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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ku, we need to put something in the Tool Box about kindling, don't you think? I just looked ALL THE WAY thru it and I thought there was an article by Mario but I can't find it. Do you have somepin, or should I go look for Mario's? t
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Sorry - I'm lost too. What is kindling. Can you PM me link also.

      I'll read anything that keeps me away from the alcohol.

      Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


        Newbies Nest

        I just bumped up a thread about Kindling in the new post section...there's a link there. But if you aren't a PHD, it is a bit technical...I wish there were something a bit simpler to Patrick's 'Just Stop it!' B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Byrd-LOL! I just love Patrick's "just stop it" It's on my level!

          BTW-I do remember you going through your father's passing, thanks for thinking of me.

          AF since 12/26/13

          "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdie.......I think my post is simpler

            I will repost it anyway.......sorry for those who have seen it.

            Nesters, so many of you are doing so well , oneredshoe and Jimmy, many congrats on your 30 days.

            Sometimes this nest and, indeed this forum is so comfy and non-judgemental that there is a risk we forget the life threatening disease we are all here to fight.

            I post this, not to be hard, but to remind each and every one of us the progress and outcome of failure in this battle.

            No one can make you stop drinking and stay stopped.....but there comes a moment when each of us must wake up to these facts. It is a downward spiral

            The following is done with care and concern.



            Originally Posted by paulywogg
            holy smokes! my tolerance is though the roof! i thought oh not dinking for a bit would dry me out and it would be a splurge to have a few,not so,it takes alot to get buzzed! wtf?im baffled,irritated. quote.

            I want to explain this Pauly cos it is very confusing.

            If you drink every day, your body is damaged badly but your tolerance does NOT increase rapidly.

            When you stop, the alcohol pleasure receptors in the brain actually increase in number. When you relapse and drink, you therefore require MORE alcohol for a buzz and when you try to quit again it is harder. You will also start having blackouts. You have become a binge drinker.

            This effect is called 'kindling', if you want to research it.

            So we people, who have lost our 'off' switch for alcohol long ago, are faced with three stark choices.

            1. Continue as chronic alcoholics where death is slow and involves organ failure and brain damage. Past a certain point sobriety does not bring much repair to either brain or body.
            These are the old drunks we see, they cannot work, cannot eat because their biochemical pathways are completely fucked. Since they are brain damaged they are rarely too unhappy.

            2. Become a binge drinker. The periods of sobriety allow SOME repair but the increased tolerance leads to blackouts, DUIs, and violence. The binges get longer, jobs, houses, spouses and friends are lost. Suicide is the common resolution to binge drinking.

            3. Abstainance ...for life. Full recovery is possible if too much damage has not been done. The person can return to a normal, full and successful life. Recovery takes commitment and patience. Care must be taken with diet, rest and adaptations to lifestyle and associates.

            Pauly, I have admired your efforts this last little while. 40 days is no mean feat, but it took me four months to start to feel 'normal' and I really WANTED to quit.

            You do have choices, they are detailed above.

            I counsel you to stop whinging and choose one of them.

            What is true wisdom? To eat when you are hungry and to sleep when you are tired.

            Alcoholism & Other Addictions a useful link summarizing nutrition, alcohol and deficiencies.

            A lie is a lie even when everyone else believes it, and the truth is the truth even when no-one else believes it.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone,

              I was so unnerved by the 'kindling' research, I did a little searching. It seems that the worst thing that contributes to kindling are multiple withdrawals, as in regular binge drinking, followed by regular cold turkey withdrawals. They fare even worse than the daily drinker who consumes a regular amount on a daily basis for long periods, and only occasionally attempts to quit cold turkey.

              I've heard that cold turkey withdrawal can be very dangerous, even fatal. They are starting to recommend that if you can't get some kind of medical help, i.e. valium or ativan, to help you through them, you should do some kind of a taper. Each harsh withdrawals contribute to the kindling effect, so it's better to taper off. The tricky thing of course is maintaining the taper and not having it slide back into just another day of drinking.

              I've done my share of cold turkey and have only attempted to taper, a few times. It did work for me. I stayed away from my drink of choice, which is wine. I purchased a couple of large, dark beers and 'nursed' them throughout the day, like a dose of medicine, to relieve the shakes. Two of them got me through the day, and I went out and got another aroung dinner time. It did the trick for me. I woke up the next morning feeling much better and was able to have a pretty good day one and continued on with my sobriety.

              I am alarmed by the news about the kindling effect and feel so bad for those suffering through the hell of withdrawals, unaided. Not sure if a beer taper would work if that is your drink of choice.

              I found this website and have posted it here. I was unable to post it as a 'clickable' link, but here it is:

              How To Taper Off Alcohol

              It addresses tapering and also kindling, further down, toward the end of the article. Hope this helps someone.
              AF since 12/2/12


                Newbies Nest

                Oh, I guess the link does work. Read the part about kindling. It really makes me mad, how they used to make people go cold turkey, without giving them any relief, as a way to 'teach them a lesson'. It is barbaric and makes me so mad to read that. Thank God they are changing their thinking about this approach....
                AF since 12/2/12


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters! I'm pretty tired and a bit wigged out from the paint fumes I've been exposed to today, so I didn't read back much. I have noted the conversation on kindling. Kuya, have you ever heard of MCS? Kindling has been a theory in that condition, too. We have to do our own homework because so many dangerous things for us are in our everyday life. I stay clear of chemical exposures the best I can after having been sick for many years, but was exposed today by no choice of my own. Not fun! So everyone get your heads on straight and give this all you got! Health is a precious thing to waste. Lately, I'm amazed at how much I've taken for granted the fact that I escaped an almost fatal health condition for years and then went off and celebrated with AL. Wow! Slay has really been waking up lately. Get rid of this poison. If you wait until it's too late, you will realize just how stupid you've been. Sorry...I don't mean to sound mean, but your health is so important and you want to keep a hold of it as long as you can. This is within your control.

                  K9, I hadn't replied to your post on the bullet. I went out and reloaded up on all kinds of goodies. I started with Kale and spinach in my mini blender, but this time I purchased Dandelion Greens, Red Romaine Lettuce and Parsley along with a host of fruits and carrots. I was using Hemp hearts in it daily, but today I threw a handful of walnuts in it. I think my body is saying, what the hell? LOL!!! I used to think eating healthy was more expensive and maybe it is, but as I add the loaded smoothie in, I'm eating a lot less. I've been eating flax seed muffins for breakfast, too. It's amazing, I've broken my cola and junk food habit and it's really not hard. My body wants the healthier stuff and the cravings for the junk is vanishing. I'll talk more on the juicing thread when I'm not wigged out from paint fumes. I like this new lifestyle...good food and yoga and some other things. Really helps promote that we don't want or need the AL. So much better to feel healthier.

                  Well everyone hang tough and if you are struggling, YOU have to make the decision to make a go at this. There are plenty of good folks here that will help you in your fight against this poison. Grab a hand, but bring your decision to do it with you.



                  P.S. - If this message sounds different, trust me it's not AL. I really do get sick around strong chemicals.
                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                    Newbies Nest

                    Slay, what is MCS ?

                    I want to start juicing and need to get a decent blender and recipes.....any suggestions ?


                      Newbies Nest

                      almost free;1474227 wrote: Oh, I guess the link does work. Read the part about kindling. It really makes me mad, how they used to make people go cold turkey, without giving them any relief, as a way to 'teach them a lesson'. It is barbaric and makes me so mad to read that. Thank God they are changing their thinking about this approach....
                      I know. When I read that article it blew me away. Where they describe the Blackouts and Convulsions with binging Over and many people do that...the weekend users, or vacation users. Freaks me out



                        Newbies Nest

                        thelaststraw;1474312 wrote: I know. When I read that article it blew me away. Where they describe the Blackouts and Convulsions with binging Over and many people do that...the weekend users, or vacation users. Freaks me out

                        Well be a little freaked, it is healthy

                        But YOU are never going back there so don't worry!

                        The whole 'relapse is a natural part of recovery' mantra is a crock of sh**e IMO, once you are armed with knowledge and support there is NO reason to relapse.

                        And don't listen to repeat relapsers's like trying to learn juggling from a one-armed man !


                          Newbies Nest

                          kuya;1474305 wrote: Slay, what is MCS ?
                          Multiple chemical sensitivities


                            Newbies Nest

                            I am trying its so hard when your in fear for your life. I live in a very rural area of SC .. I am doing everything I can besides to drink. I know my dang job almost cut me for telling off someone. That nasty hangover or is the booze still in me. I dunno I thank this whole forum and everyone that has helped calls keep coming what else can I do


                              Newbies Nest

                              NoSugar;1474318 wrote: Multiple chemical sensitivities
                              Ah......Joan Larsen refers a lot to chemical sensitivity in her book 'seven weeks to sobriety'. A big factor in alcoholism, apparently.

                              Bobby....staying sober is the ONE thing you CAN control right now.


                                Newbies Nest

                                kuya;1474314 wrote: Well be a little freaked, it is healthy

                                But YOU are never going back there so don't worry!

                                The whole 'relapse is a natural part of recovery' mantra is a crock of sh**e IMO, once you are armed with knowledge and support there is NO reason to relapse.

                                And don't listen to repeat relapsers's like trying to learn juggling from a one-armed man !
                                Oh, I know. Reading about Kindling REALLY made my mind up to abstaine, no relapse.

                                I used to go to the gym to be finished before the bottle stores opened at 8a.m., but now it will not bother me and I don't have to go to the gym at 5a.m.!!!!!!!!

                                THANKS TO THE ADDITIONAL WELL WISHERS ON MY 30 DAYS. IT MEANS ALOT TO ME.:band2:


