byrd - your wisdom is precious!!
You say one is an alcoholic when you can't have ONE drink....that is SO SO true but I did not understand what that really meant until I quit then failed, quit then failed, etc. The thing is, anyone can have ONE drink. What sets ME apart is the fact that the ONE drink may not lead to another THAT time, but eventually, insidiously, the second drink comes and then the third and then the "fuck it"s. Then I am back on the hamster wheel....drinking, passing out, waking up hungover feeling like crap and the only thing giving me instant relief is, guess what? a drink! and then another and another and so it goes. When people said ONE drink is NOT possible for alcoholics, i really didn't get it but now I do after so many failed attempts.
I went to a meeting tonight and there were two men there who could not even say that they had one day AF....they were shaky, sweating and looked like crap. The remorse in there voices were screaming out. It was incredible. I never want to be in that place again.
In bed watching an episode of Walking Dead and sipping sleepy time tea. Life Is Good.
Keeping it simple today....
