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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone
    Did lots of long driving stretches today (idle mind had lots of daydreams/cravings/scenarios of getting a bottle of red wine). It is funny because there was no way I was going to pull off the tollway (in the snow and cold) and buy a bottle of wine. I don't even want a glass of wine. Yet I had to keep telling myself "no way". I must admit that I've been tired this week, not sleeping well and had a bit of a headache - would love the mind/body numbing passing out. Actually, no - I wouldn't love that. I'm still having the disturbed sleep that I had when drunk. I've eaten more chocolate and sugar last week than I think I did in all of 2012. I can use a nudge in getting myself down to the healthclub. Anyone else here old, overweight and lazy that can give me a push? Intellectually, I know it would help me feel better, keep my head straight and help me sleep . . . yet here I sit on the couch with keyboard. Since hubby is away this week, I've also been real lax with the housework, dishes, mail, everything. The house looks like a depressed, disturbed person lives here - because one does!!! I have been forcing myself to go out and be with people I care about (that don't drink), so I'm using the excuse that when I am home, I'm totally spent. Not sure why the low energy - other than depression. I'm really rambling here. Sorry that I'm still in the "ME-ME-ME-all about ME" stage. Just want to thank you all for being here - I know someone is listening. I did not drink today. Day 8.
    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


      Newbies Nest

      I'm Strong and in Control;1472808 wrote: Hi Everyone
      Did lots of long driving stretches today (idle mind had lots of daydreams/cravings/scenarios of getting a bottle of red wine). It is funny because there was no way I was going to pull off the tollway (in the snow and cold) and buy a bottle of wine. I don't even want a glass of wine. Yet I had to keep telling myself "no way". I must admit that I've been tired this week, not sleeping well and had a bit of a headache - would love the mind/body numbing passing out. Actually, no - I wouldn't love that. I'm still having the disturbed sleep that I had when drunk. I've eaten more chocolate and sugar last week than I think I did in all of 2012. I can use a nudge in getting myself down to the healthclub. Anyone else here old, overweight and lazy that can give me a push? Intellectually, I know it would help me feel better, keep my head straight and help me sleep . . . yet here I sit on the couch with keyboard. Since hubby is away this week, I've also been real lax with the housework, dishes, mail, everything. The house looks like a depressed, disturbed person lives here - because one does!!! I have been forcing myself to go out and be with people I care about (that don't drink), so I'm using the excuse that when I am home, I'm totally spent. Not sure why the low energy - other than depression. I'm really rambling here. Sorry that I'm still in the "ME-ME-ME-all about ME" stage. Just want to thank you all for being here - I know someone is listening. I did not drink today. Day 8.
      Hello ISIC,

      I was so cold by 8 pm of the first couple weeks of quitting, I had to go to bed to get warm. I didn't have much energy to do anything, including even caring about that. Pretty much all I did was read posts on MWO and learn to post.

      I would just go with how you feel. Your body is having to adapt to some new fuel sources - it was used to the high octane stuff!

      The lethargy passes. I sometimes stay up all the way til 10 pm now!:H

      Have a relaxing evening, NS


        Newbies Nest

        I'm strong...I felt as if I had flu like symptoms the first couple weeks. Tired, achy, grumpy, dizzy, dopey...all of the dwarf like symptoms associtated with a flu. It wasn't that at all, I was changing over fuels...and my body was adjusting. Be good to yourself, keep hydrated, and eat what you want...what your body calls for (except THAT). Get plenty of rest....You will be right as rain in no time. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          What an amazing nest we have ATM.

          Elliesmum .....congrats, I can't believe your 30 has come around so quickly. I remember your first post, so sad and so desperate. Look at you now girlfriend !

          Slay ..... So sorry you are in a rough patch. It will pass, hang tough girl.

          Just a reminder to all, first response to a desire to drink is to EAT well and drink water, regardless of what your mind 'thinks' it is. This has and continues to save my quit.I have still lost 11kg in the last eight weeks and NEVER been hungry.


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters whew I'm tired! Baseball game an hour away from home each way we tied 2-2 like kissing my sister, haha. My guys played like crap tonight! 15 k's tonight, they haven't had 15 strike outs all season oh well that's what you get with 14 yr olds. I
            heard all about the tournament this past weekend ( my son is on the team as a sub) bringing in beer in diet coke cans all evening, don't miss that at all.
            Read the online version of local paper about the bar murder, it's gonna be front page tomorrow, my friend is really freaked out and I think she was a little more waxed than I thought last night.
            That was so terrible, I'm really feeling it tonight didn't get to sleep until after 2 am. I am glad i was able to help but I need Boundries that was crazy she's almost as old as me and I know I'm too old for that craziness!
            Onered, it's so hard to believe almost 30 the first 10-15 days were pure hell but I'm feeling so much better, and spending a lot more time with my family kids and wife. That is really making the time fly, work has been crazy also.
            I'm so blessed and thankful I'm welcome here in the nest I have and will continue to recommend this for anyone struggling with AL.
            Thanks so much for the encouragement and kind words, I love you guys, thanks!!!
            Oh I have to confess.....I ordered myself and my son each a double patty cheese stuffed battered and fried burger for supper, I couldn't help it thank God it's an hour away
            My wife thought we were crazy, until she took a bite Good night my friends, I appreciate all of you! Thanks for being there!:h


              Newbies Nest

              jimmy: whew! That burger sounds slightly filling and HEAVY...but you go!! Isn't it great to indulge in food? And remember what you ate?

              Hats off to sound very strong
              I just won't anymore


                Newbies Nest

                I'm chuffed to bits with my full moon award!!!!. Celebrated with a trip to the gym and ran for an hour, albeit at a slow pace! I've entered the Edinburgh Half Marathon on April 14 so there's another target to keep me healthy.

                It's my birthday on Thursday, I don't think I've done one of those sober in 32 years but I'm going to do it this year.

                Thanks for the help and good luck everyone today.:thanks:


                  Newbies Nest

                  ISIC - I have been very lax, too. I need to get my butt onto the treadmill and bike. One thing that always works for me is to sign up for a race at a reasonable time in the future. Something about paying money for a race gets me moving. Look for a 5K race in the June or July time frame.

                  I use the PodRunner interval training series on iTUNEs. It's under podcasts and it can take you from couch to 10K. It's very motivating and has some pretty good music, too.
                  Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning all, i'm here again and this time I PROMISE myself 30 days straight. No bargains, no deals, just 30 days. I'm a mess and I'm tired of it. Time to clean up and stop this nonsense! I will read back today and see how everyone is doing. So glad to see you all again...:l


                      Newbies Nest

                      odat1234;1472956 wrote: Good Morning all, i'm here again and this time I PROMISE myself 30 days straight. No bargains, no deals, just 30 days. I'm a mess and I'm tired of it. Time to clean up and stop this nonsense! I will read back today and see how everyone is doing. So glad to see you all again...:l
                      Good morning ODAT.
                      What is your plan for this quit that differs from the previous ones? I replicated an experiment way too many times without changing any variable. Not good science!!!
                      Maybe you could post your plans and give some ideas to other people on day 1.
                      Be strong!!! - NS


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdlady;1472817 wrote: I'm strong...I felt as if I had flu like symptoms the first couple weeks. Tired, achy, grumpy, dizzy, dopey...all of the dwarf like symptoms associtated with a flu. It wasn't that at all, I was changing over fuels...and my body was adjusting. Be good to yourself, keep hydrated, and eat what you want...what your body calls for (except THAT). Get plenty of rest....You will be right as rain in no time. Byrdie
                        I feel like I've been run over by a truck. I remember hangovers that felt like and detoxing was not fun either. This is the time I've been sick since I've been sober. Hippy is spending the day in bed today. I somehow picked up a cold over the weekend. I've had a talk with myself...self I said "You do not use your body for sickness. Health must return NOW". I'm feeling better already (cough, sneeze,cough) :H Even for an old Hippy like me, the body is self healing as long as we stop poisoning it!
                        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
               Newbies Nest
               Tool Box
               How to get a sobriety plan


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters!

                          Short and to the point this morning. There is nothing that alcohol will make better. There is always something alcohol will make worse.

                          Hang tough even if it seems like life is crashing down around you. You'll want a clear and healthy mind to build it back up.



                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Friends,

                            Just wanted you to know I am praying that we ALL have a great day today! I like what Slay just said. There is nothing that alcohol will make better. There is always something alcohol will make worse. I had to say that to myself repeatedly over the past few days, but it worked, and I am really glad I did not drink! Jimmy, that burger sounds AWESOME!!! Jennie, I want to see Les Mis!!! Hippy, sure hope you feel better soon!!! Kuya, SO HAPPY you are back!!! Welcome back ODAT!!! Hi NoSugar!! Mornin' my Byrdie!! Love to all those I missed! Off to work now-



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning all......just a quick check in.....grandson is down for morning nap so grandma here gets a few minutes. I slightly pulled a back muscle putting him in his crib. Will ice it and stretch before it gets worse (I have a history of terrible back pain).
                              Hippy.....sorry to hear you are under the weather......your doing the right thing by just taking it easy and letting your body do its recovery work without stressing it further
                     stomach cringed as I read your burger description .....I love my burgers, but afterwards I feel almost sick. They don't agree with me like they once did ....that is probably a good thing..LOL!
                              ODAT...welcome back.....this is where you need to be....we all do.
                              Kuya....good to see you are back too....hope things are a little brighter for you.
                              NoSugar....always enjoy your posts!
                              And a good AF day to everyone here!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters, I had a really special post prepared but it went away, I'm pretty savvy with this tech stuff not sure what happened, y'all have been spared

                                One red congrats on your 30 that is so awesome! :goodjob: how does waking up every morning " UNHUNG" feel? I know I'm loving this, I was in such a bad, dark hopeless place a month ago, I was ready to give up even had those very crazy life isn't worth living thoughts,
                                I'm so grateful so thankful so appreciative that I landed here when I did! I firmly believe that it was Gods hand in this, Thanks everyone again I truly consider you all my friends,

                                I have a lot of unlearning and relearning to do and a long hopefully very long and happy journey ahead of me! Thanks again everyone, I am eternally grateful!

                                A former best friend used to say, will it matter tomorrow, next week or next year?
                                Usually it wouldn't don't sweat the small stuff, it's all small stuff :thanks:

