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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Nest members,

    Wow! Busy day here, that's great!

    Sunni - I love the picture, that's hysterical
    Every time we have a new flock I always end up bringing a few hatchlings in the house. They are so nasty with each other I feel I have to separate the injured ones, give them a few days to heal their boo-boos before re-introducing them to the flock. Trying to keep them in the cardboard box is another story!

    Right now we have 9 Buff Orpingtons and 9 Rhode Island Reds. They play nicely together & give us plenty of brown eggs We actually sell some of the eggs to the Amish farmer nearby - he sells them to his customers who buy his produce. They don't realize that the eggs are coming from us.......
    Raising chickens can be very entertaining at times

    Speaking of chicken..........time for you to check in!!!
    Hello to everyone yet to check in.

    Well, I had a great day, a tiring one for sure. My grandson left tired but happy as well
    Time to chill for a bit then call it a day.
    Wishing everyone a safe, comfortable night in the nest.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest


      Hey Beag'ues, Nice Legs! Uh, in case you hadn't noticed, you might have a little problem with your kneecaps. They look kinda cute that way though. Nice shoes. High-heels are sexy! ;P I am smitten.

      Hi you two witches. Great job on the 10 days Trix - I bet you feel great! No beating yourself with a stick - ok? You're doing good, so treat yourself well - or just treat yourself. I can fax you some ravioli too.

      Hi FindingYourself - Polish roosters - like from Poland? Aren't they 'sposed to chase chickens?

      Sunni - in that pic your dog has a funny little sneer - like he's saying: HuH? I'm in here all the time and she never takes a pic of me!!! I'm cute too dammit.

      Uh Oh. Beagle my sweet - could be our first incompatibility showing up. My idea of roughing it ends at the beach, or out on the lawn with a picnic basket, listening to live music. There's always a shower and very comfy bed near-by. I could be lured out into the wild, but it'll take some serious negotiations. Let's see, the moon and the stars are a good start...

      The oysters sound good. Guess I'll have to try them. You said grilled huh. Mmmm. I had some blackened mussels down at an italian place in Florida - those were unbelievable.

      I do play guitar some and have been known to sing when I'd been drinking - but that hasn't happened for a while, so I'm a bit out of practice. Thai is great - I like it hot!!! How 'bout a little Hot&Sour soup; Pad Thai and Basil Beef with chili sauce. Ooh - maybe a Thai picnic with some nice music huh?

      Hey everyone - we have to start flying south. I've got a hot date in Oz - maybe some tongue involved this time.

      Take care everyone.
      And you my dear...
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        hey all, i wandered in here on the advice of one of the other members. Speaking if hobbies that i have gotten back into since i have been AF...i have finally started working on my old truck that has been sitting in the driveway. well i guess it isn't that old, it is a 1993, but as you might imagine it needs some TLC. I had forgotten how much i enjoy working on cars. of course my wife is thrilled that the truck is running again too. i know it doesn't sound all that exciting, but tomorrow is my last day of work for this week and instead of drinking like i would have done a few months back i am actually going to do something productive. Going to change the thermostat and water pump on the truck.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all,

          TranqWilly: IDK why they chased me, I guess I looked like a chicken? Maybe my legs looked like Beagle's avatar (no offense Beagle, love the look!)

          Sunshine, the photo is great! It looks like the ladies are cautiously approaching the dance floor and looking at their reflections!

          Lavande, we used to have Rhode Island Reds, too. Their brown eggs led me to question why our brown swiss didn't give chocolate milk.

          Good going on day 10 WitchyTrix! Hope I can do it too.

          Hi Old Soldier! Sounds like you are getting into doing some things you enjoy. I've let a lot of things slide that I used to enjoy doing, but am feeling more positive about getting involved in life again.

          Hi everyone else - still trying to learn names. These boards are very busy!

          I'm feeling pretty good after 4 days AF, but a bit headachy today. Probably time to get off the computer and go to bed.


            Newbies Nest

            it gets easier with each day, at least it seems to for me. it is amazing how much better you begin to feel the longer you are AF. I let a lot of things slip wile i was dancing with my demons. I am glad i found my problem and help before i lost everything. I don't know how to explain it but when i realized that i have a problem i could see what would happen to me if i didn't do something about it. so stay strong it is tough but it is worth it.


              Newbies Nest

              Good UK morning to everyone

              Old Soldier;726454 wrote: Speaking if hobbies that i have gotten back into since i have been AF...i have finally started working on my old truck that has been sitting in the driveway.
              Hi OS! The getting hobbies back is great isn't it! I've been rummaging in my enormous craft cupboard and painting, knitting, mosaicing (is that a word?!) and lino-cutting. I've started knitting all my Christmas presents. Son Alfie wants a digital camera but I can't find a pattern!!!!

              Findingmyself: Thanks on the congrats. My nasty headaches have stopped now which helps. Stick with it

              Trix XXXX


                Newbies Nest

                Hello everyone!
                My dearest TW (you have me a-fluttering by calling me sweets,for one thing!) I don't mind the picnic part & look,a bit of warbling practice is fine really - I will sing if someone prods me along a bit & someone once told me my voice wasn't bad.....but I do get shy about singing in front of people!
                My legs are definately a product of genetics - my mother's.I've apparently got chicken legs,to fit in with this thread - fat up the top & skinny down the bottom.But I prefer to term it "plump" up the top & "slender" down the bottom.As for the knees,well.....can only say they look worse than they feel!!(?)
                I've got chookies too - currently 1 Golden Winedot rooster ( gotta love the name of THAT breed,huh) + 8 mixed breed hens. I love my chookies & chat away to them quite freely.However,they are rather slack on the egg production currently so might have to threaten them with the Pad Thai! TW,I will be cooking that tonight! With prawns though.
                OK,the next dinner date is your choice dear....but not Chinese.I got crook on it as a kid & psychosomatically I feel like throwing up every time I smell Chinese......but I can handle Thai ok.How weird am I.
                Alrighty.Time to go feed the dogs,then I'm off to the big smoke tomorrow as disaster has struck the horse-riding entertainment squad i ride with - 2 horses with colic so must go to the rescue.Will be back Sunday night,& check in then.
                TW - as I said,next date is your choice.....(note to self: i must stop being so bossy!!)...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Busy nest today, how nice is that? I love the comfort in numbers

                  Tranq, don't forget, you promised to swing by & pick me up for the flight south. Don't worry, I won't pull your tail feathers outb

                  old soldier, you sound much better! Getting back into hobbies is great, isn't it? BTW, I have 2 cars, 1 truck & 1 tractor here that all need regular maintenance. Can I schedule an appointment? Do you make house calls? Ha, ha. You just keep up the good work, you won't be sorry

                  FindingMyself, congrats on your 4 AF days, you're getting over the hump girl. It keeps getting better & better!

                  WitchyTrix, if I send you a list will you do some knitting for me? My Mom & Grandmom both tried to teach me to knit - I just never got it! I do sew, do embroidery for a living, but knitting is a mystery to me. Keep up with your good work as well

                  beagle, I don't have my rooster anymore. He was so BIG, really beautiful but a very nasty SOB! The back of my legs were constantly bruised from my knees to my ankles when he was here. He didn't want me going anywhere near his 'girls'. He had to go...............

                  I wish everyone a great day, will check in later!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    OMG! Just talked to a very good friend of mine...

                    She's putting her house up for sale and her and her new fiance are going up to MY place today (3 hour drive for them)... they are seriously considering buying it! :wow: She and her ex used to come up with their kids 3-5 times every summer and New Year's.

                    Omg, omg, omg!! :H
                    How AWESOME would that be? I'd KNOW my place was in wonderful hands! I'd be able to visit! OMG! I'm positively bouncing here!
                    Here's the link again - I've added a few more pictures (still haven't got all the rooms yet, though)

                    Back to business at hand...
                    How is everyone? Tranq... would you swing by up a bit up north and pick me up for the migration flight as well, please!??? It's getting darn cold up here! No tail pulling, honest (unless it's a really cute tail and then it'd be more a matter of patting) J/k beagle! :H Oh my, 2 down with colic... not good. They're doing the mineral oil and whatnot until you get there, yes? Miss Sophie is now known as Miss Crusty... it's been raining off and on and she's busy developing some really nice mud holes. Brat.
                    Soldier, you do indeed sound much better! Great to hear. And, Finding... glad the head ache is subsiding! A couple more days and you will feel MUCH better.. guaranteed! Witchy... you had me sputtering coffee over my keyboard (apparently not a good thing)... knitting a digital camera... have fun with the memory card! LOL

                    CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!! Where the heck are you? We haven't heard a cluck outta you in DAYS!
                    Lav... I also ended up with chicks in the house on a regular basis. They're so cute but oh-so-smelly! And I know what you mean about the box... you fetch 2 to put back in and 3 jump out! I ended up putting them in an animal carrier.. WITH DOOR! Sooty.. you're sounding very busy and very positive these days! Awesome!

                    Alright, peepers... I should haul my butt off to get dressed and do some work. This whole phone business this morning has me running a bit late. OMG! Did I tell you? :H Just kidding.. I'm done now!

                    Have a grand AF day, all!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Just a quickie cos soooooo tired .... lovely to see you Sunni - hope your friends do the necessary and buy your house. Lucky them that's what I say!
                      Hi Lav, Beagle, Witchy - great to see you all.
                      I promise to waffle on longer tomorrow - now thats something for you all to look forward to!!
                      Have a good rest of thursday gang,


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lavande;726674 wrote:
                        WitchyTrix, if I send you a list will you do some knitting for me? My Mom & Grandmom both tried to teach me to knit - I just never got it! I do sew, do embroidery for a living, but knitting is a mystery to me. Keep up with your good work as well Lav
                        LAV! You can send me a list if you like but I can't follow a pattern to save my life! I make it up as I go along. I knit scarves, hats and rabbits for kids.

                        Thanks for the encouragement It really means a lot.

                        I went down-town today and called in at one of the old pubs I used to frequent about 10 yrs ago. I saw LOTS of people I used to know from the 'drinking' scene (I used to run a bar & nightclub) The talk got round to drinking and reminiscing about all the people we knew. Between us all we managed to name a significant amount of GOOD, FUNNY mates that have died from alcohol abuse

                        Depressing yet inspirational at the same time. I was drinking lemonade by the way

                        Hope everyone's ok out there!

                        Trix XXXXX


                          Newbies Nest

                          I tried to post earlier.......really needed to & hear something positive from anyonoe rejected me for some reason......I need to know someone hears me right now.......I'm really f'd up......


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi USVI
                            Welcome sorry you are running into comp. problem. If you are looking to get a handle on your drinking you will find a lot of info on this site plus many people who are very helpful.If you haven't try chat people their very friendly we are all in the same boat

                            Stay Healthy and Keep fighting
                            AF 5-16-08
                            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                            AF 5-16-08


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello mermaid and welcome!
                              Would you like to go into chat for a few minutes? Do you know how to get there?
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi usvi_mermaid. I'm here right now and I'm hearing you! I'm sorry you had trouble signing in but your post did get through.

                                I'm new here and can tell you that you are in a very caring and supportive place. There are lots of wonderful people here to help you through your struggles with AL. I am new myself, and have been able to stay away from the alcohol with the help of this site and all of the people here. I've been drinking for such a long time and never thought I could go even for a few days without the AL, but I've made it for a few days now and am feeling so much better. The alcohol was really eating me up and making me so depressed.

                                Keep posting here and reading all of the posts by people who have been in a similar situation and have turned things around.


