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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Persephone. Man, I really admire your week without a smoke! I quit about a week ago, got to day 5 and caved. Started again this morning and caved before noon. Damn! I was actually nicotine free for over 20 years, but took it up again as a crutch, because I was unable to stop drinking. I thought it would give me something do when stress hit, but when I lost my 2 years of sobriety I found I then had 2 addictions to deal with.

    Sorry about the pain. I'm sure you have heard advice until you can't stand it anymore. My daughter suffers from fibromyalgia and is constantly being given advice and suggestions, until she is ready to scream. She has done tons of research and already knows about most of the things that are being suggested. The aggravation of having to politely listen and respond kindly is very tiring, so I won't do it to you. Just hope you feel better tomorrow.
    AF since 12/2/12


      Newbies Nest

      I'm off now too....thanks so much for everyone's help I am very grateful. My husband was giving me the evils all day because I've been on here ...he likes my undivided attention but I kept at it..he went to the airshow this afternoon so I had time to check out lots of posts.....thanks for all the kind words I will be starting the nal tomorrow so we'll see how that goes Dinner and the girls (my children) now..
      Night all


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Nest, happy Friday! I wish I had time to really read through the thread but unfortunately my work is keeping me busy today. I found out last week that I will be the solution architect on a new project so this new challenge has occupied a lot of my time. Which, in a way, is a good thing... I find that I'm not craving AL so much during the day or WAITING to leave the office to go home and drink. So I'm on day 5 of accountability and feeling pretty good. I really hope I can keep this up... it seems to always be up and down with me. So grateful I have this wonderful place to vent and receive support... My wish is to also offer and give support once I have more wisdom on the AL topic.

        Snowy and cold here today in South Germany. We seriously have not seen the sun in weeks! Crazy. Jimmy... I still owe you pics so I will try to post some this weekend.

        Much love to all and know I am thinking of you even when I am not here. :l
        Would you like you, if you met you?


          Newbies Nest

          runningbird said:
          It makes me angry and it brings our lives as children to mind - understanding why giving up seems a reasonable choice ... But no no no - this brings the evil voice whispering in my head, too - ...
          "you too should give up - you went through the same childhood - you have the same pain to bury - don't torture yourself trying -relax enjoy a glass of champagne - you owe it to yourself..." "You work hard and have a good life - Champagne is your friend and whiskey is your brother's friend - you can't survive without it - don't try - life is short - everyone dies."

          That is my EXACT same thought process!!! Teaching myself how to retrain the brain....But, thinking that I "deserve" alcohol is a joke!! It is destroying my happiness, my well-being, my health, my LIFE! Life is short so why waste it drinking when all that does is make you an idiot and makes you feel like CRAP.

          I just won't anymore


            Newbies Nest

            jenniech;1471098 wrote: It is destroying my happiness, my well-being, my health, my LIFE! Life is short so why waste it drinking when all that does is make you an idiot and makes you feel like CRAP.

            I totally agree, Jennie! It makes me selfish to think that way. It makes me sit in a room alone with a bottle, which is the exact opposite of who I am and want to continue to be. As I say in my signature, that is the EXACT opposite of life.

            Drinking is preventing me from doing all the things I want to do in my life, so why do I do it?

            The answer is - I don't anymore.
            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning nest!
              I had a terrible dream that I forgot I took Antabuse and I drank. I was so scared! And I didn't decide to drink or anything, I was just all of a sudden aware that I was drinking.
              So glad I woke up to Day 11!!!
              Have a great day everyone!
              Day 1 again 11/5/19
              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

              One day at a time.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning. I hope everyone's feeling strong this Friday and made the decision to not drink this weekend.

                There are lots of posts - I just want to jump in here and remind everyone to visit the tool box - click here: and to remember that it's really important to have a firm plan in place. This is a great thread that should help you with your own plan:

                Have a great weekend - perfect for spending time getting that plan in place. I went along for quite awhile without one...I kinda thought I had one - but I really didn't. Until I took the time to give it some thought and figure out how to be proactive instead of hoping that I could resist a temptation - I kept screwing up.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 7 and smiling

                  Persephone, I am so sorry you have chronic pain, you are brave and strong and did you really say one week without smoking - you go girl!!! AF and SF you really are a clean one - love it!!!

                  Siren, Jeam - thank yo for relating - i was afraid to post the truth of the evil voice - there is strength in knowing we are not alone.

                  Today is 7 days for me - my blood pressure was 124/78 pulse 47 this morning - it is already down noticeably, (from 168/99)

                  My kids are coming tonight with my darling granddaughter so it will be e graeat evening with them.

                  Mein - it sounds as though you have truly interesting work - very impressive.

                  Okay blessings to all I'm off to the races (:hnot really races)



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nesters, and Happy First of March :l

                    A new month for new beginnings- or to continue with good habits that we are developing. I feel Great!

                    I have just a minute this morning- I am beginning my new (second) job today with my new supervisor. Kind of stressed about that, but it's all good!

                    Enough about me!

                    We have a very special award today for a very special nester - Ms Runningbird- who has accomplished her first SEVEN days and earned her full moon!

                    Running, we are SO PROUD of you! Why, I remember just last week when you popped into the nest, afraid and unsure of yourself- and just look at you today! A strong "seven dayer" full of confidence and helping other newbies. Way to go, Running!!! Thanks for joining us here!

                    And now for your :moon:

                    Keep up the Great Work!



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh my gosh, I think I hear I might get a moon - but I thought it was like the one in the sky!!!

                      Thank you!

                      I am still hanging in there for the flying underwear.

                      Have a great day everyone!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters! I haven't had time to read back in the nest this morning. I found out I have my next battle to fight against this abusive con artist I married. Yesterday, I had decided to just get on with my life and let things be after he plead guilty to a lessor charge and has to report for drug testing and DV evaluation. They decided what kind of counseling he needs and he stays on probation until September at which time if he has completed the program, all charges are dropped. :truce: I JUST WANT PEACE AND TO DEAL WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS A RATIONAL MIND AND POSSESSES INTEGRITY! Is that too much to ask? UGH! However, this can cause him some problems with his green card becoming permanent, so now he is getting a lawyer to fight. I am assuming being discriminated against as an immigrant. That's my guess on why he needs this lawyer. There goes my 'letting go'. Once again he is forcing my hand to get an attorney and protect myself. I will not take financial responsibility for someone who married me for a green card and then abused me. This man can't go back to his own country without problems because he ran here to escape the consequences there and now I am stuck fighting him from harming me. Warning, don't make emotional decisions. They can cost you so much in so many ways! I let my emotions run the show in marrying him in the first place. BIG TIME LESSON! Knowing how AL keeps us out of reality lets me see just how much damage AL can have on our lives. I, also, see how it can be a vicious circle as you suffer consequences from decisions made while this substance is effecting your judgement. You then want to drink to escape those consequences. Here we go round and round...

                        Now for the good news. I am on day 36 and have not buckled and at this point, that is quite amazing! I am TIRED of fighting with this man. Tired of fighting so many things. My purpose in life is to be a warrior? It must be because the training is downright brutal! :headbanger:


                        Slay the Warrior

                        P.S. When this is all over with, I will be for hire. :lordhelpme: Or is that lord help you! lol

                        HANG TOUGH, FOLKS! If I can through all of this craziness, YOU can too!:l
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          Haha, sorry to disappoint, RB....its just me bare arse ya get ta see at seven days. Makes ya work harder for the underpants!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Congratulations Runningbird

                            CONGRATULATIONS ON 7 Days ALCOHOL FREE Runningbird!!!!!!roud:
                            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                            ~Author Unknown
                            AF since February 4, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              CONGRATS TO SOME SOLDIERS WINNING THE WAR!

                              Almost Free for 90 Days!
                              Running Courage for 90 Days!
                              Allankey for 6 Months...Woot!
                              Star for 5 Months!
                              Runningbird for 7 Days!

                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                                Newbies Nest

                                DAY 5 BEGINS

                                Hello all, Day five begins. I am greatful to you all for your support.
                                I am sorry I have not been on much but between getting ready for a trip and exercising my self to near death I have been pretty busy. Being busy and productive sure helps me keep my mind off of the bottle. I am within 5.5 pounds for my target weight.
                                I am kinda bummed I am going to miss 8 days at the gym but I have a plan for running on the beach and doing a ton of push ups while I am away.
                                My check ins will be limited to my I phone so they will probably be short unless I go splurge on a Ipad today.

                                Wishing you all well while I am away. Keep you eye on the prize. Sober is much better than
                                being a drunk or waking up with a nasty hangover.

                                Best to you all

                                All things in time if I am Alcohol free

