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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Originally Posted by Byrdlady:

    That drunk lady on the bus IS all of us!! B


    NoSugar;1470713 wrote:
    Until I joined MWO, I had no idea what the lives of some people in alcohol's grip are like. NS

    I am that lady on the bus and that man at the gas station and so many other wonderful but unseen people in this world who have had their lives hijacked by alcohol or another drug.

    Just think, friends....if we don't even recognize or understand ourselves (or each other) when we are in the grips of the beast- just think how difficult it is for our friends and family to understand.

    As NoSugar said- that is why this website is So important in helping us all understand each other and see who we are - wonderful people who are working so hard to get out - and helping others get out

    Let's carry on



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Hello to all hoping for an alcohol free day!
      I just did get home and bought a bunch of nutrious food. 2 weeks ago I did not shave, drinking rum from early morning to night. never got out of bed, all this due to as you I consider you all family since you all have been a great help. My story she took off to be with another man after being together for 5 years and have since been receiving calls from her and her new friend. It doesn't even bother me the beer and wine aisle , well maybe wine. since I tried to calm down by having a tall can of beer and it just gave me a 5 minute buzz. I drove right past that liquor store today . Its I don't know what to do about these annoying phone calls. I refuse to pick up the phone. The urges are still there and I have never sweated so much in one day. I wish everyone an alcoholic free day!


        Newbies Nest

        Speaking of the bus, I was behind a man holding 4 tall cans paying for his beer, and the clerk asked how are you he replied "frustrated" while the reak of alcohol I could smell. I felt very bad for the man. I just don't know how to approach people in this way and want to be a friend of them and tell them I am there for you.


          Newbies Nest

          Wow, so many powerful posts today! Thank you Nosugar for your inspiring words. I feel that we could all be (or have been) that lady on the bus or that shabby man. I remember when I first started drinking to excess, I would always 'disguise' the wine with other groceries, as if it was meant to be consumed later with dinner. (I was shopping at 8am).

          As my addiction progressed, I just went straight to the liquor store, then started going to several different stores to hide the amount of my consumption. At my lowest point, I didn't even care what they thought any more. I had completely let myself go and looked like hell. I had gained a huge amount of weight, was a bloated mess and my hair was falling out. I felt like a bag lady, shuffling in to the liquor store as soon as they opened.

          I was ashamed of myself and was afraid to commit to anything, because I knew I could not stay sober and wouldn't be able to drive or to show up for anything sober. Thank God my kids were not still little (two grown and gone, last one able to drive himself around). I still managed to stay on top of things from my home office, as long as I didn't have to meet face to face with anyone who would be able to see I had been drinking.

          Today, I have 89 days sober. Three months sober tomorrow. I am slim again, eat well, take good care of myself and am ready for anything that comes up. I am so grateful that I have been able to bounce back to what I was before AL took me down. No irreparable damage that I am aware of. I feel great today and have even started day one without cigarettes. Here's hoping I will get rid of those forever, too. I thank God that no matter what the time of day, I can be there and take care of anything that comes my way. Without the fear, the shakes, the overwhelming feeling of impending doom. I no longer hate to look at myself in the mirror, and not just for outward appearances. I am no longer ashamed of myself. I owe all of this to My Way Out and the wonderful people here. Thank you to all of you.

          Funny, I was going to address each and every one of you. I even had my scribbled notes handy. Don't know how my post ended up this way......hope it encourages somebody.........
          AF since 12/2/12


            Newbies Nest

            Cross posted...... So proud of you Bobby! Well done. You are doing great!
            AF since 12/2/12


              Newbies Nest

              Bobby, you sound so much better today. Very happy for you. I am so glad to see this change in you. Congratulations. Hugs to you and enjoy all that yummy nutritious food! LJ

              PS And congrats to you too almost free. 89 days. What an achievement!


                Newbies Nest

                I have not read posts after 5am. But I wanted to share....quick...customers coming....the evil "voice" speaks to us, but the sober more powerful voice speaks to us opposite. it, sober....don't do it.



                  Newbies Nest

                  And to you, too, LJeanner, on Day 5. Only two days until your 'full moon' award. You are doing great and you sound very positive today. So glad you are part of the Newbie's Nest!
                  AF since 12/2/12


                    Newbies Nest

                    Last Straw---- yes, it's the battle between those 'voices' that is so exhausting and difficult in the beginning. The old timers tell us that when we reach acceptance, true acceptance that we need to eliminate AL from our lives, the battle will be won and it will no longer be a constant, daily struggle. There may still be an occasional skirmish, but we will finally find some peace in our lives. That's what I've heard and I'm trusting that it will be true for me as well.
                    AF since 12/2/12


                      Newbies Nest

                      Great job on the 89 days, AF!!

                      Bobbie- if I were you, I would be tempted to just turn my phone completely off. Is this an option for you? Sometimes, I just leave my phone at home when I am going out and it is such a feeling of freedom - you wouldn't believe how much stress it causes me just to be "on call" all the time with that phone. Just turn it off for a few hours and see how much better you feel. Great job on getting the groceries. That will really make a difference!



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fantastic job, Almost Free. Wow, I can remember your first weeks when you were struggling so hard and not feeling well. YOU'VE come a long way, baby!

                        Bobby, you were one of the people I had in mind when I left the song today. Can you change your number? That's what I did with a person that wouldn't quit calling me. I couldn't turn the phone off and this person just kept calling over and over and leaving text messages. I finally changed the number. Yes, you have to give it out to people again, but I just sent text messages and changed it with other people when I needed to like doctors and such. If it's a business number I can see where that may be a bit more difficult.

                        I posted a thread in 'Just Starting Out' with photos of my Chinchilla I purchased on New Years Eve Day this year if anyone loves pets. He is a stinker, but very adorable and different. It's something warm for a smile today.


                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          almost free;1470756 wrote: Last Straw---- yes, it's the battle between those 'voices' that is so exhausting and difficult in the beginning. The old timers tell us that when we reach acceptance, true acceptance that we need to eliminate AL from our lives, the battle will be won and it will no longer be a constant, daily struggle. There may still be an occasional skirmish, but we will finally find some peace in our lives. That's what I've heard and I'm trusting that it will be true for me as well.
                          Yes, like that. I think it is true, They say it gets better. This is what they mean. Pretty soon neither of the voices will battle so much. Huh. Cool.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Don't look back?

                            Hello all.
                            Well done to those who are staying off the alcohol. For those who are struggling with this and other problems, I trust you will all be able to keep looking forward. I am 46 and I am beginning to wish I had done this years ago. But, I dont need think about that.. Check out that Boston song, Dont Look Back. I love that song. Most times I listened to it in the past I was drunk and maudlin, now it seems to sum up my mood having been AF for 11 days. I feel so good about life.

                            I feel very lucky because unlike most of you I don't have any cravings for it. I even had a slightly tough day at the office and still I'm not tempted to drink. I think about it, and I wonder why I do. I keep waiting for the time when I feel tempted. Perhaps I never will, because I now associate it with pain. This is exactly what happened with the ciggies too, I couldn't kick it permanently until it made me ill.

                            BobbiesLife, man you are having it tough but this is the best time for you to kick the booze. Be the one to move on and up. When I was about your age I was going through a tough break up too. Shortly after I was lucky enough to meet a lovely girl who is twice the woman of the one who left me. I now have a gorgeous little 3 yr old daughter too.

                            Always act out of strength, not weakness.

                            And don't look back......


                              Newbies Nest

                              Don't look back
                              A new day is breakin'
                              It's been too long since I felt this way
                              I don't mind where I get taken
                              The road is callin'
                              Today is the day

                              I can see
                              It took so long just to realize
                              I'm much too strong
                              Now to compromise
                              Now I see what I am is holding me down
                              I'll turn it around, oh yes I will

                              I finally see the dawn arrivin'
                              I see beyond the road I'm drivin'

                              It's a bright horizon and I'm awakin' now
                              Oh I see myself in a brand new way
                              The sun is shinin'
                              The clouds are breakin'
                              'Cause I can't lose now, there's no game to play

                              I can tell
                              There's no more time left to criticize
                              I've seen what I could not recognize
                              Everthing in my life was leading me on
                              But I can be strong, oh yes i can

                              I finally see the dawn arrivin'
                              I see beyond the road I'm drivin'
                              Far away and left behind, left behind

                              Oh the sun is shinin' *and I wanna go*

                              Don't look back
                              A new day is breakin'
                              It's been too long since I felt this way
                              I don't mind where I get taken
                              The road is callin'
                              Today is the day

                              I can see
                              It took so long just to realize
                              I'm much too strong
                              Now to compromise
                              Now I see what I am is holding me down
                              I'll turn it around, oh yes I will

                              I finally see the dawn arriving
                              I see beyond the road I'm driving
                              Far away and left behind

                              Don't look back
                              Don't look back
                              Don't look back
                              Don't look back...


                                Newbies Nest

                                almost free;1470753 wrote: And to you, too, LJeanner, on Day 5. Only two days until your 'full moon' award. You are doing great and you sound very positive today. So glad you are part of the Newbie's Nest!
                                Well, thank you!

                                I am actually having a highly stressful day. Due to my last binge night I am behind 4 or 5 days with my work. I am panic-stricken trying to appease my very annoyed clients and trying to finish up projects I am behind on. And lying to people that I had the flu when I was actually deathly hung over for two days. Good lesson for why drinking is SO NOT worth it!!!! Which means I won't be drinking to reward myself when I get through all of this, but will find other lovely things like a hot bath, walk in the snowy park or a huge piece of chocolate cake.

                                Cheers, LJ

