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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good to see ya back Kuya


      Newbies Nest

      Runningbird - going for a run in the foothills while snowing sounds absolutely wonderful! I work out every day and I have always wanted to be a runner. For some reason, it is just too painful for me. Be grateful you can do it!! And escaping by going for a long run certainly beats escaping by drinking a bottle!!

      DAisy: it take s courage to come back after a slip. speaking from experience. The great news is, no one in the nest looks down on you! Do you know how many slips I have had???? I mean I can't even count - they were DAILY for a long time. It will happen. But Kuya is right, you need to come to the nest BEFORE your drink.

      I think I am going to spend some time today making a list of the good memories I have of my Dad. Since I have confronted my AL problem, I keep thinking about him... Why did he choose alcohol over me? Why didn't he do everything conceivable possible to get himself help? Why? I need to stop hanging on so tight to these thoughts and focus instead on the good memories I had with him. Honestly? I will have to really sit and think about it because the bad memories are getting in the way.....that does not help me.
      I just won't anymore


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nest!
        Hope you are doing ok Daisy.
        Kuya, I love your posts. Keepin' it real every day! Looking forward to getting to know you.
        Jenni- I think that's a good idea. I often wondered the same for my prints, and brother. I don't want my kids to be saying that when they grow up about me. Maybe I will start something like that for my brother. God, I miss him so.

        I woke up at 5:30 like "Boing!" New day, and it's Day 14 for me today. I like this new me and I think I have a LOT more energy and positivity now that I am not polluted.

        Wishing everyone a beautiful Sunday.
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters!!

          Wanted to get a couple of awards out before heading out to church this morning. Looks like we may have double moons today for two of our brave and strong nesters, red nose and dayum. Could it be SEVEN days here already?? You guys are AWESOME, kickin ALs arse and showin us all how it's done... We are SO proud of both of you. Keep up the great work
          Red nose and dayum :moon::moon:



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Newbies Nest

            And daisy....:l
            Just dust yourself off and get going again. We love you!!!



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Happy Sunday Nesters. It's a beautiful weekend and my Bean soup turned out great at yesterday's living history event! It's a wee bit of a chilly day for a "Wienie Party". Today the girls doxie club is having a St. Patrick's day party. They Emailed a request to come in costume. I think they mean the dogs should dress up but I think I'll do the same. I have a fun hoodie that's tie dyed with green colors and some green John Lennon style sunglasses. This morning I got their box of clothes out to see if we had any GREEN things for them to wear. I found last years shamrock neck ties...perfect! Now...where did I put that green nail polish???? :H Have a peaceful happy and sober Sunday...everyone! :h:yay::wavin::eeew:
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Newbies Nest

                Starfish1;1471931 wrote: Red nose and dayum :moon::moon:
                Indeed, Congrats on the Moons!

                Mornin' Nesters,

                Kuya's in the House! You well rested I presume? Clearly missed by many, but good on you taking time for yourself.

                Hey Slay, you doin' ok? Where u at? Been on my mind...Sending you love :h

                And BTW, anyone know what happened to Tess? It's been a coupla weeks me thinks

                Daisy ~ Glad you came back and are goin' at it again. It takes courage to change & share it here. You are SO worth it.

                'Tis SO NICE waking up on a Sunday MORNING, hangover~less, well~rested, with lappy & coffee in hand checking in with you fine folks. This is a damn good life. Not a moment of regret, I miss none of it. Honestly. AND NOW DAY 11 WITHOUT THE CIGS! That is HUGE for me folks. It's only been (only...geez) 7 - 8 years of smoking and drinking, but man the toll on my body and psyche is evident to me.

                I got into this mess as I decided to have my 'twenties' in my mid-thirties after my daughter grew up and out...I was a young, single mom and gave up the 'fun' years to raise a child on my own. The first years of 'the party~girl life' were fun, I will admit. Going to clubs and shows in LA several nights a week. My problem is that the gauge that 'normal' drinkers have that tells them, 'YEP, YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH NOW' is broken in me. I like MORE and INTENSE! And I sacrificed so much and was over~responsible for so long...I DESERVE to be self~indulgent! I DESERVE to check out & to drink myself into oblivion! WRONG! I burnt myself out with that mentality in about 3 - 4 years. The past coupla a years have been pure hell. Spiraling out of control. NOT FUN & NOT PRETTY. When I decided it was time to give up the alcohol I did struggle, alone, for quite a while before the 'quit' finally stuck. It takes time and patience and perseverance.

                I cannot be more grateful for finding this site & the kind and loving lot of people here. And for the self~love that was always in there, just buried. Its worth the fight, I promise.

                Wishing you all a lovely day. Whatever it is you're needing, I hope you come here 1st to find it and don't waste your precious energy looking for it in a bottle. It won't be there...:l

                All the best, P
                "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Daisy, you are not gave me the courage to come back here and post.....I too am on day 1 again.
                  Junta, you are absolutely right about coming on here before I pour a drink.....but the impulse is so strong and so sudden sometimes and I just don't feel up to fighting it at times.
                  I was feeling so differently in January when I could fight off the urges and temptations.......I'm not really sure where that feeling has gone, but I do want it back

                  I will spend some time reflecting on that today and start to make a plan again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    very quick post, thank you for the award! What a strange time in my life.

                    Keep strong everyone you guys really help!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Rule 8 modified

                      Oneredshoe;1471691 wrote: LOVING RULE #8.

                      Hi, OneRed, We had quite a day yesterday in the Nest, didn't we? There were only a few of us in here but we sure were busy. And I enjoyed being with all of you!

                      Turns out that right now, Rule 8 is a work in progress. I need a rule that I can try to follow even though the control-freak part of me doesn't have all of the answers that enables it to relax and be quiet.

                      The good news is that the input from all of you on MWO is helping me develop this. So here is where it stands right now (I consider it a DRAFT because Final Rules need to be a less wordy - as do my posts!!! ):

                      8. Forgive yourself - the past can't be changed but the sober you can live your best possible life beginning now. I was told by a wonderful person here on MWO that 'the person you will be NEEDED this addiction'. I can see fleeting glimpses... The failures and struggles are humbling me and as I work through the addiction and careening emotions, I can feel myself softening and becoming more tolerant and compassionate. I'm looking forward to being the New Me --- she is going to be much more fun and loving than the old one!
                      8B. Forgive yourself even if you don't know why you did this/why it happened to you; even when you don't know whether you played an active (did it) or passive (happened) role. It doesn't matter now because you are not going to do it or let it happen to you again.

                      Well, it turns out I'm back on the straight, boring highway again today where I tend to think too much so look out nesters!!!! .... you saw here what happened last time... :H:H:H

                      Have a wonderful day, everyone.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Sunday Nesters!!

                        The Nest is so active with posts I will never catch up! Life has been so busy for me the last 2 weeks, and now I am on day 17! The only time I really thought about AL was on the morning of day 14 when I was distressed about running late for work. So I ended up thinking "wow...I don't need to drink in the morning & not at all really. Turned out to be a great day for me! Friday evening AL showed up again briefly when I was just exhausted. So I had tea. Have had the hypno CDs going most all night and day. How can I drink while having that kind of reinforcement? Seems sacriligious!

                        Jenniech ~ Great idea to write a positive memorial to those who are no longer with us. One of my younger sisters died of liver failure 2ndary to alcoholism at 34 years-old. finally died of alcoholism. My mother finally died of alcoholism after 20 years of Wernicke - Korsakov dementia.... it is hard to retrieve the good times, but I know they existed. Honoring that can be healing I am sure!

                        Running Courage ~ I sympathise with your losses, but echo other Nesters in that dealing with them sober is LIFE. Wish I could still run... great stress relief!

                        Nursie ~ Congratualations on 14 days! Well done. I, too, find I am happy to wake up these days!

                        Hippyman ~ What total fun with your doxies! You are raising the bar for this old hipppy chick, having fun without abusing the body!! One of the "reasons" for my last few years of downward spiral was the loss of my 4 dogs & 5 of my 6 cats when the ex abandoned me...

                        Daisy~ You go girl! One of the numerous self-growth programs I've done taught that you can only harm yourself if you are behaving unconciously, & you need to search back to the thoughts that got you there. First you do it after a "slip" of whatever type, then during the "slip", then you begin to recognize it before the "slip" so it never occurs....

                        Got to get my day started. Going to bead show with a good friend! Some day soon I know my work will decrease & I will post more.

                        Thank You Nesters for being here andmaking the Nest so positive and real!
                        Be Well,

                        The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


                          Newbies Nest


                          jIMMYDAMA, I posted a reply to your dream on the dream warriors thread.. No worries my friend! All is OK!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oh my goodness, I can't believe I didn't run to MWO on March 2 and say FOUR MONTHS!. :woot:It is unbelievable to me that the time has flown so quickly. I don't post as much but I read when I can. I have been busy trying to clean up the mess after our "plumbing issues". they cut through the concrete floor and there is concrete dust EVERYWHERE! Yesterday spent the whole day wash walls in one area only.

                            Enough about me. I am glad to see new success stories as I read through the postings that I can. I am also glad that there are people who slip and still don't give up. One of these times it will be the quit that sticks.

                            A common subject or question that I read in the nest is not being able to understand why a loved one didn't quit sooner or at all. This is a very hard question to answer. I asked that same question of my brother. He lost so much because of alcohol. Now, however, I know the answer. It is hard! :headbanger: I did not drink even 1/4 of what he drank but I am learning how hard it is. Without this forum I would not have done it!!!!! Think of how hard this quit has been for you and that is with this forum. How hard would it have been for your friends or loved ones without this tool. I am 54 (almost 55) years old and I have just decided enough is enough. Some of our friends and loved ones were taken before they got to the age were you look back and think, "What the hell was I thinking?" "Is this all there is?" "How much have I missed out on in my life because of alcohol?" I found turning 50 made me ask those questions. It took me 4 years and MWO to really get it.

                            Does having 4 months mean I am out of the woods? NOPE! Not even close. Spring is coming. This is a trigger time for me. When the 4 feet of snow melts and the sun starts warming the ground so the tulips can start to grow again. This is when I will want to go sit out on my deck on my deck swing and have a cold one. AL will be definitely puffed up and ready. I therefore have to have a plan. I haven't figured that out yet but I will have to work on it soon. LOL Also camping is coming!!! OMG I think I just heard AL laugh with that cynical laugh he has. :H OK I better go and make a plan right away! :bat I will type another day.

                            Well, those are my thoughts for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful, sober, day.
                            AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                              Newbies Nest

                              May I have a moon please????????

                              :neway 7, HERE I AM!!!!
                              Starfish1;1471931 wrote: Good morning nesters!!

                              Wanted to get a couple of awards out before heading out to church this morning. Looks like we may have double moons today for two of our brave and strong nesters, red nose and dayum. Could it be SEVEN days here already?? You guys are AWESOME, kickin ALs arse and showin us all how it's done... We are SO proud of both of you. Keep up the great work
                              Red nose and dayum :moon::moon:
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nanette.....thanks for and everyone here at MWO help make me believe that one of these quits will stick

                                To I'm Strong......I'm sure Starfish will be back shortly to award you your "moon"........ Congratulations to you! Well done!

