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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hot Dam, Rednose!!!!!! It's GREAT to see you! Buckle in and hold on! We've got your back!!! Here is the butt velcro! B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters, it's been absolutely crazy lately, short handed at the office, last 3 days baseball and track every night with my kids!
      Feeling wonderful welcome newbies this is a very special place with wonderful caring people

      One red loved your post!I
      forgave myself, taking great care and caution not to condone my past actions, but allowing myself to leave my past where it belongs, in the past, so that I may move forward into my present life.
      I learned that I was a people pleasing care giver to a fault. I conditioned people in my life by allowing them to take full advantage of my inability to say NO, spreading myself too thin and unable to concentrate on my own well-being. This had to stop, and was met with great resistance by some. Poor planning on their part no longer constitutes an emergency for me, freeing me from taking responsibility for their actions or lack of. This is not to say that I have turned into some cold hearted witch, I simply make my priorities a priority.
      I no longer avoid nor do I allow anyone to diminish my negative feelings or emotions. Nor do I dwell upon them either, I embrace them for what they are and what has caused them, this has been important for me, it has helped me to move forward in my own personal healing and recovery journey.
      I know that my journey is far from over. I know I will face future challenges. This time around I have and will continue to guard my sobriety with all of my might, no matter what the cost, 100% commitment, because living my life by not living my no way to live!
      A big hug and much love to all of you for all of your support, words of wisdom and guidance.

      Totally awesome one red!!!

      Congrats last straw wow keep going!
      Gotta run to work going to the beach with my wife and a few other couples, they didn't want to drink around me told them this is my life and y'all do what ever y'all want, I'm worrying about me! Packed case of diet snapple tea, monsters low carb I'm ready))
      Take care my friends. j


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all,
        Byrd I am saving that is something I struggle with too.
        Lots to do today to get ready for my big club event tomorrow. Weather is better so I hope folks will come out and spend money.....
        Back later.

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          I am starting over at day one also. I thank you all for the support. Today I am totalyy Alcohol free .. I am at my parents homes. I am a month away from turing 36, and the woman of 5 years I was with just took off. She did call me and sais I do love you but will not give up the name of the friend she is with. I have been at only one job for since 17 years of age they did show respect for me which I was glad and told me to take a "few days off " the threantning phone calls seem to continue I do not pick up the phone. se wants something like body lotion to give to her I said I will compensate I just do not want an trouble everything I say I will pay out of money its like just another way of taunting me. so sorry for the drinkinkg . I just don't know what else there is to turn to


            Newbies Nest

            Bobbyslife;1474658 wrote: I am starting over at day one also. I thank you all for the support. Today I am totalyy Alcohol free .. I am at my parents homes. I am a month away from turing 36, and the woman of 5 years I was with just took off. She did call me and sais I do love you but will not give up the name of the friend she is with. I have been at only one job for since 17 years of age they did show respect for me which I was glad and told me to take a "few days off " the threantning phone calls seem to continue I do not pick up the phone. se wants something like body lotion to give to her I said I will compensate I just do not want an trouble everything I say I will pay out of money its like just another way of taunting me. so sorry for the drinkinkg . I just don't know what else there is to turn to

            Bobby, I can so relate so having a broken heart and turning to drinking to make the pain go away. I was dumped for a younger guy and it hurts like hell I can't deny it.
            I too am starting out at day one today, So why don't you and I stay in touch and give each other a hand up when needed.
            I have to say her leaving is what made me take a close hard look at my drinking and I realized I was out of control. Since she walked out the door I have approximately 38 out of 45 day’s alcohol free which is an amazing feat for me.
            I am sending you strength to get thru this one day at a time.

            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


              Newbies Nest

              Did you know it was women's day today ladies? I didn't know there was such a thing, but I was checking my fb page and look what I found. They are honoring you, Byrdlady. lol

              Thought I'd share. Attached files [img]/converted_files/2069768=7493-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

                Great post, Jimmy. We posted about that to each other before. I must have missed oneredshoe's post. I'll go back and find it.

                From Oneredshoe's 30 Day post.

                I learned that I was a people pleasing care giver to a fault. I conditioned people in my life by allowing them to take full advantage of my inability to say NO, spreading myself too thin and unable to concentrate on my own well-being. This had to stop, and was met with great resistance by some. Poor planning on their part no longer constitutes an emergency for me, freeing me from taking responsibility for their actions or lack of. This is not to say that I have turned into some cold hearted witch, I simply make my priorities a priority.
                I no longer avoid nor do I allow anyone to diminish my negative feelings or emotions. Nor do I dwell upon them either, I embrace them for what they are and what has caused them, this has been important for me, it has helped me to move forward in my own personal healing and recovery journey.
                I know that my journey is far from over. I know I will face future challenges.
                ABSOLUTELY!!! This is so common with so many of us. Love this, oneredshoe. A second congratulations to you because it's not just about giving up AL, it's about healing ourselves in other ways, too. :l


                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Newbies Nest

                  NoSugar;1473868 wrote: What a beautiful post, OneRedShoe!

                  I couldn't sleep because of thoughts tumbling around in my head so decided to check in here.

                  Your post was a like a tasty and satisfying middle of the night snack! . I feel much calmer after reading it a couple times - thanks. Your words make me feel great for you and for what it tells me about those of us flailing around right now ( ok - Me - you don 't sound like you are flailing at all!) - we can forgive ourselves and make a choice to change some things about ourselves that are inhibiting us from living the life we need to be living to be fulfilled happy human beings (not human doings - Kuya put that in a post one time and I think about it All of the time - I am a great Do-er and don't even know how to Be).

                  I could have written words similar to some of your sentences from my heart and I want to have some of your others be true for me as well (e.g.: " I no longer avoid nor do I allow anyone to diminish my negative feelings or emotions ").

                  From the things I know, our lives are quite different (what we Do) but I have seen similarities in who we Are. I really enjoyed "hanging out" in the rather empty nest with you last weekend - you were supporting me during one of my self-forgiveness struggles. I'm really glad you were there.

                  Your 30 AF days - the things you wrote about yourself and the kind but motivating words you wrote to others inspired me to hang in there several times. And now thanks to you, I might get a little more sleep !

                  I hope we remain AF MWO friends for a long, long time!

                  Love, NS
                  Nosugar.....I am sorry it took me a while to reply to your post, my schedule was a little crazy this week. I really enjoyed that weekend in the nest where there were only a few of us taking up more than our share of cyber space :H, all of us were walking each other through some rough spots, that is what a community and friendship is all about.
                  The "doing" and the "being".....well this is something that I am still working on, but have made some pretty significant progress by my standards. This is going to sound a tad ridiculous but I am learning a lot about the "being" through my Maggie. She doesn't really "have" to "do" anything but she is always delighted to do what she is doing, nothing is a chore for her. It may not make a ton of sense, but I am a simple gal and it works for me.:H
                  You won't be getting rid of me anytime soon Nosugar, I am here for the long haul, you can count on that!:l
                  "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                  ~Author Unknown
                  AF since February 4, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks, Slay! It's nice to be appreciated as a girl!!
                    Bobbie and is great to have a quit buddy. Some days it seemed like that is all that got me thru...I knew if SHE could do it, well, I ought to be able to as well. We have ALL been on day 1...that is where the magic begins. We are so glad that you are both here with us. There is nothing that AL is going to make better...It's a LIE!

                    Friday is just another day...not a free pass! Stay strong today and tomorrow you will be so happy that you get to rack up another day! You will never regret a day spent sober!! Hugs all, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Slaythefear;1474738 wrote: Great post, Jimmy. We posted about that to each other before. I must have missed oneredshoe's post. I'll go back and find it.

                      From Oneredshoe's 30 Day post.

                      ABSOLUTELY!!! This is so common with so many of us. Love this, oneredshoe. A second congratulations to you because it's not just about giving up AL, it's about healing ourselves in other ways, too. :l


                      Sure is Slay, healing ourselves in other aspects of our lives truly does allow us to move forward in our lives. If we don't we will be "stuck" in the past, which would be skipping a step in the process. Like taking a shower and then putting on dirty underwear.:shocked:

                      How are you doing? Are things settling down a bit?

                      P.S. Thanks for the well wishes for Maggie. She was running full speed and WHAM snout first into the stairs. She collapsed like a ton of bricks. Her nose swelled up like a ballon, no bloody discharge, the vet said it doesn't appear to be broken. The swelling has gone down a lot, she goes in for a recheck on Tuesday. Poor baby, she causes me grey hair I tell you. :H
                      "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                      ~Author Unknown
                      AF since February 4, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Slaythefear;1474734 wrote: Did you know it was women's day today ladies? I didn't know there was such a thing, but I was checking my fb page and look what I found. They are honoring you, Byrdlady. lol

                        Thought I'd share.
                        Slay this is too funny, every time I see pictures like this I ALWAYS think of Byrdlady.
                        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                        ~Author Unknown
                        AF since February 4, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Am I all by my lonesome in the nest tonight?
                          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                          ~Author Unknown
                          AF since February 4, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Onered,

                            I'm here. What's going on? Loved your post. I think we can all learn something from our furry friends. You don't see them worrying themselves sick. They seem to always be totally in the 'now'.
                            AF since 12/2/12


                              Newbies Nest

                              Slaythefear;1474734 wrote: Did you know it was women's day today ladies? I didn't know there was such a thing, but I was checking my fb page and look what I found. They are honoring you, Byrdlady. lol

                              Thought I'd share.
                              Check out the SEXY BYRDIE on my bag of coffee :H :

                              Organic Nicaragua ? Goshen Coffee


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm here, OneRed! I try to stay close on Friday nights...well, that, and I have no social life...bahahaha... pretty quiet here tonight, hope everyone is doing great.
                                almostfree...I'm with you...the more I get to know people the more I love my dog! Who said that, Mark Twain or some famous doggie is always so happy to see me. It's wonderful! I can almost see what she is malice at all, it's great.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

