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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome back Sharky and Odat. We are glad you're here. USE us. By that, I mean, when you have a thought or urge to drink, come here first. Someone is always around...and as you know, no drink feels better in the morning. If you'd take 30 seconds to check in here before you pick up that glass...I bet you will be amazed at what happens. So USE us! That's why we're here! As Hippyman says, This time 4 Sure! B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Bobby. I agree with Almost Free and want to repeat-

      Continuing to drink will only make your depression worse.
      The FIRST thing you need to do is to stop drinking. I know it is very hard to do, but you can not think straight until you do this. You will continue to feel confused and depressed. Once you get a clear head, you will see things differently and be able to handle the situation more effectively.

      We are here for you, Bobby and we can offer suggestions, but WE can't stop drinking for you. Only you can do that. How about it?



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Odat 1234, Sharkey, how you doing now? hope it's slowly getting better, tomorrow will be slightly easier, just remember that.
        This time last week I was where you are, keep strong.


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdlady;1473044 wrote: Welcome back Sharky and Odat. We are glad you're here. USE us. By that, I mean, when you have a thought or urge to drink, come here first. Someone is always around...and as you know, no drink feels better in the morning. If you'd take 30 seconds to check in here before you pick up that glass...I bet you will be amazed at what happens. So USE us! That's why we're here! As Hippyman says, This time 4 Sure! B
          Thanks Byrd, Star and Jag and all. Very glad to be back. Byrd - this is so true and I wish I had checked in this weekend as I cracked beers at 9:00 am on Sat and Sun - drank all day and tried to pretend I wasn't drunk, lieing to family etc... Disgusting and needs to stop. Get the anxiety with this which I know is all due to AL - but I prentend isn't and complain about it. New day New week.
          Thanks everyone!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome back Sharky. Glad to see you back. Just to get reacquainted, I went back and read your previous posts regarding your family, children, etc. Have you re-read your posts? Sometimes it helps to put things in perspective and bring us back to reality. Good luck to you.

            AF since 12/26/13

            "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



              Newbies Nest

              Congratulations OneRed & Jimmy - saw what you'd achieved earlier but finding it difficult to post from work this week for some reason (problems with wi-fi I think)
              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                Newbies Nest

                Overit44;1473092 wrote: Welcome back Sharky. Glad to see you back. Just to get reacquainted, I went back and read your previous posts regarding your family, children, etc. Have you re-read your posts? Sometimes it helps to put things in perspective and bring us back to reality. Good luck to you.
                Thanks Overit - You had sent me avery nice and encouraging email. I will re read my posts. I think sometimes you get caught up in the moment - feel so down you are ready to quit. Suddenly 4 days later - ahh I feel great now and then loose it again. Time to change that attitude/thought. Thank you for responding. Been reading some great posts and need to take it to heart but also apply it. Thanks!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sharky-that's great. I remember reading that you were most moved by your families reactions and thoughts towards your drinking. That has to be a huge moitvator, when we remember it. Letting down or hurting my husband just rips out my heart and I want to make sure I never do that again.

                  I posted my story on "tell us your story" when I first quit and have been updating it. That way, when I feel cocky, or tired or whatever I can go back and remember why I am here.

                  AF since 12/26/13

                  "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                    Newbies Nest

                    Nesters, so many of you are doing so well , oneredshoe and Jimmy, many congrats on your 30 days.

                    Sometimes this nest and, indeed this forum is so comfy and non-judgemental that there is a risk we forget the life threatening disease we are all here to fight.

                    I post this, not to be hard, but to remind each and every one of us the progress and outcome of failure in this battle.

                    No one can make you stop drinking and stay stopped.....but there comes a moment when each of us wakes up to this fact and grows the feck up !

                    The following is done with care and concern.



                    Originally Posted by paulywogg
                    holy smokes! my tolerance is though the roof! i thought oh not dinking for a bit would dry me out and it would be a splurge to have a few,not so,it takes alot to get buzzed! wtf?im baffled,irritated. quote.

                    I want to explain this Pauly cos it is very confusing.

                    If you drink every day, your body is damaged badly but your tolerance does NOT increase rapidly.

                    When you stop, the alcohol pleasure receptors in the brain actually increase in number. When you relapse and drink, you therefore require MORE alcohol for a buzz and when you try to quit again it is harder. You will also start having blackouts. You have become a binge drinker.

                    This effect is called 'kindling', if you want to research it.

                    So we people, who have lost our 'off' switch for alcohol long ago, are faced with three stark choices.

                    1. Continue as chronic alcoholics where death is slow and involves organ failure and brain damage. Past a certain point sobriety does not bring much repair to either brain or body.
                    These are the old drunks we see, they cannot work, cannot eat because their biochemical pathways are completely fucked. Since they are brain damaged they are rarely too unhappy.

                    2. Become a binge drinker. The periods of sobriety allow SOME repair but the increased tolerance leads to blackouts, DUIs, and violence. The binges get longer, jobs, houses, spouses and friends are lost. Suicide is the common resolution to binge drinking.

                    3. Abstainance ...for life. Full recovery is possible if too much damage has not been done. The person can return to a normal, full and successful life. Recovery takes commitment and patience. Care must be taken with diet, rest and adaptations to lifestyle and associates.

                    Pauly, I have admired your efforts this last little while. 40 days is no mean feat, but it took me four months to start to feel 'normal' and I really WANTED to quit.

                    You do have choices, they are detailed above.

                    I counsel you to stop whinging and choose one of them.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Kuya, I thought that was a very powerful post the first time still is.

                      None of us (as much as we try) can get you sober if you aren't done with it. Maybe we can raise awareness and such, but all of our preaching and our posts aren't going to work until you are ready. I am referring to YOU as in the general one specific.

                      I wish folks could see that the little struggles and discomfort we have for a SHORT while, are NOTHING compared to the rewards that being AF offers. I say little struggles because in the grand scheme of what we've done to ourselves for years, it is a small amount of time...and a small price to pay for what we get in return.

                      Can you imagine what would happen to a beautiful houseplant if you poured a cup of vodka on it every day? We are no different than that...we are living things, killing ourselves with this stuff. Please try and get control of your mind and your will never regret being sober!!! EVER!
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello nesters

                        Perfect post kuya- just what I need to read :-)


                          Newbies Nest

                          Great post, Kuya. When you are in the clutches of madness and self destructive behavior it is so hard to grasp on to the reality in that post. I have had my periods when reading that would not have meant anything to me even though it should have. There is such a different mind set when your body is full of poison. It becomes a vicious circle.

                          I'm working on my fourth floor changes...these may require an extra sharp sword and an extra sharp mind. God help me on the later. :H

                          Follow the rainbow folks. I was having a conversation with my friend this morning and she mentioned this quote in relation to our topic:

                          "To Thine Own Self Be True"

                          How can any of us do that if we don't get rid of this 'SELF' poisoning substance? If you've fallen, stop right now and get back up. The road to success can leave failures behind.


                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                            Newbies Nest

                            love the posts everyone....
                            had lunch with colleagues from work today. Since it is Tuesday, I assumed I would be safe but NOOOOO...they both ordered a glass of wine!! The smell was almost unbearable. I suffered through the lunch..even comments like "this wine tastes so is going straight to my head"

                            IT is over. Thank goodness. It wasn't that I wanted to drink (I think this time around I have brainwashed myself enough to know in my heart it is poison to me) but I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE.

                            I am telling myself right now to NOT let the poor me's filter into my thought process.

                            It is so true - this quitting thing sucks the big one. BUT, drinking and feeling like shit with a hangover is SO MUCH WORSE....
                            I probably could have had one glass of wine with lunch but then do you know what would have happened? Of course you do. I would have gone back to work, felt shitty and then there would have been a 95% chance that I would have stopped in liquor store for bottle of wine on my way home. Thanks but no thanks....those odds are clearly not in my favor.
                            I just won't anymore


                              Newbies Nest

                              So proud of you! I can truly relate to how hard it must have been - I'm clenching my teeth. Its over. You made it. Battle won. How do you feel?
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jenni-AWESOME job in haning tough at lunch. That is one battle behind you. As Byrdie says "move along, nothing to see here" That's great, put a star on your calendar for today.

                                AF since 12/26/13

                                "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


