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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1476607 wrote: Morning, Nesters! A dreary, rainy day in the Southern part of the nest. So good to see new faces...That first week is HARD, and it takes work and sharp elbows to get thru it. Be sure to read thru the Tool Box (link in my signature line below). When you have a craving or a thought that begins to take your hand and lead you to the rabbit hole...STOP it in its tracks! Say, NO, HELL NO, AL will not take one more day of my life! And set your mind to another task. If all else fails, get up from where you are and go to the bathroom, anything to break that mind loop. That first week, we have thoughts that 'poor me' can't do this, and 'poor me' can't do that...well before you 'pour me' another drink, try and put yourself in the service of someone else. Bake a batch of cookies and take them to a neighbor who doesn't get out much...or write someone a handwritten letter. Try and take the focus off what you are not getting and put it somewhere else. It helps!!

    Jenn, I am reminded by your post to say to Super Newbie's....AL is AL, don't be fooled into thinking you can control it if you change it to another form. I was a vodka drinker, never had a problem with wine...until that's all I had. Wine was vodka with a is all the please, newbie's, don't be fooled into thinking that if your problem was with wine, you can now safely drink bourbon....your Dick Head brain knows the difference. Hells bells there at the end I drank peppermint schnapps to get a buzz!

    Also, there are some very good documentaries under the general sessions tab. They are called 'Rain in my Heart'. They will get your attention! The first thing I wanted to say when I saw them was, 'thank God I wasn't this bad!' But as we all know, it is only a matter of time, this disease is progressive. You can stop while things aren't out of control or wait until they are. We made an analogy the other is up to you where you want to get off the bus.

    Lastly...stay connected here. Doesn't everyone have access to this site via phone? Don't lose this lifeline even when other things call you away. This is your grounding wire!! All the voices out there will tell you to drink...we are the ones that know you should not!! If you are traveling, make sure you plan to have access to this site....out of site is out of mind.

    Protect your quits with your life. It's the foundation of everything else! Dig your heels in and don't give in no matter what and no matter who. It is NOT worth it. Byrdie
    I hear what you are saying Byrdie but I am heading to Europe and not taking my cell as I do not want to return home to a bill of 2000 dollars ( due to roaming charges )...that would drive me to the bottle.
    If I manage to get to an internet cafe then I will check in but I will have plenty of things to occupy my time ( unlike a couple of months ago..get up check how many bottles of gin are in the freezer ) my Mum and siblings are all tee good environment to be in I think.


      Newbies Nest

      Siren136;1476437 wrote: I want to hopefully add Rednose to this list. I think it would be good to have a name for ourselves. There are so many of us. Any thoughts?
      311 - I like it.
      Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
      Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

      Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

      Go forward boldly and unafraid


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Fin!

        Good to see you...hope you're well! :l

        p.s. I want to be part of this "311" club since I quit smoking (yes, again) on 3-11-13....
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          Good idea. I too am on day 11. I get very I have lost my friend, but that is most likely normal due to AL being by companion for over 40 years.


            Newbies Nest

            K9Lover;1476648 wrote: Hi Fin!

            Good to see you...hope you're well! :l

            p.s. I want to be part of this "311" club since I quit smoking (yes, again) on 3-11-13....
            Hi K9! Great to see you too.'re in.

            I'm sitting here playing that stupid game of should I drink tonight at my weekly jam or not? I know the answer but garsh darn it...shut up already. I'm really wavering. It's cold and snowy outside, I'm a bit tiered and feeling weak. This getting back off the ground, dusting oneself off and fending off all our temptations is just a real bugger.
            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

            Go forward boldly and unafraid


              Newbies Nest

              almost free, when I went off Cymbalta it was also the closest I have ever come to ending it all. ME?!! I went off it cold turkey, I didn't know you weren't supposed to do that. I ended up in the ER and it really took me 6 weeks to get it out of my system. At the time, I googled Cymbalta withdrawals and found MY symptoms! 100's of people mad as hell that they weren't warned of all the devastating side effects of coming off them. Everybody you know is on something like that...boy howdy when they try to get off it. It was indeed, the darkest point in my life!! I know they help some people, but I feel they should be a last resort and not a quick fix type thing. It was almost my undoing!!

              Caz, I hope you'll be able to check in...try and make it a priority. I hate to sound preachy on this, but I have seen so many times how easily the wheels come off when the nest gets out of reach. Take good care while you are out and about!!

              Off to the eye doctors!! I will be seeing 3 nests when I get back! UGG! Hang tough, all! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Fin;1476656 wrote: Hi K9! Great to see you too.'re in.

                I'm sitting here playing that stupid game of should I drink tonight at my weekly jam or not? I know the answer but garsh darn it...shut up already. I'm really wavering. It's cold and snowy outside, I'm a bit tiered and feeling weak. This getting back off the ground, dusting oneself off and fending off all our temptations is just a real bugger.
                Have you ever considered Antabuse? It takes drinking OFF the table...then you can think about other things! Antabuse and MWO have saved my life.

                The mental part of quitting alcohol is the hardest...if you can take away the option, you're golden!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady;1476657 wrote:

                  Off to the eye doctors!! I will be seeing 3 nests when I get back! UGG! Hang tough, all! B
                  Byrdie- how many moons do you see? :moon::moon::moon:

                  No kiddin' gang- my workload is making me see triple too!!!

                  Fin- Stay Tough!! Keep your eyes on the prize! There will always be an excuse to drink- Be Good!

                  K-9- we need to come up with a prize for quitting nicotine- I don't think you wanna see any more of my butt than you already have to!

                  Peace all!



                  I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello You All.
                    I hope everyone is having a great day. I am on Day 3 AL Free. I had to make the trip to my old town around 70 miles away from my parents, since as you all know We broke up 3 weeks ago. The First 2 I spent drinkging stopped for a few, could not handle pain. Thankfully I did get someone to drive me down. I felt so weak and lightheaded. After the doctors appt. Which my BP was way way above normal. The Doc due says its due to the withdrawls. I asked him when It will be over "just give it a few more days" I was doc I am almost losing my home and job over it and he recommend me check into inpatient treatment. I don't have more time for that I told him. Then I needed to get some more items out of my house which was only 5 minutes away. and guess who their my.. yes my EX.. I said I can not talk. She also said again "we can work this out, if I change myself", then she says "lets try for 2 months, to just be friends" I shook my head and left. What does this trying it out for 2 months mean? Please if anyone can help me. I just don't know If she can use these words against me , since the home is in both our names.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Bobby-I'm not sure what game she is playing, I really just don't understand. What I do see is that you need help, maybe that is not available here. You may not have time for inpatient treatment but what about a therapist that you can bounce this stuff off of or can give you direction or advice? I'm not asking you to leave the nest, I just think that maybe you need someone available to you, in person, that has the professional training to deal with these kind of mindf@cking issues. Please check that out and hang on for dear life!

                      AF since 12/26/13

                      "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                        Newbies Nest

                        CONGRATS TO SNOWFLAKE FOR 30 DAYS AF!!!

                        :goodjob: They'll be a hat in your closet tonight!
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          My what a busy nest today !

                          The discussion on antidepressants is near to my heart. I have been prescribed them three times for postnatal depression but tolerate them badly so never took them for more than a few weeks. They helped the acute phase but back then I did not understand the chemistry as well as I do now.

                          Most are SSRIs ......Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. They work by stopping your body breaking down the feel good chemical serotonin. Sounds good BUT when we are drinking our diets are often so poor that we don't make enough serotonin in the first place. The answer for me was taking supplements that allowed me to make my own, and now I am sober and eat REALLY WELL I don't need supplements.

                          I took these supplements for years before I had the courage to quit and credit my easy quit on the fact that I had repaired damage BEFORE stopping alcohol.

                          The supplements theanine , GABA , tryptophan , melatonin, inisitol all help. If you can buy the starter pack from here or the six week pack from Biorecovery in the US. Go to their site and buy the book ' depression free naturally'

                          Here's the link ....... Depression Free, Naturally | Health Recovery Center

                          When you go to the doctor remember he has been trained by a system driven by drug sales. Antidepressants are pushed because doctors 'believe' they are helpful, and this belief is based on the fact that their waiting room is emptier. What many fail to appreciate is that there is a better way to deal with this problem. They are doing the best they know how in a system driven by profit.


                            Newbies Nest

                            K9Lover;1476695 wrote: Have you ever considered Antabuse?
                            Nope. Never considered that option. Seems extreme, but maybe not if I can't get my shit together. I'll read up on it. In the meantime, 100 plus'ers should be mighty proud of yourselves.
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Newbies Nest

                              Huge CONGRATS to snowflake on thirty days!!
                              Since Byrdie is seeing triple right now, I made snow's hat! It's over in roll call and it fits quite nicely, I might add!



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Starfish1;1476793 wrote: Huge CONGRATS to snowflake on thirty days!!
                                Since Byrdie is seeing triple right now, I made snow's hat! It's over in roll call and it fits quite nicely, I might add!
                                Congratulations, Snowflake!!

                                I enjoyed hanging out in your thread with you while you NAILED DOWN THOSE 30 DAYS with grace and style!!

