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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oneredshoe, I really like your MWO rules especially the one about being completely honest, Thank you.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all! Just love waking up at weekends readyto function.u

      That was possiblythe best description of the recovery process I've seen anywhere Kuya! Thank you for posting it.
      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


        Newbies Nest

        Sat morning in a cold but sunnny Glasgow. this is day 5 for me which meant I DID A SOBER friday night.
        Keep up the good work everyone


          Newbies Nest

          I'm Strong and in Control;1471436 wrote: Day 5 today.
          After buying the 1 lb box of Frango Mints and thinking of stopping for a hot dog on the way home, realized that I'm now trying to comfort myself with food. Have to exercise that same "NO" muscle I used when beginning to contemplate that bottle of wine. All of you on this board make such a difference to me. The support is unbelievable. I know I'm not on much and hope to someday contribute - but right now I'm just happy that I'm not drowning myself in the BIG bottle of wine and waking up miserable. Happy Friday all.

          Don't be too hard on yourself,, when I saw the nurse at my review for meds and discussed my giving up booze she said it was normal to eat the sugar etc and that psychologically rewards were ok in the short term (she was talking about the first 6 to 12 months). Like most of us here I had hoped the weight would drop dramatically and I would be super-fit and full of energy. I do not see myself like that today BUT my family and friends reckon I look and behave differdifferently, I have dropped a dress size so things are going in the right direction. This has taken twelve weeks, not long if you compare it to the 30 years I was drinking. I now realise I will get where I want to be as and when my recovering body can cope.
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Newbies Nest

            Jagman;1471534 wrote: Sat morning in a cold but sunnny Glasgow. this is day 5 for me which meant I DID A SOBER friday night.
            Keep up the good work everyone
            Well done you - it gets better and better :goodjob:
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Newbies Nest

              The last message was brief as the previous 2 rambling ones I did I couldn't post for some reason but I totally agree with you Spiderwoman, this is the first Saturday in months I,ve woken up feeling ok. But in actual fact I've woken up feeling great. This time last week I was so hungover having spent about ?80 on a big night out in town....'in the pursuit of happiness'!!!
              I picked up some kudzu yesterday, this site reccommends it. I'll let you know if I feel it makes a difference.

              All the best eveyone, have a good, healthy weekend.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Kradel, just happened to wake up for a drink of water and thought I'd check in here to see if anyone was up. Hey, it happens. We are human beings, not superheroes. Just dust yourself off and keep going. You are such a kind and encouraging person. Be at least as kind to yourself. I always remember how I was up late one night, struggling and you stayed up with me, chatting and encouraging me. It meant a lot. I only wish I had been up earlier when you first posted.

                Hi to Onered, Jagman, Spiderwoman and Runningbird. Going to go back to bed. See everyone in the morning. Have a good night's sleep, everyone.....
                AF since 12/2/12


                  Newbies Nest

                  hmm, somethings wrong. It doesn't feel normal. I'm missing something this morning...... oh thats it, I haven't taken painkillers because I don't have a hangover!

                  phew...! Knew I'd remember what it was

                  Spent most of last night speaking to my friend who was getting completely drunk and wasted on drugs as well. Have to say the deterioration of his speach was so fast I got quite embarrassed that last weekend that was me. (minus the drugs though).

                  Kinda looking forward to tonight night now. How odd.

                  Kuya, you sumed up my previous weekends perfectly!!!!

                  Day six today and already my sleeping feels so much better. Like the return of an old friend! yay!


                    Newbies Nest

                    BENEFITS OF REM SLEEP! (DRUNKS DON'T GET IT!!)

                    REM sleep is very important. (Drunks don't get it!!) benefits include our minds being able to process emotions, memories, and stress much clearer. There has also been studies that show REM sleep helps our brain learn and develop new skills. During REM, you are most likely to dream. There are different theories as to why dreams occur. Researchers wonder if dreams are the brains way of handling information we get during each day. Dreaming has much more to be discovered about it. Since REM sleep is so important, if it is disturbed one night, your body will make up for it the following night with even more.

                    Making sure you get the right amount of sleep will have your body reaping the benefits of what REM has to offer. One effect REM sleep has on someone is their mood. Studies has indicated that REM sleep can boost a person's mood throughout the day. You may be wondering how you can get more REM sleep. It is actually pretty simple. Adding as little as a half hour more of sleep, preferably in the morning, can boost your REM time.

                    Changing your way of life so that every night you can get the proper sleep you need is key. Improving your daytime habits is one way. Staying away from food and drinks that can change your sleep is also a factor. Having a suitable sleep environment will allow you to rest comfortably. Probably the most important step out of all is to create a bedtime routine and stick to it. Doing so will allow your body to get into a pattern and will always enter the REM realm. You will feel the difference when your mood is better, and you are energized and ready to conquer your day.


                      Newbies Nest

                      That might explain why I've just been walking around my town smiling On a Saturday morning no less!!

                      Btw I love these kinds of informative posts Dimension it really helps. I also find the fact that the people here seem to know exactly whats going to happen with my moods as the days goes by. Like feeling I could always moderate my drinking instead after about 4-5 days AF. Thats so true! Makes it easier to know that feeling will pass.


                        Newbies Nest

                        SPIDERWOMAN: don't diminish your weight loss.....You have lost an ENTIRE SIZE since December? That is fantastic!!!!!

                        Losing weight is a nice benefit from not drinking but the goal here is to stay sober FIRST. That is the top priority. I say this easily but it is hard to deal with. I myself want to lose 30 pounds (maybe more depending on how that feels) but right now, so early in sobriety, I am trying not to kick myself about eating. I eat as healthy as processed foods, no fried foods, no red meat, etc. BUT, I DO treat myself to dessert at night. This is sabotaging any rapid weight loss, but it is worth it. WHY? Because I REALLY want it and it is my "reward" for not drinking that day. I truly enjoy it. I don't pig out....just a nice small bowl of lowfat ice cream or a few cookies or some cereal with my camomile tea. I see this as a TEMPORARY flaw. Once I feel strong with enough time under my belt I will tackle the diet. In the meantime, I am very SLOWLY losing fat....I can see it. So patience patience patience......

                        LOVE DD's post about REM sleep. I don't think I had any REM sleep for several years. I almost feel newborn because I was this empty shell from drinking....Now, I am REALLY experiencing emotions....not just depression from the alcohol. When people say "how are you?" I can HONESTLY say "I am great" with a big genuine smile, instead of "good" with a fake smile.

                        Happy Saturday nesters!!
                        I just won't anymore


                          Newbies Nest

                          jenniech;1471582 wrote:
                          ....Now, I am REALLY experiencing emotions....not just depression from the alcohol. When people say "how are you?" I can HONESTLY say "I am great" with a big genuine smile, instead of "good" with a fake smile.
                          Happy Saturday nesters!!
                          Good morning, Nest

                          You posted something about emotions last night, too, Jennie, and it got me thinking. I wasn't experiencing the good emotions but bad ones were dulled, also (is this part of what kept me drinking???). I think I was living in a very narrow emotional range. Which isn't really LIVING.

                          I wonder if that is part of why the times I have felt bad this past month, I have felt awful. Those episodes have been bad, and thanks to you here who have helped me, but if that is the price to really enjoy life, I will happily pay it! --- it is so wonderful to actually feel happy, excited, enthused, etc. instead of telling myself that what I'm doing is fun or exciting and I should be feeling those emotions.

                          Thanks, NS


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oneredshoe;1471493 wrote: Dear Nosugar,

                            This is my opinion on forgiving oneself. I feel that we often have a hard time forgiving ourselves for we may feel like we are condoning our past actions. We punish ourselves with guilt and shame, but this doesn't make us stronger. It holds us in the past and weakens us, making it harder for us to heal. Forgiving yourself will not change your past, but it can and will make your future so much brighter. Forgiving ourselves is very hard but is in my opinion necessary in order to build our house on a strong foundation. Being kind to ourselves is to forgive ourselves......I think you should make it an addition to rule #7. I am sending you love and peace.
                            Thank you for posting this.

                            I know that you are right. My head knows you are right. How can I convince my heart and make it real? That is what I have to figure out. After the last couple days of thinking and thinking and desperate posting, the strength I have gained from people here has gotten me to a place this morning that I at am at least ready to work on it. - just am not quite sure how to do it.

                            As a first step, I think I will go over to the Toolbox, where I also posted that list and add a rule # 8 (I think it needs its own number!). Thank you for digging up that post (I am amazed you could find it in this very busy nest).

                            Someone on MWO has a quote in their signature line that has at the end something about when we forgive ourselves we are wise. I know it has to be done to move forward and to successfully stay off of AL. I am going to keep reading and posting and thinking (more productively, I hope) until this clicks.

                            Thank you for all the love you give in the nest, OneRedShoe. I am always happy when I see Maggie and know there follows a post from you.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning everyone. I am having to work today, so am about to run out the door, but first wanted to say: WELCOME home Kuya!!! We missed you and will be glad when you are back full time!
                              Also, I believe we have an award winner today!! Ms LJeanner!!! I think LJ has earned the most prestigious and highly coveted full moon award for achieving seven days without entertaining the beast, AL.
                              So LJ- here you are::moon:
                              We are so proud of you!!! Keep up the great work!!!



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                runningbird;1471514 wrote: Oneredshoe, I really like your MWO rules especially the one about being completely honest, Thank you.
                                Those weren't my rules......I just realized the whole thing didn't come though when I cut an pasted it. Those are Nosugars brilliant rules.
                                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                                ~Author Unknown
                                AF since February 4, 2013

