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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,
    working from home today..bad headache...stress I would imagine. Gloomy and cold...I so need some sunshine and warm weather....

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      Dottie- I see you are on Lucky Day 13!!! Go, you!!! It gets better from here!!



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Hello all

        I'm enduring the day from hell at work, one more week of this then off to the new job.

        We'll done to Runnningbird week one done and not long to your moon Red :goodjob:
        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


          Newbies Nest

          rednose;1471173 wrote: Hello all, Day five begins. I am greatful to you all for your support.
          I am sorry I have not been on much but between getting ready for a trip and exercising my self to near death I have been pretty busy. Being busy and productive sure helps me keep my mind off of the bottle. I am within 5.5 pounds for my target weight.
          I am kinda bummed I am going to miss 8 days at the gym but I have a plan for running on the beach and doing a ton of push ups while I am away.
          My check ins will be limited to my I phone so they will probably be short unless I go splurge on a Ipad today.

          Wishing you all well while I am away. Keep you eye on the prize. Sober is much better than
          being a drunk or waking up with a nasty hangover.

          Best to you all

          I am so happy to see you sounding so positive. Nice job on your weight loss. Running on the beach sounds pretty amazing right now....I am getting kind of tired of the cold and the snow. Speaking of beach, do you have your sobriety plan in place to keep you strong on your trip?
          I say splurge and buy an iPad. My husband got me one for my birthday last year and I LOVE IT! I hardly use my desk top computer anymore.
          Have fun on your trip, be safe and strong.
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            :yougo::yougo:HAPPY FRIDAY!!:yougo::yougo:

            Red - Congrats on making it to day 5! I'm glad you are using your energy in a constructive way...exercise. I have recently gotten back into it too, and I forgot how good it can make you feel (when it' over, of course. lol) Good luck on your trip, and I say to splurge on an iPad...I have one and LOVE it!

            I'm happy to see so much success in the Nest! Keep at it everyone. You'll never regret not drinking!!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Starfish1;1471151 wrote: Good Morning Nesters, and Happy First of March :l

              A new month for new beginnings- or to continue with good habits that we are developing. I feel Great!

              I have just a minute this morning- I am beginning my new (second) job today with my new supervisor. Kind of stressed about that, but it's all good!

              Enough about me!

              We have a very special award today for a very special nester - Ms Runningbird- who has accomplished her first SEVEN days and earned her full moon!

              Running, we are SO PROUD of you! Why, I remember just last week when you popped into the nest, afraid and unsure of yourself- and just look at you today! A strong "seven dayer" full of confidence and helping other newbies. Way to go, Running!!! Thanks for joining us here!

              And now for your :moon:

              Keep up the Great Work!


                Newbies Nest

                spiderwoman;1471213 wrote: Hello all

                I'm enduring the day from hell at work, one more week of this then off to the new job.

                We'll done to Runnningbird week one done and not long to your moon Red :goodjob:
                Yay Spider, new job new stuff - good deal....happy weekend to you.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello, Nesters

                  Thank you to all who read and responded to my post yesterday when I was feeling so down. The process is cathartic. Sometimes just the writing is sufficient but yesterday, the validation and affirmation in your responses really helped! I'm still sort of in the same place I was but now I'm more angry than sad, I think.

                  Last night while dining at a fancy restaurant, I looked at other peoples' wine. In fact, I stared at it, trying to feel something. I certainly didn't want any, I am so glad to say. What I felt was sort of a sad bitterness that I had allowed a red fluid to hijack parts of my life. The more I looked at a glass of wine, the crazier the whole thing seemed. All of THIS because of a beverage!

                  The logical, scientist part of me wants to know how all of this happened. I don't have a life story that readily offers a reason/excuse/answer so I am having trouble understanding and forgiving myself. I feel responsible for making a horrible choice.

                  My addled AL brain sometimes used to almost wish for something bad in my past (uncovered repressed memory) or my present so I wouldn't feel so responsible for my failings. Thankfully my detoxed brain is thinking more rationally but I am really beating myself up for choosing to drink (sometime in my mid30's is when I started drinking at all - I can't even tell myself I was young and stupid) and not choosing to stop long before it became a problem. There must have been a point in there of AL-dependence, after social drinking but before AL addiction, when I could have made the choice that I finally managed to make last month - almost 20 years after my first social drink.

                  I know this is the past and it is time to move forward. Maybe this is one of the hard stages of quitting - gaining a clear view of what has been. I didn't really have to face it head on when I continued to drink. But I know I have do so now because I do not want to escape the pain of it by drinking again. I will not do that!

                  I somehow need to figure out how to follow my own MWO rule # 7 that I posted a few days ago: Be as kind to yourself as you see MWO members be to one another. (there were some exchanges in the nest last night that were beautiful - but that made me cry AGAIN! )

                  My 2 days of driving are over, thank goodness, so maybe I can take a little break from all this painful introspection. The straight, flat highways with minimal traffic here make driving too easy of a time to brood. I think I figured out some important things, though, and just need to keep working on this new and better life.

                  I am sorry about posting this downer note in what seems to be a very cheery nest. I decided to do it though because if I don't, I will have lost what I joined it for - to offer and receive support.

                  And the Several Pages in the nest thread that I have just caught up on are some of the best examples of what a community can do to help itself that I have ever seen. I never would have guessed I would feel this way but I am proud to be a member of a group that operates like this.

                  My next post here will be SHORT - I promise!

                  I hope you all have a happy and safe AF weekend.

                  Love, NS


                    Newbies Nest

                    Slaythefear;1471171 wrote: CONGRATS TO SOME SOLDIERS WINNING THE WAR!
                    Almost Free for 90 Days!
                    Running Courage for 90 Days!
                    Allankey for 6 Months...Woot!
                    Star for 5 Months!
                    Runningbird for 7 Days!

                    Indeed! :yay: for all our friends who are kicking ass! and living the life we All deserve!

                    Read back and tried to catch up on all the happenings in the Nest. Welcome to the Newbies. You've landed in a wonderful spot! I hope you make yourselves comfy and rest...

                    I find myself wanting to 'run back' here to the forum and share all the 'treasures' I find out there in the big scary/fun/exciting world out there! Thanks for indulging me, I realize that the 'treasure' is all in the eye of the beholder! LOL

                    Almost Free ~ 'Preciate your support last night/this am…Chronic pain is starting to make me depressed. I've heard Fibromyalgia is very difficult to live with; It's tough for folks to understand who don't have to deal with it. It's great you had night watch in the nest, Great Job & Thanks!

                    NoSug ~ I am saddened that you apologized for your 'downer' post. I think it's the raw and real stuff that helps us truly heal from the effects of life and issues alcohol has created in our lives. I also think sharing it with your kin here helps lighten it somehow, hopefully makes it feel more manageable. Personally, I think it can be valuable to reflect upon the decisions we've made and why we've made them. Perhaps if you can also focus on the 'good' things that are resultant as well, you can be more forgiving of yourself. You do deserve the friendship you give to others. It's the gift that you didn't give yourself initially that caused the drinking thinking/actions to begin with I suspect? And THAT is a valuable lesson.

                    Johno60~ Glad to see you've joined the nest! (Sorry I F'd up the links!) How are you doing?

                    Maibaby ~ Nice to meet you! Your kitty is BeautiFul!

                    Ican ~ Super cool idea: Strawberry/Lemon! I will definitely post in the Jar.

                    Slay, thanks for sharing this struggle you are going through (I tried reading back to find out details and didn't want to ask & have you re-hash, etc...) I have wanted to offer support...I hope you don't mind me asking, esp. if you've already shared this...but, what impact on YOUR life would it have if you simply washed your hands of this 'husband' of yours & walked away? I mean, I understand he should be held accountable for domestic violence. But would it serve you best to now just close the chapter? I say this because, now seeing things from a clearer view, I realize there are people and situations I will not be able to change and to keep them in my life will only hurt me. Does that make sense? Anyway I would love to support you in any way I can through this shitty ordeal. BTW, that Chewy is precious!!! Thanks for sharing :h

                    Dottie, SPRING is on the way! :heartsnflowers:I just notices pretty little red buds all over the huge trees outside my cabin bedroom. Sunshine is a comin' your way soon, this we can count on!

                    Runningbird ~ I am so very happy for you...I happened to be in the nest the night you came in from the 'cold, rainy, shitty' alcohol stained life. It's a blessing to be ushered in to a warm, safe shelter AND it's an equal gift to be there eagerly waiting for ravaged friends to run in and have a real offer of 'sustenance', guidance and care. What a true gem this forum is & THANK YOU to every one of you who participates. Every person is valuable, if only we could really SEE it. That is my hope for TODAY.

                    Rednose ~ Great Eff'n Job with the exercise! and day 5!…Your joy is apparent! I know how low you were and how much you were struggling. Cheers to you for loving yourself back to health! Running at the beach sounds WAY better than the stinky 'ol gym, I'm envious, LOL!

                    Spiderwoman ~ Wishing you a speeding Friday and peaceful weekend. Congrats on the new job! That always helps getting through the last week…hugs.

                    Star ~ SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU & YOUR FLYING PANTIES! You are such an inspiration!


                    OneRedShoe ~ I loved your Gratitude Jar share. Very sweet….

                    LolaB ~ Woot! Woot! for 1 yr, 5 months, and what 3 days? LOL! I think you deserve a :crowned: for your achievement!

                    Hiya Ljeanner ~ Thanks for starting the Gratitude Jar, lovely idear!

                    Wishing you all LOTS of LOVE and self care/kindness. And STRENGTH for a weekend free of alcohol and lying/cheating/thieving thoughts that it has something of value to 'ADD' to your life. It doesn't ~ don't believe it.

                    All the best, P
                    "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      :new:hello, last time when I logged in was may 2012. I have to stop drinking. Plese help me and let me know to what kind, type of doctor shoud I see to get help for my drinking problem and who can prescribe me some drugs to help


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Bellbell!
                        Byrdlady has the toolbox link on her signature. Go there first....that will be a big help...and keep reading here as the old timers (not in terms of age of course) will be able to shed some wisdom...
                        I just won't anymore


                          Newbies Nest

                          bellbell;1471384 wrote: :new:hello, last time when I logged in was may 2012. I have to stop drinking. Plese help me and let me know to what kind, type of doctor shoud I see to get help for my drinking problem and who can prescribe me some drugs to help
                          Hi, bellbell,

                          Welcome back! I think your general doctor should be able to help you but some people with more experience than I have should be along soon to give you better advice.

                          Did you hang around in the nest last time you were here? I have found it the best place to be to get the support and encouragement we all need to get off and stay off AL. Please post and tell us about yourself. And my advice is to read and post and read and post. I am not having the best day in the world but right now while I am typing this note to you, I am feeling useful. and good. Thank you for the opportunity .

                          The Toolbox probably has some new tools since you last were here -- the link is in my signature below so reading in there might be a good way to spend some time. Also, if you read back several pages in this thread, you'll get to know us better. And like I said, tell us about you so we can figure out the best was to help you get through today, and then tomorrow, and then... Just take it a day at a time.

                          I'm glad you came back.:welcome:



                            Newbies Nest

                            I just realized that the entire month of February I was AF!! That and the month of September for me.
                            That feels good....I will keep going
                            I just won't anymore


                              Newbies Nest

                              Persephone1;1471369 wrote: [COLOR=DarkGreen]

                              NoSug ~ I am saddened that you apologized for your 'downer' post. I think it's the raw and real stuff that helps us truly heal from the effects of life and issues alcohol has created in our lives. I also think sharing it with your kin here helps lighten it somehow, hopefully makes it feel more manageable. Personally, I think it can be valuable to reflect upon the decisions we've made and why we've made them. Perhaps if you can also focus on the 'good' things that are resultant as well, you can be more forgiving of yourself. You do deserve the friendship you give to others. It's the gift that you didn't give yourself initially that caused the drinking thinking/actions to begin with I suspect? And THAT is a valuable lesson.
                              Good point, Persephone. I get sick of people who apologize all the time. I guess I have spent so much time lately trying to apologize to myself, it is becoming a habit (another that I must break).

                              I am posting "normal" posts at the moment -- hopefully helpful, more lighthearted. Between expressing my angst here and elsewhere and now acting here how I like to act, I am feeling so much better. Another MWO miracle. Maybe I am a bit too attached to having immediate access to this forum all day and that is why I spiralled down so fast when I could only get online for a bit. Well, at the moment I don't care. A forum addiction does not sound like the worst thing in the world.

                              I also am going to go find that gratitude jar thread. What a great idea those nesters hatched up last night!



                                Newbies Nest

                                jenniech;1471387 wrote: I just realized that the entire month of February I was AF!! That and the month of September for me.
                                That feels good....I will keep going

                                Hi, Jennie! It is nice to have a "complete" unit of time, isn't it?

                                Since I lurked around here before I committed, at first I was thinking I wanted a Cool Looking start date (with easy math for the Roll Call!). I obviously couldn't wait 'til next year's 1/1 but I was considering this year's 2/2 and then it occurred to me that this is the kind of thinking that makes it so you can avoid EVER doing what you need to do! Then I drank too too much on 1/23 and that just sealed the deal. Boring old 1/24 is it...:H

                                WHO CARES???
                                Right now it is my favorite day ever and when my 55th birthday arrives on a 24th, the months AF will be a great gift. I will throw a party in the nest!


