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    Newbies Nest

    Hey, NoSugar, Thank you for your kind words. It makes me feel good, too, to be acknowledged. Some days I have felt invisible. Thank you so much for your posts. They give us all so much to think about and consider. Especially the ones about forgiveness for ourselves. How we torment ourselves and keep ourselves from feeling good about ourselves and worthy of happiness and a better life. You are such a wonderful source of wisdom and encouragement. So glad you are in the Nest with us. It helps tremendously to know that others here care about us and share our burdens with us.
    AF since 12/2/12


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Colulmbia, how are you doing today? One quote from AA that I really loved was: 'Let us love you until you can love yourself'. We try to do that here too.
      AF since 12/2/12


        Newbies Nest

        oneredshoe, what a hilarious story about all the tail-wagging doggies at the park. Animals are so sensitive to human emotion. What kind of dog is your maggie? What a gift to get all that puppy love! My day is going pretty good. I have to get myself into work mode soon (writing deadlines), but slept in until 10am, made an omelette and now I am finishing watching Star Trek (movie).


          Newbies Nest

          columbia;1471667 wrote: thanks everyone for the forgiveness quotes.............. i am truly working on that this very moment...........its a struggle to look at the past events and know that i actually was a part of them............i am trying to look forward.........eventually......will get there.
          Well please post any successes you have!!! I'm glad to have a pal on this part of the journey.:welcome:


            Newbies Nest

            Forgiveness quote

            I just found this lovely quote....this goes out to Nosugar, Columbia, Almostfree and anyone else struggling to forgive themselves.

            "The car you drive has a large windshield, but only a relatively small rear view mirror. The implication is obvious: what happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. Where you are going is much more important than where you have been. If you stay focused on the past, you're liable to miss numerous excellent opportunities ahead."
            ~Joyce Meyer
            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
            ~Author Unknown
            AF since February 4, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Great quote!


                Newbies Nest

                ljeanner;1471671 wrote: oneredshoe, what a hilarious story about all the tail-wagging doggies at the park. Animals are so sensitive to human emotion. What kind of dog is your maggie? What a gift to get all that puppy love! My day is going pretty good. I have to get myself into work mode soon (writing deadlines), but slept in until 10am, made an omelette and now I am finishing watching Star Trek (movie).
                My Maggie is a black Labrador, she is a field lab. So she is much smaller than a "block head" lab. She is actually the dog that is my avatar. Writing deadlines? What are you writing? I hear ya about getting into "work" mode, I really need to clean today but am just not motivated as my Husband is out of town for the night and all I really want to do is enjoy some nice peace and relaxation that is so overdue.
                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                ~Author Unknown
                AF since February 4, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Almostfree.....I just want to hug you, your story made me cry! You are so very strong. I am sending you a cyber hug :l
                  "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                  ~Author Unknown
                  AF since February 4, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    NoSugar;1471658 wrote: Hello again, OneRedShoe.

                    I'm generally a "I want things to happen overnight" kind of person. That clearly is not happening here....
                    I probably should work on patience while I'm working on forgiveness.

                    I posted above some quotes I found re: forgiveness. I read several others, too --- it is a very good way to spend some time when you are struggling with problems like most of us are right now.

                    So, here is what I've come up with for Rule # 8:

                    8. Forgive yourself - the past can't be changed but the sober you can live your best possible life beginning now. I was told by a wonderful person here on MWO that 'the person you will be NEEDED this addiction'. I can see fleeting glimpses... The failures and struggles are humbling me and as I work through the addiction and careening emotions, I can feel myself softening and becoming more tolerant and compassionate. I'm looking forward to being the New Me --- she is going to be much more fun and loving than the old one!

                    Please DO keeping checking on me - it makes me feel very protected and secure to know that individuals really care.
                    That is why I so admire the many Nesters who manage to keep everyones' names and stories straight and send out messages of support to individuals. It is wonderful to hear your name called out, even a screen name!

                    And I've got your back, too, OneRedShoe. If ever I can do something for you, just let me know!

                    Love, NoSugar
                    SO LOVING RULE #8......Nosugar you truly are an inspiration!
                    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                    ~Author Unknown
                    AF since February 4, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oneredshoe;1471680 wrote: I just found this lovely quote....this goes out to Nosugar, Columbia, Almostfree and anyone else struggling to forgive themselves.

                      "The car you drive has a large windshield, but only a relatively small rear view mirror. The implication is obvious: what happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. Where you are going is much more important than where you have been. If you stay focused on the past, you're liable to miss numerous excellent opportunities ahead."
                      ~Joyce Meyer
                      GREAT ONE!! THANK YOU!!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Maggie is adorable. Just a little gal.

                        I write freelance. Mostly copy and business writing. I am writing a business plan for a client and another really exciting project that involves grant/proposal writing. I mostly write grants for a living, but I was recently contracted to create/write a grant writing workbook for a local community. Super amazing contract, but a huge task. Being AF will help me stay focused!

                        Enjoy the peace. Take a day off and relax. The house can wait another day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          ljeanner;1471693 wrote: Maggie is adorable. Just a little gal.

                          I write freelance. Mostly copy and business writing. I am writing a business plan for a client and another really exciting project that involves grant/proposal writing. I mostly write grants for a living, but I was recently contracted to create/write a grant writing workbook for a local community. Super amazing contract, but a huge task. Being AF will help me stay focused!

                          Enjoy the peace. Take a day off and relax. The house can wait another day!
                          Maggie is a little one until she decides that sleeping on me is more comfortable than sleeping next to me....:H:H:H
                          Your work sounds like a huge task.....I have a hard enough time forming my thoughts to post on here, I couldn't imagine writing grants, proposals let alone an entire workbook on it.
                          You have a wonderful night as well.
                          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                          ~Author Unknown
                          AF since February 4, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks so much Onered. I loved your quote. In fact I think I will print it out and put it on the wall. Along with NoSugar's wonderful posts. Especially the ones on forgiveness. Love you all!

                            p.s., what a sweet dog you have, Onered. She looks like she has a calm, sweet spirit, too.
                            AF since 12/2/12


                              Newbies Nest

                              Peeking in and sending hugs to all. I am still working at an event today. Love and strength to all



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                almost free;1471718 wrote: Thanks so much Onered. I loved your quote. In fact I think I will print it out and put it on the wall. Along with NoSugar's wonderful posts. Especially the ones on forgiveness. Love you all!

                                p.s., what a sweet dog you have, Onered. She looks like she has a calm, sweet spirit, too.
                                Almost free.....I have a fun idea that maybe you might want to do, how about making a "vision" or an "inspiration" board. Do you have a piece of wall space, preferably somewhere you could see often and easily? The front of your refrigerator would be great as well, but you could start collecting quotes that inspire you or bring you peace, goals that you want to reach, things of that nature, places you would like to visit etc, and you could place these visionary tools where you could see them. Just something that would be fun, easy to do and remind you of the things that make you happy, the things that inspire you and goals you want to reach.

                                P.S. my little Maggie is very sweet, calm on most days,:H she is the sunshine in my life.
                                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                                ~Author Unknown
                                AF since February 4, 2013

