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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Not Perfect..

    Thanks for the support guys! I'm not going to try to be perfect, as that is a recipe for disaster in my case.. But I for sure MUST stop the binge cycle.. I felt rather buzzed on Sat.. It was late, and my fear of "the binge" kicked in.. So I went and ate like a pig.. It made me tired and I went to sleep.. (Before I would have watched the sun come up, slept all day and started again the next night.) Wanted to drink on Sunday night, which was a red light! So I just again ate a lot of good food and took a few aspirin and went to bed. Now I'm OK, no urge to drink.. But I must always keep reminding myself of the consequences!


      Newbies Nest

      jimmyDama.....that is a really scary story. I couldn't imagine how the family's of both people feel. I thought we were on the same are you feeling about hitting 30? I feel like a kid the night before Christmas. :H:H
      "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
      ~Author Unknown
      AF since February 4, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        DD and Fin.....the weekend got me too.....I drank wine on Saturday I'm back too. Even though I've had many more AF days than I've ever had before, I still feel like I can be lured too easily.
        Takes a lot of fight, doesn't it!
        Rednose.....good for you for fighting it off....someone placing wine in front of you and you NOT drinking it speaks volumes for your resolve.


          Newbies Nest

          Evening all, hope everybody has had a great day, it feels like Thursday night not Monday night to me! Off to try and read back a bit.
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello nesters!! HOpe everyone is staying strong. This is such an exhausting learning process!! I learn something new about myself EVERY day
            I just won't anymore


              Newbies Nest

              ooh, it's quiet in the nest today, is everyone napping?

              AF since 12/26/13

              "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                Newbies Nest

                witching hour here......making dinner alone in the kitchen....that was when I was slugging down a bottle when i was actively drinking. Not tonight and I don't want to (thank goodness) but dealing sober can be such a CHORE
                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  Eat well, and then put yourself to bed, or read a good book, (my personal fave, I have a thing for paper, ya know)or even watch a great movie. Just keep being busy. You're doing so well!

                  AF since 12/26/13

                  "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                    Newbies Nest

                    Overit44;1472761 wrote: ooh, it's quiet in the nest today, is everyone napping?
                    Overit44.... It is really quiet today. I am taking a little break from my meal preparation. I am attempting to make a combination lamb and beef Kafta. Holly cow it is a lot of work. I had to toast coriander seed and cumin seeds and then grind them up in a marble dish. Chop a bunch of "stuff", I hope this turns out. I am more of a baker. but gave up sugar so thought I would try my hand at cooking.
                    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                    ~Author Unknown
                    AF since February 4, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      watched half of Les Miserables last night and will watch the other half tonight. That is something I would NEVER watch drunk.....I am not big into musicals, but this movie is very intriguing (except for russell crowe who should not sing in public) I have a newfound respect for Ann Hathaway.

                      If I were drunk? I would have passed out 10 minutes into the movie.
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        One-how you doing on that sugar thing? I've been on such a bender with chocolate lately. I know it's giving up the sauce and my diet soda in the AM that is triggering it, but it's outta control. It's taken the place of the old beast, I start thinking about it at 11, by 3 I'm imagining it for my desert that evening, I sneak a pack of M&M's on the way home and pretend I didn't have any. Sound familiar? Is there a pill for that too? I'm a mess, if it's not one thing, it's another. I wonder if I can become addicted to broccoli or spinach?

                        AF since 12/26/13

                        "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                          Newbies Nest

                          Overit....the short answer is no. You will only become addicted to things that make you want to put a bag over your head. Mind boggling. :bagdude: B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Checking in with the nest!
                            Had a good day, no cravings, took my Antabuse.
                            My thoughts are clear, I have energy and more energy! I feel rested!

                            One day at a time, I am healing.
                            Day 1 again 11/5/19
                            Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                            Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                            Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                            11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                            12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                            One day at a time.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Nursie .... even though I'm just finishing up Day 2, I feel much the same as you. Good thing too, as I had to look after my 11 month old Grandson all day .... and take him to the doctor. He's had diarrhea over the weekend and a low grade fever. Bathed him this morning because he'd made such a mess and spent the day comforting him. Poor little guy.
                              Thank goodness I was well rested and feeling fine myself in order to deal with it all. Have a feeling I'll be doing the same tomorrow!

                              Byrdie and Overit .... why is it all the "bad" stuff is what tastes soooo good! I'm loving my little bit of chocolate after dinner as well. Keeping it to one or 2 pieces though...... mostly because I eat too much throughout the day and I'm too stuffed for more. Not good either! ....LOL!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jenni --- enjoy the rest of Les Mis ..... I still laugh, because when my hubby and I went to the movies to see it, he commented that he had NO IDEA they would sign the whole thing! I loved it.....but I agree with you about Russell Crowe. Why did they ever cast him in that?!

