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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    That's also why I am really trying to be gentle in what I say (easier said than done) and tell him how much I appreciate what he is doing to help and support me

    What is the saying about flies and sugar?


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Blossoms!! You sound really strong and determined....
      Spiderwoman - LOVE your name for wine....that is funny
      Rednose: I am very impressed that you have not given up and continue coming back to MWO. Keep at it. I can tell that deep down you want this but the shit keeps getting in your way. Stay sugar said, mix up the will eventually stick....I can feel it.

      For me: well, day 42 here and this time around I am not really craving anymore (last long term quit of 87 days I was always craving). But, here is my problem. I feel kind of empty. Empty in the sense that I don't want to engage myself in social situations...I am isolating. But I do know I am isolating to protect my quit and to hold on to the fact that I don't have cravings. I am really quite a bore to be around. I actually, in a way, feel like an empty shell. A healthy empty shell but empty nonetheless.

      Anyone ever feel that way? will I ever feel like an interesting and fun person again?
      I just won't anymore


        Newbies Nest

        Konnichiwa Blossoms. When I visited Japan I was surprised at their drinking culture as I did not expect to see so much alcohol consumption there.
        Is it possible to maintain the partnership feeling by partaking in drinking but with non-alcohol alternatives. As the Irish culture unfortunately revolves a lot around drinking, I still maintain some social involvement by going out with friends and having AF drinks. I do find after others have had a few drinks in them, conversation becomes very tiring.

        Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


          Newbies Nest

          A Great 'My Story' Thread

          Good morning, Nesters!

          I hope everyone is having/had a safe, AF weekend! I read something the last 2 evenings while I was not drinking that I would like to share with you.

          Doggygirl's thread:
          is one of the most clearly written, unsentimental, and open accounts of trying, failing, and ultimately succeeding at becoming free of alcohol I've ever read, including several published autobiographies. She documents the mental, physical, and spiritual changes she went through. Her experience illustrates how for long-term success, it is necessary to change and grow to fill the void left when AL is gone. Her writing is sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, and always honest.

          Anyone who is struggling on any level - to quit drinking, to quit drinking again, to heal, to forgive, to open up, to change, to let go of the past, to grow, to be happy, to be a giver and an asset, to be grateful, to become the fabulous person you were meant to be - might come away from reading this thread even more committed and motivated than before you were fortunate enough to come across it!

          I am jealous of all of Doggygirl's real-life friends


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1475524 wrote: Good morning, Nesters!

            I hope everyone is having/had a safe, AF weekend! I read something the last 2 evenings while I was not drinking that I would like to share with you.

            Doggygirl's thread:
            is one of the most clearly written, unsentimental, and open accounts of trying, failing, and ultimately succeeding at becoming free of alcohol I've ever read, including several published autobiographies. She documents the mental, physical, and spiritual changes she went through. Her experience illustrates how for long-term success, it is necessary to change and grow to fill the void left when AL is gone. Her writing is sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, and always honest.

            Anyone who is struggling on any level - to quit drinking, to quit drinking again, to heal, to forgive, to open up, to change, to let go of the past, to grow, to be happy, to be a giver and an asset, to be grateful, to become the fabulous person you were meant to be - might come away from reading this thread even more committed and motivated than before you were fortunate enough to come across it!

            I am jealous of all of Doggygirl's real-life friends
            That was very kind of you to post this. Doggygirl is truly an inspiration and so are you! :l
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
   Newbies Nest
   Tool Box
   How to get a sobriety plan


              Newbies Nest

              Happy Sunday Nesters. Yesterday's parade was an exciting adventure. I'm glad I decided to leave the girls at home. The float I was on was followed by the Pirate float and there was lots of gunfire. The girls would have been so scared! :upset: I think it's safe to take them to the festival today. Lots of Celtic music and bagpipes will be playing, I'm sure sure they will want to cover their little ears :H...... I took my canteen filled with Root Beer yesterday and the darn thing sprung a leak . I was a sticky mess by the end of the parade. I'll play it safe and take water today instead. Have a joyful sober Sunday! HUGS to ALL! :l :h
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Newbies Nest

                Hippyman;1475531 wrote: Happy Sunday Nesters. Yesterday's parade was an exciting adventure. I'm glad I decided to leave the girls at home. The float I was on was followed by the Pirate float and there was lots of gunfire. The girls would have been so scared! :upset: I think it's safe to take them to the festival today. Lots of Celtic music and bagpipes will be playing, I'm sure sure they will want to cover their little ears :H...... I took my canteen filled with Root Beer yesterday and the darn thing sprung a leak . I was a sticky mess by the end of the parade. I'll play it safe and take water today instead. Have a joyful sober Sunday! HUGS to ALL! :l :h
                YOU are the inspiring one around here, HIPPY! I know you like dogs so I feel safe in saying this without offending you: You remind me very much of my 5 year old Golden Retriever and I want to be as open to life and love as the 2 of you!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  jenniech;1475516 wrote: Hi Blossoms!! You sound really strong and determined.....Thankyou I'm actually rather surprising myself

                  Spiderwoman - LOVE your name for wine....that is funny
                  I agree! Wonderful

                  For me: well, day 42 here and this time around I am not really craving anymore (last long term quit of 87 days I was always craving). But, here is my problem. I feel kind of empty. Empty in the sense that I don't want to engage myself in social situations...I am isolating. But I do know I am isolating to protect my quit and to hold on to the fact that I don't have cravings. I am really quite a bore to be around. I actually, in a way, feel like an empty shell. A healthy empty shell but empty nonetheless.

                  Anyone ever feel that way? will I ever feel like an interesting and fun person again?
                  I was thinking about these kinds of things.... I'm quite a social person so I was thinking about activities that I do/ have done that don't revolve around alcohol.
                  Until fairly recently I was dancing salsa and other kinds of Latin Dance. Even though events can be held in Latin bars ( as well as community halls etc) alcohol is not a big part of the scene. You can't dance very well if you have been drinking, and it is all about being able to dance. So being drunk is looked down on and most people stick to bottled water.

                  Anyway.... I was thinking that it would be quite positive for me to get back into dancing .... Not only because I love it and it is good exercise, but also because of the non- drinking related social aspects.

                  I've also been thinking about hobbies, things I want to learn.... A kind of painting for instance. Doing activities that don't centre around drinking.

                  Are there any activities that you are interested in, a sport or art etc that you'd like to take up?


                    Newbies Nest

                    moni;1475519 wrote: Konnichiwa Blossoms. When I visited Japan I was surprised at their drinking culture as I did not expect to see so much alcohol consumption there.
                    Is it possible to maintain the partnership feeling by partaking in drinking but with non-alcohol alternatives. As the Irish culture unfortunately revolves a lot around drinking, I still maintain some social involvement by going out with friends and having AF drinks. I do find after others have had a few drinks in them, conversation becomes very tiring.
                    It is always socially acceptable (for women at least) to drink Oolong tea or Barley tea as an alternative to drinking.
                    Luckily there is generally eating with drinking - often really nice stuff.... So it is okay to just enjoy the food

                    The cherry blossom season is coming up, with the (very drunken) parties under the blossoms - but I might concentrate on photography instead and do some of the berry blossom walks rather than the parties.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 3 ..done, first half of the day was just fine,sports event,mostly just the boys drinking so it was not unusual for girls to be sipping water or pop.

                      Later on the day when more people joined the group for dinner,this was tough,people kept asking if I wanted my usual tipple..this went on for 6 hours.I know with this particular group it usually involves me being the first one to get hammered and instigating great ( usually unmemorable conversations ).

                      Earlier on the day,I informed my partner that I have a problem with social drinking ( him coming home from work and finding me drunk after spending all day drinking a bottle of gin is not very sociable ).
                      He is now sitting here apologizing to me for trying to get me to try some new " snazzy " cocktail and for trying to derail me.
                      I feel great today,strong for having all the support from MWO,Sundays usually involve waking with a fuzzy head and then start drinking again at 12...not today.My day today will include going out for a walk,stocking up on food that my body has not seen for a while ( fresh fruit,nuts,veggies and vitamins ).

                      Still a very long road ahead,feeling strong.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Caz, I am so impressed with your strength with not drinking last night!! You can do this!

                        Blossoms, I have read your posts this weekend and am so glad you are here. You have an interesting perspective and such kind words.

                        Jennie, I totally relate to how you are feeling. For a good long time the vast amount of energy used not to drink made it ok that I was not doing much else. Plus, I was just Tired and Cold for quite awhile after I quit drinking and loved to just go to bed early. I am glad that the constant struggle and awareness has lessened (although I remain ever-vigilant!), but I do feel bored and boring. I am going to assume that this is just a stage and try to wait it out. As I've posted, I try to read positive MWO threads. I've also gone back to some creative pursuits that I have let slide. I definitely am not social or fun right now but ... At least we aren't drinking!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning To all The Nesters

                          My day off the Alcohol is so far doing well, I just keep reading and reading and everyone is right. Drinking did not cure anything, my skin feels all clammy and gross.. Trying to keep my mind off her and I know the Alcohol will numb this pain. I just canot keep waking up feeling horrible and missing work. Thanks to all. I wish I had more energy to even go outside today and do something. I have not been eating for the last 2 weeks, atleast not correctly, just drinking with days of some alcohol free days. I am glad I found support with on this site. I do not know what I would do without it.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Bobbyslife;1475562 wrote: Good Morning To all The Nesters

                            My day off the Alcohol is so far doing well, I just keep reading and reading and everyone is right. Drinking did not cure anything, my skin feels all clammy and gross.. Trying to keep my mind off her and I know the Alcohol will numb this pain. I just canot keep waking up feeling horrible and missing work. Thanks to all. I wish I had more energy to even go outside today and do something. I have not been eating for the last 2 weeks, atleast not correctly, just drinking with days of some alcohol free days. I am glad I found support with on this site. I do not know what I would do without it.
                            Bobby! You sound like a NEW MAN! Congratulations on a day AL-free.
                            Please eat something good as soon as you can. And keep as busy as your energy-level will let you. If you have even a glimmer of a thought of drinking today, please come here and post instead, ok?

                            Stay Tough!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Sunday Nest!
                              Everyone sounds bound and determined to keep that monkey off our backs! Happy to see you Blossoms and Red Nose. Hippy, you are such a great presence around here. I'm glad to meet you and to have you as part of our family.
                              NoSugar, Caz and Bobby, we can do this!
                              Moni, I was so surprised at the drinking culture of that particular culture as well! I think there are some documentaries of those events, I forgot what they are called....I digress...
                              Daylight savings time here in the US, so we had to change our clocks an hour forward. I think we are the only ones that do this, and have always found it to be rather annoying. I mean, who the heck changes time? lol
                              My son and I woke up early, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Played some old school Super Mario brothers. I felt like a little kid again and remembered the days my brother and I would play for hours. He would be proud to see my son playing now. We then played monopoly junior and took a jaunt outside for some fresh air.
                              He is not used to me playing with him so much, as I am usually too hung over and grouchy to play. Plus I have been in mourning for the last 8 months, so I have just not been the mom I should be. I'm happy that I am making him happy today.
                              Day 1 again 11/5/19
                              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                              One day at a time.


                                Newbies Nest

                                New to this...

                                Not sure that I want to be here but here I am...
                                I do want to stop drinking the amounts that I drink - I usually binge at the weekends or once in a while when I am socializing at home. Feel so guilty, fat and depressed the next day and always make a note never to drink or finish the bottle again but unfortunately to no avail. What is the secret - not to drink at all or how do I drink just one glass of wine and leave it it at that?:new:

