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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Third attempt

    Good morning all....I am now on Day 2 of AF. I have had to re-register because my username and password don't match, however they did. In any case, maybe I shouldn't even try logging out???? Any ideas??

    :new: and pretty scared but also hopeful that I can stop drinking, I really appreciate reading all your posts and hope I can become an active member of your community. I have already learned some inspiring things by reading others posts.

    I have been drinking daily (up to 2 bottles of wine) for as long as I can remember with very few dry days. I have embarrassed my family on numerous occasions and I am so fed up with myself. I am on my own for the most part during the week because my husband works away from home. I have a married daughter, dog and cat.

    Last night was awful, anxiety itching and a feeling of choking. finally got to sleep about 1 a.m and up at 6. Well, I won't ramble any more. I look forward to talking with you all soon :thanks:
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Milly and welcome to the nest, don't be scared you'll find lots of friendship and support here - we're a nice bunch (even if I say so myself!) We all know what you're going through so pull up a branch and welcome to the nest


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks, Sooty, I will be sure to gather some twigs (maybe that will keep my mind focused, lol).
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          Newbies Nest

          Hello to all. I am new as well. I found this site in the summer and did register and did not do anything with it. I am ready. Funny, I am not feeling all guilty and upset like when I usually want to quit. I am taking this peaceful feeling as a good sign. I guess I drink 12-20 beers a week. I understand that's way too much, especially for a woman. (with our different metabolism, etc.) I don't drink everyday, but just about. Guess this started regularly about 13 years ago. Time to stop. Seems like a good day to do so. How are all of you this morning?


            Newbies Nest

            Hello everyone,
            Just working M-F and this year is stressful to say the least. When i got home friday i told my husband I really could go for a glass of wine right now like we used to do> He said something like no you really do not want to do that and you dont need that to relax, we are in this together and he made me some tea and i thought he really has come a long way too in this journey..Today is 2 months day 60 something i never thought possible 3 months ago. People on this website who I have never met have helped me so much it helps to read what you all post so many people share this struggle...Thanks to you all..Very cold here in Ohio fall is here. I do not mind fall it is beautiful with all the colors i just hate what comes after it!!!! I had the most restfull day yesterday just watching movies and reading books lots of time on the couch me and both was great..Friday night my older son called me late (late to me not to him) and i did think in the old days the machine would pick it up since i would of been too drunk to talk to him by 10:00 p.m. and we had a nice conversation no more guilt or shame due to my drinking and i do take it one day at a time as we all say....I told both my sons i quit drinking (too add to the pressure to stay sober the more people who know i do not want to let them down)
            take care everyone


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,

              Queen ? I love to hear stories like yours. They are very inspiring to me as a newby!

              Hi Milly ? I had a pretty bad daily wine drinking habit too. I know what you mean about feeling a bit scared, (just ask Lavande, I?ve attached myself to her apron-strings. Lavande do wear aprons?) Anyway, welcome, you will find much support here.

              Hi Bonanza ? sounds like you are in a good frame of mind! Welcome.

              Sunshine, glad you have family to be with this weekend. I need to work on de-isolating myself. I built a wall of bottles around myself ? ya know so I could drink and no one would know! Ha, now I see that it wasn?t a wall at all, just a blurry window I could glimpse life through ? and what do you know ? people on the outside could see me too. And here I thought I was hiding!

              Hi Lavande ? I checked out the sugarloaf link. Definitely would love to snag one of those leather purses by Gregory Roche, but a bit out of my price range. Love to do the art fairs, though. Lucky Mr. Lav! Have fun!

              Tranq ? doing well today, just trying to make sure I get a bit of walking in every day and finding ways to stay calm/relaxed. Love the idea of getting into yoga again. I did some time with Hatha yoga years ago and remember feeling totally energized but peaceful afterwards. I ordered some hand weights to work out with at home, too. So at this point I?m feeling like there is a lot of good intention, just hope I can follow through!

              Mermaid, glad you are doing well! It really feels so good without the AL and hangovers doesn?t it.

              Hi WitchyTrix, Sooty and everyone else posting here. And Chicken, where for art thou? You got me off to a wonderful start gathering pearls here!

              Going to make a big batch of soup to go with the crisp autumn air.

              Have a great day everyone.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone
                Just checking in to say THANK YOU for replying to my post, I really don't want to go to AA meetings, I am quite self conscious and it scares the hell out of me. lol. I am starting to feel like maybe I'm not the only one struggling with alcohol and it is SO reassuring to me. I read a post yesterday that sounded so familiar regarding putting her wine in her coffee cup and drinking before company came - that is exactly what I have been doing!!! ::I will be on this site frequently, hope you all have a great day it is sunny and cold here, going shopping with my daughter (always a fun thing!!).
                Take care
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello my fine feathered friends. I know, I am not around much these days. I am working in Dallas, TX. Finally my Travel Nursing dreams have come true. Something for Renewal:

                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Milly24;729209 wrote: Hi everyone
                    I read a post yesterday that sounded so familiar regarding putting her wine in her coffee cup
                    Take care
                    I must have missed that post Milly. I thought I was the only one that did that! Amazing how so many posts resonate here, huh?

                    Hi Sea.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Milly and welcome.
                      I'm new here too.......I think it's been two weeks. I'm in the same boat with everyone- been drinking for some 20 years every day. My choice is wine. Boxed wine- the kind with the great spout that keeps on pouring!!
                      The bit about the coffee mug- ha! I remember putting wine in my insulated water bottle to take along to my boys BMX racing events!! WOW!! Nobody knew??

                      BTW ~ can anyone tell me how to join the chat room? It says "error- username invalid" when I try.......


                        Newbies Nest

                        Going a bit nuts

                        Hi everyone
                        Well, my earlier enthusiasm and optimism is waning, this is the time of day when I usually start drinking.
                        I have no energy at all.
                        My resolve is still strong and I am sure with the support of family, friends and this group I will make it.
                        I hope everyone has had a good day.
                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Milly, are you taking anything to help curb the craving? I'm taking Kudzu, and a lot of folks say L-glut works well too. Early evenings are when I start thinking about the stuff, too, but it has really been very good so far with a supplement to help take the craving down a notch or too.

                          Hang in there!

                          See everyone tomorrow.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Tranq, I really don't enjoy cold weather outside activities either. I just dust off the Dreadmill and get that going A flight down to chicken's beach party will be a nice distraction, ha ha.

                            Mermaid, hope day 2 went well for you - hang in there, it gets better!

                            Welcome to Milly & Bonanza, glad to have you with us. Pull up a comfy twig & settle into the nest with us. You might just learn a useful thing or two here
                            And don't forget to check in as often as you necessary to stay focused during these early days, it really helped me a lot!

                            Queen, a big congrats on your 2 AF months! Fantastic, I'm very happy for you, knew you could do it
                            I hope your sons were happy to hear the news & proud of their strong Mom!

                            Finding - the leather purses, actually everything in that shop were very, very nice & out of my price range too. You can always dream, right? This is soup & homemade bread season for me as well - soul food

                            Hi to Sea, hope you had a good weekend!

                            Franzia, how are things going for you?

                            Well, the BD party for Mr Lav went well. I made an old fashioned (high fat) apple cake - everyone likes it. Both kids and their spouses were here and the grandbaby of course. We had baked Ziti & sausage, roasted chicken & broccoli, yum

                            I'm tired a good way but ready to sit & veg for a bit.
                            Have a safe night in the nest everyone.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello everyone... very quick fly-by.. one tired birdie here!
                              Power outage most of the day... long trip to visit my daughter, got lost on the way there AND back :blush: (Google maps are NOT what they're cracked up to be!) and just got back through the door. More tomorrow!

                              Flying low tonight; sleep well, birdlings!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks, Lavande for the boost and to FindingMyself for your concern re: cravings. I have not tried anything yet, suppose I should think about it. Just feeling really blah and having a bit of a pity party (all by myself). But no booze, yeah!!!!
                                Hope you all have a good night.
                                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

