 consecutive AF days and I refuse to go back to the hell I was living by NOT living my life!
              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
              ~Author Unknown
              AF since February 4, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Bobby pour out any leftover AL if u have it....
                Have a good day nesters .... Dad in hospital... Years of alcoholism deteriorated his body .... Isn't it strange how I can watch him and still want to drink later?
                Congrats to all going forward another day!


                  Newbies Nest

                  im am trying . its like all of you are my family right now byrdlady, rednose, K9 , almost free, sorry if I forgot all of you, but anyone who has even took the time to respond or read my messages. I thank you all of you every day in my prayers. I have a neighbor who I told him about since he asked what happedn to your lady. He is a very religious man and told me he would stay with me , and he wants to see me flush the alcohol in the drain. This is a 70 plus year old recovering alcoholic and he told me while I was at work he did see a unregonignized truck into my driveway. must be that other man. He wanted to pray and I did . I just wish he would have told me earlier about this other guy. I have not received no phone calls and I told him about the people I met on this site. U may know how hard it it is to tell a person about computer stuff at 70 years old. it just wasn't their back then. I am getting to the point of of seeing alcohol is that just that temporary fix. I thank you all for listening to me and maybe if I cant respond to your own problems please give me a chance to get sober and I will give the advice whatever is needed back.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oneredshoe...hugs right back. Gosh, I miss my dad.

                    Icanwithoutacan....THAT is the power of addiction! How you can see what this disease is capable of doing and WILL DO if we don't take some action and then do it knowingly speaks to the power of it all! But you are making the changes and righting the course!

                    Bobby, I don't know what your financial situation is, but a camera of some sort and recorder might be a great idea to protect yourself and your home. You can get them on the cheap if you look around... having video makes for a very short conversation if something happens. I know Radio Shack has telephone recording devices, if you are inclined. B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      byrdlady I am in swampy area of SC almost nothing goes here.. I saw that you are from NC U may relate. yes they keep on calling. Never thought anything of the sort would happen. I looked into the cameras yes they are cheap but if they want to bring it . bting it and this is not the alcohol talking just me getting mad at myself for drinking to their happiness and giving in.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Bobbyslife;1470272 wrote: im am trying . its like all of you are my family right now byrdlady, rednose, K9 , almost free, sorry if I forgot all of you, but anyone who has even took the time to respond or read my messages. I thank you all of you every day in my prayers. I have a neighbor who I told him about since he asked what happedn to your lady. He is a very religious man and told me he would stay with me , and he wants to see me flush the alcohol in the drain. This is a 70 plus year old recovering alcoholic and he told me while I was at work he did see a unregonignized truck into my driveway. must be that other man. He wanted to pray and I did . I just wish he would have told me earlier about this other guy. I have not received no phone calls and I told him about the people I met on this site. U may know how hard it it is to tell a person about computer stuff at 70 years old. it just wasn't their back then. I am getting to the point of of seeing alcohol is that just that temporary fix. I thank you all for listening to me and maybe if I cant respond to your own problems please give me a chance to get sober and I will give the advice whatever is needed back.
                        Angels enter our lives when we need them. Let this neighbor help save you.
                        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi one and all.
                          Back at work today and day 2 has gone well so far. Babysitting the kids so won't get home til 11.30 then straight to bed.
                          Bring on day 3,
                          All the best everyone


                            Newbies Nest

                            Bobbyslife;1470312 wrote: byrdlady I am in swampy area of SC almost nothing goes here.. I saw that you are from NC U may relate. yes they keep on calling. Never thought anything of the sort would happen. I looked into the cameras yes they are cheap but if they want to bring it . bting it and this is not the alcohol talking just me getting mad at myself for drinking to their happiness and giving in.
                            Don't drink at them anymore, Bobby. Create the life you want.
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Bobby, if they are harassing you then I doubt they are sharing much happiness. I agree with Siren. Quit drinking at them and focus on your own health and happiness. YOU are worth it.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey gang,

                                Very sketchy internet right now, may be the storm....dunno? I don't know how much time I have so I'll do this in stages, if I can.

                                Welcome, welcome to all the new folks. You are in such a warm and supportive place here. Please stick close! Toolbox is INVALUABLE.

                                Slay, I just want to send you as much loving energy as I can! I don't know a lot about your situation (I'm gonna go read and educate myself, if the internet will cooperate) but read some of your recent situation and it's heartbreaking. So glad you can draw strength from us here and hopefully in your personal world too. BIG :l Stay strong, xoxo.

                                Runningbird - YAY! I am SO HAPPY that you're on day 5! Woot woot!!!inkele:

                                Rednose - I've been quietly pulling for you through this rough time and I'm so happy FOR YOU! that you're getting stronger and putting days together. I can hear the joy and relief over the past few days. No matter what, you have the support here! :rockon:

                                Ok, I'm going to try and read back several days and will be back if the internet gods are willing. LOL!

                                All the best, P
                                "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:

