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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Where's the sun this morning? It's sure not in this neck of the nest, ha ha!

    Emmy, so glad you're here with us You have, what - 10 or 11 days now? Great!!
    Mermaid, wishing you a solid day 5, very cool!

    Hi to Tranq, I think we cross posted last night. Hope you are behaving

    Sunni, how's Ms Sophie doing? I read your posts about her underweight problem - that must be very difficult to manage. Is she not absorbing & utilizing all the nutrients she takes in every day? I hope she's OK.

    Better get myself in gear, get some work done now before my grandson arrives. Once he's here 100% of my attention turns to him

    Have a great day everyone, I'll be back later.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Morning everyone,

      Quick hello. The rat race calls, fortunately I love my job, but I'm looking forward to having some time to reread posts here and catch up with how everyone is doing.

      The clearing tracks were lovely. Sunshine, I could see how you could've missed the second track - zonk!:H

      Have a good one!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning and happy Wednesday... I think.

        It's stormy, rain off and on, makes me want to crawl up with a book! Unfortunately, there is this thing called work and bills and food and... Oh well.

        Lav, you're doing the 'baby lifts' again today... good for you! Have a wonderful afternoon with the little energizer bunny.
        BBB - You are a brave and committed soul - I'm very proud of you. Asking for help here is one thing... asking someone close to you and letting them in on your struggle is an entirely different thing. Very brave - and so very helpful. Having your family in your corner helps SO much.
        Finding... you too, huh? zzzzzzzzzz... at least you're relaxed! :H
        Sooty, good to see you back in the drivers seat! What's on the tunes today?
        Mermaid.. thanks for reminding me... I believe this is the first time I strung together 60 days without making an ass of myself in my drinking career as well! *shudder*
        Emmy, so good to have you here... you sound good and determined! Keep that frame of mind!
        Tranq... exactly what kind of pic were you trying to upload!!!??? :wow: Beagle, be careful with this one! :H

        Alright... I need to get some stuff done.. you all hang in there... keep this nest rocking!
        Later, peepers!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Sunni its Neil Diamond Cracklin Rosie today - if that doesn't get this bus jumping I don't know what will.
          Hope everyone is doing well see you all tomorrow


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All.

            You guys are doing great! Finding, BB, Emmy, Franzia keep hanging around - these folks have been where you are.

            Sunni, sorry I missed sending you a big congrats yesterday. 60 days is fantastic - you are truly inspiring! And you Rock big time!

            Btw - it was just a pic like the one I got up in my avatar - I tried to get in the photo area on the forums so I could link to it, but got the message 'too large or wrong mime type'. I was surprised when the avatar took it 'cause it said upload failed too. No nothing kinky this time. Boy, the reputation I'm getting! Ha.

            Hey Merm's, just think -- day 5 is one twelfth of the way to day 60. Just put 11 more of those gems together!!!

            Yes Lav. I'm behaving myself. Sheesh - what people must be thinking??? Beag'ues just brings out the devil in me I guess. ;}

            Sooty - glad you're feeling better!

            Gotta run. Take care all.
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Evening Nesters,

              Finding, sounds like you tried the Hypnotic CD...........made you sleep pretty good, huh? I love it!

              Sunni, my little Energizer Bunny certainly put me through my paces today - I wish I had a quarter of his energy - I could be dangerous We had a lot of wind here today, no rain though.

              Tranq, you can misbehave once in a while BUT don't make a habit of it - we'll have to send you to your room, alone, ha ha! The picture in your avatar is gorgeous, makes me want to pack & head out west

              Well, I'm wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Hope all the fledglings get in before curfew!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Sorry for being so self absorbed

                Sunshine, I totally neglected to give you a big high 5:goodjob: for making it to 60. I can only hope that I will make it that far.
                I had a particularly good day today. Worked with my mom in her garden all morning, my back will not be thanking tomorrow.
                We then spent a couple of hours in the kitchen putting together a pot roast from the barefoot contessa (FoodNetwork). Finished that about an hour ago (geat recipe). Getting ready now to take the dogs on a very long walk since I ate way to much, and it is COLD outside!
                Having a drink only fluttered around in my head a few times, but no overwhelming desires.
                I hope everyone else had a great day as well!
                Gotta go before it gets too cold.

                See you manyana.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Allo,allo,allo....wot's going on 'ere?
                  Hello everyone I'm back! Good to catch up on the reading for the past few days & a huge welcome to all who have joined this little chat-zone.
                  Hi to Lav,Sooty,Sunni (yes I have pm'd you!) Uni,BBBB,Em,all those great people out there...
                  Now,where's my man? Sir Tranq,save the naughty pictures of us for later darling,really.
                  As for bringing out your inner devil....mmmm,only an angel could do that (giggling & adjusts halo). It's a lovely spring day here,great bit of sunshine happening & some sting in the rays....time to get my gear off....I mean my winter gear Tranq!
                  Just been out stitching up a ram's balls,for all those men-folk out there.You'll be pleased to know i handled him very gently.


                    Newbies Nest

                    :thanks: Everyone is so warm & welcoming.. Thank you so much for all the caring words and support !!:l Em
                    Non Drinker 9/09
                    Non Smoker 6/09
                    Tennis Anyone ?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Goodness beagle, I'm so glad I don't have your job.................hmmm, that visual will be in my head all day

                      BBBB, good for you ignoring the drinking thoughts! They will come less frequently, honestly!!

                      Emmy, love having you here with us. Stick around, you'll be glad you did! Where are you in PA? I'm tucked down in Southern Chester County, just 1/4 mile north of the MD state line. We sit practically on top of the Mason Dixon line (remember that from history class?)

                      I'm heading outside to pick up branches that came down during yesterday's high winds..........
                      Go Phillies
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Afternoon nesters, hope all is well with all of you. I don't remember the Mason Dixon line from history Lav (don't suppose it was taught here) but I do remember it from some old blues song .... anyone help me out?????
                        Fab day here, lovely sunshine, rain forecast tomorrow!!
                        See you later


                          Newbies Nest

                          Afternoon history/geography lesson for Sooty on the Mason Dixon Line
                          Saving the Mason-Dixon Line

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you so much for that link Lav - fascinating. I had no idea of the story. You learn so much by being on MYO - and its wonderful.
                            See you all tomorrow


                              Newbies Nest

                              Needs spot in nest

                              Hi, new here,

                              Just checking in

                              Grateful for the site -- thank you.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nestlings!

                                Day of high finance here (aka pay SOME bills ALMOST on time)... hope you are all well!
                                Welcome lodestar! Glad you found your way into the nest

                                Beagle, thanks for your PM, I WILL be pestering you some more! There is no such product in my neck of the woods but I'm not in the least opposed to mixing my own

                                I'm sorry folksies.. I'm having a grumpy day and I'll be gone for the long weekend (Oh yeah, happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow canucks!) - yes *sigh* back to MY place. This is probably it. The grand banana. So, I'll be thinking of you all but won't be checking in until Monday late

                                Be good little birdies and stick to your goals, ok?
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

