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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,

    Milly, take care of yourself! I'm glad you're still here with us though.

    Lavande, I didn't listen to the CDs last night as I was a bit sleepy by the time I got around to looking at them. Will get an earlier start and give them a try tonight.

    Sooty, feeling better?

    How is everyone else doing?

    Should be a lovely day today. The moon is beautiful this morning! Been a long time since I've popped out of bed early enough to see that!

    Have a good one.


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks for the boosts, Lavande and FindingMyself. I am going to hang on to this site as hard as I can, everyone is awesome. I can't seem to tear myself away from it, but I and housework to be done.
      Have a good day..
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        Newbies Nest

        Is it Friday yet?

        Morning, my fine feathered friends!

        Ya know.. as purdy as fall is, I could REALLY do without the cool temperatures! I'm such a horrible whimp; I already don't want to set foot outside.

        Beagle I WISH I had your problem (pudgy horse) - I am spending about $200/month on feed/supplements on Miss Sophie and I can STILL feel her ribs

        Lav, good to see you, as always - you, too clucky one Hope the family issues are getting less messy by the minute! Lav, I'm trying to work myself up (again) to quitting the smokes. Since the short term consequences aren't as awful as AL, I find it SO much harder getting motivated. Sooty, how's our sniffeling bus driver doing today?

        To all the newcomers - hang in there, peeps. This is kind of a trial and error thing; just make sure you keep coming back to your goals.

        And now, I need to get some stuff done. Getting dressed is somewhere near the top of the list :H Have a great day, all!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Everyone, starting AF Day 4!! Feeling strong resolve, but sleeping poorly, sweating buckets! but that could be partly because I'm nearing that point in life, never been this bad though. Taking Calms Norte, so fall asleep easily, but then wake up drenched, then chilled. I'm also NF Day 4 too, so am probably feeling a little of both withdrawal symptoms. Taking Glut, amino's, milk thistle, not sure if it's a placebo effect, but I think it really helps. Not to mention the 5 steps Sheri listed in one of the other forums, Step 1 definitely helps me....remembering all the dumb stupid sh*t I've done in my life totally attributed to AL. And reading the forums posts here, let's you know your not alone...
          Have a great day all!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Our commonalities

            Hello everyone,

            I am finding comfort in the fact that we all have so many alcohol stories in common.
            Like scouring the cubords for anything needed to put a grocery list together so you don't look like an alcoholic just buying booze, I never had to put scotch or vodka on my list either, it was a given.

            And another was having your mum finding all the empty bottles you had to stash away in your room until you had a chance to dispose of them. What utter humiluation!

            I thought I was being so clever, well in the end it was a good thing because it brought me here. I hope I can stay AF, I'm on day 4, and not feeling like drinking today. I'm making a list of things to keep me busy today & I think I have a positive outlook today, of course it's only 10:30am, but I think I'll be O.K.

            It's just good to have you all to talk to. I feel like I have a whole bunch of sponsers to help me along the way.

            Good Luck & Thank You,


              Newbies Nest

              Well the other shoe dropped!

              Hi everyone,

              Since the incident with mom finding all the empty bottles & walking in while I was pouring myself a drink, she hasn't said a word to me, until today.
              Iv'e able to save enough money to hopefully get a car, I have a friend who does car auctions. When we got home from running some errands I asked her where I could stash all the cash & she asked me why I hadn't put it in the bank. I told her hopefully I could get a car this weeklend & I have to bring cash.
              That's when she got scared. She is deathfully afraid that when that happens I will have the means to go anywhere anytime. And she's absolutely right that I could go and get drunk again.
              So that's when I broke into tears and I told her that I had found this website, she wants me to do AA. I told her the reason that AA didn't work for me was because I could never get up in front of all those people & talk about my drunk exploits.
              But I'm as scared if not more that she could be right! I just hope that I can prove her wrong.
              Very scared,


                Newbies Nest

                So, this is AF day 60 drawing to an end. A rather uneventful, dreary, rainy day But it sure beats any balmy sunny day that I was too drunk to even notice.

                BBBB, I understand your anxiety. Would you feel comfortable with naming your mom the 'key keeper'? Would it perhaps give her more peace of mind, too?

                Mermaid, congratulations on day 4! You've made it! The first 4 days are the most difficult!

                Finding... even if you're sleepy.. just put the cds on You know, it took me MONTHS to figure out there was a second part to the hypnotic one :H I had always fallen asleep through the first part. Do start with the clearing, though. Like Lav, I also found that one VERY important.

                Sooty, how are you feeling today? Any better? There's still soup left.... Milly, back on track today? And, hello, dear Lav... hope you had a splendid day!

                I miss Pops and G. Night, night, nestlings.
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  can't visualize day 60!

                  I'm afraid that sounds horrible....but I can't even imagine going 60 days without alcohol.
                  I don't ever remember doing that! I know I did not drink while pregnant with my first son, however~ my second pregnancy is probably the reason I'm here today. My OB suggested a glass of wine before bed to help me sleep when I was 8 months along!! Seriously!!
                  I remember vividly her saying "It won't hurt the baby". He's now 24........and thank God perfectly healthy.
                  Today is day 2 AF for me.....woke up refreshed and feeling proud this morning. Took Kudzu today and don't think I'll have any problems tonight.
                  All of you are talking about how cold it is in the desert we are loving our "chilly" mornings at 69 degrees. Beautiful!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone.

                    I agree that the CDs work too. I've never been able to deal with urges and control my drinking until I found this site. I'm still doing them regularly. You're right Beag'ues, we just have to learn from our mis-steps and then take it to the next level. No, not easy. I like what you said BBs about how the hard makes us stronger -- how true. Usually the most challenging things in life are the most rewarding too.

                    Hey Beag'ues - I'm re-thinking your idea about the outdoor date -- you know the moon, the stars... Last year this time I took a relaxing trip to red-rock country in the southwest us (Sedona, AZ). Four days of hiking up and down buttes and mesas.

                    I tried to upload a pic, but it got rejected... It's quite a place. Franzia - I think it was dropping into the 40s overnight when I was there. Improves the coziness factor I think.

                    Of course the spa, massage and local restaraunts took the edge off roughing it a little... ha! But reconnecting with nature felt great. Got any good campfire recipes??? I'm guessing you've got some cool vistas down in Oz. xxox

                    Take good care all.
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters!

                      Sunni, I'm so happy for you girl - 60 days, WTG!
                      Now keep that commitment going, you know it's worth the effort

                      Mermaid & BBBB, congrats to both of you on your 4 days!! You two are over the 'hump'!!! It will get easier from now on providing you keep the focus..........don't let yourselves be fooled into thinking it's OK to have just 1! You know that won't work, especially in these early days.

                      BBBB, a lot of people told me that I needed to go to AA. The fact is no one knows what you need but you! If you don't feel comfortable with AA, a lot of us don't, then just stick with us because this program does work - provided you do the work You have a great start, just keep going, OK?

                      Franzia, good for you on your 2 days!! Tomorrow will be 3, the next day 4. You'll have 60 days under your belt before you know it. Stay close, check in frequently, stick to your plan and we'll all be here for you

                      I'm going to say good night now. I miss Pops & G too Sunni. We'll have to trudge on on our own!
                      Have a safe night in the nest everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks for the input

                        Hi to all,

                        Sunshine, thanks for the advise! I had mom look at your reply & we did some more talking and both thought it was a good idea & we both had the idea of her checking my bags & purse whenever I enter the house after being out. As long as I don't get it my mind to get clever, this will put both of us at more ease as well.

                        Lavande, thanks for your encouragment & warm words.

                        I cannot tell everyone how good it is to have MWO! I just have to get on here as often as I need, and I see the encouraging responses Iv'e gotten so far, and I think I can do this.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone,

                          Sunshine - 60 days AF! Congratulations. I have no idea what it feels like, but I bet it feels great!

                          I just wanted to stop in quickly and say hi to everyone. Feeling wiped out tonight after work and laying in bed listening to CDs sounds pretty good right now.

                          Hope everyone is well. See you tomorrow.


                            Newbies Nest

                            :goodjob: SUNSHINE , congrats !!! Hello to everyone , I'm staying here , its where I need to be now ! :h Em
                            Non Drinker 9/09
                            Non Smoker 6/09
                            Tennis Anyone ?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sunni well done on 60 days - you must be v proud of yourself and rightly so!
                              I am a bit better thanks, fit enough to drive the bus but not ready to run a marathon just yet!
                              Lovely to see everyone here I'll be back later


                                Newbies Nest

                                WooHoo Sunshine!!! Big congrats!!! I haven't had 60 consecutive AF days in my entire 32 year drinking career, but I aim to get & the other seniors are a great inspiration!
                                Thanks to everyone for being here..
                                Starting AF Day 5....

