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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    byrd - your wisdom is precious!!
    You say one is an alcoholic when you can't have ONE drink....that is SO SO true but I did not understand what that really meant until I quit then failed, quit then failed, etc. The thing is, anyone can have ONE drink. What sets ME apart is the fact that the ONE drink may not lead to another THAT time, but eventually, insidiously, the second drink comes and then the third and then the "fuck it"s. Then I am back on the hamster wheel....drinking, passing out, waking up hungover feeling like crap and the only thing giving me instant relief is, guess what? a drink! and then another and another and so it goes. When people said ONE drink is NOT possible for alcoholics, i really didn't get it but now I do after so many failed attempts.

    I went to a meeting tonight and there were two men there who could not even say that they had one day AF....they were shaky, sweating and looked like crap. The remorse in there voices were screaming out. It was incredible. I never want to be in that place again.

    In bed watching an episode of Walking Dead and sipping sleepy time tea. Life Is Good.
    Keeping it simple today....
    I just won't anymore


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome All in -- yes, we are the 311ers, thanks to Siren for getting the thread started this morning. Look forward to hearing from you. Stay strong.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        Newbies Nest

        Brydie, while reading your post, one thing that came to mind is dry drunk...not in its full definition, but the anger and inability to move past it and enjoy and embrace life without the alcohol. So many of us go through repeated attempts due to the denial, but we have to move past the other stages once we are out of denial too so we can fully embrace living without AL. So, I typed in dry drunk and pieces of the article compliment your great post with a few alterations made.

        Dry Drunk Syndrome
        Not Drinking, But Not 'Of Sober Mind' Either

        Unfortunately when many former drinkers go through the grieving process over the loss of their old friend, the bottle, some never get past the anger stage.

        It is a very real loss. The drink has been their friend for many years and one they could count on. When the whole world turned against them, the bottle never let them down. It was always there ready for the good times, the celebrations, the parties, as well as the sad, mad, and lonely times, too.

        Finally their old friend let them down... they got in trouble with the law, lost a job or career, almost lost their family, or the doctors told them they had to stop drinking... whatever the reason, the circumstances of their life brought them to the point where they made a decision to say "so long" to the bottle.

        Whether they realized it or not, they began the stages of grieving -- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance -- the same stages most people go through when they have a great loss in their lives or have been told they have a terminal illness.

        First comes the denial -- it's really not that big a deal, I've always said I could quit anytime -- and then the anger and depression when they realize just how much that had come to depend on their old friend alcohol.

        Many make it through the process to the final stage -- accepting the loss, learning and growing through the experience, and moving on.

        In order to fully recover from the effects of alcoholism, the alcoholic must replace the obsessive behaviors in his life.

        There are other steps that can be taken to help make life fun again, without alcohol:

        Develop a hobby. Take up gardening, start or expand a collection, build something, go fishing, or learn how to develop your own web pages! Try to find some activity to fill those leisure hours that you used to spend drinking.

        Get healthy. All those years of drinking probably took some toll on your physical health. Join the YMCA, take up an exercise program or jogging, or play a sport. Get on some kind of regular (daily) improvement routine.

        Improve your mind. It's never too late to learn new things. Get a library card, take a continuing education class, improve your job skills, or surf the 'Net.

        Spend time with your family. Maybe you can't replace all those times that you neglected your wife and children while you were in the barrooms, but you can make a new start. Take your wife out to her favorite place, take the kids or grandchildren to the park, or start a project in which the entire family can participate.

        Life doesn't have to be a miserable experience just because you quit drinking. There's a whole world out there for you to explore and learn about.

        We have to grow our lives again.


        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          Thank you, Byrdie. I don't know what to say. One drink will take me down and that thought makes me very sad. I need to find that feel good spot some other way. Optimism used to be my strong suit and I have so much to be thankful for in my life. You set me straight. It was hard for me to read, but I appreciate your bluntness.


            Newbies Nest

            halfway content;1476932 wrote: Thank you, Byrdie. I don't know what to say. One drink will take me down and that thought makes me very sad. I need to find that feel good spot some other way. Optimism used to be my strong suit and I have so much to be thankful for in my life. You set me straight. It was hard for me to read, but I appreciate your bluntness.
            Hi Halfway Content,
            It is hard to think "never again". I resisted it at first but the more days you have AF, things inside you really do change - maybe back to the way they were before AL? I'm not sure what happens but after some ups and downs emotionally, at some point I just saw it differently and knew I couldn't drink again and felt fine about that. Now I am thrilled about it and feel totally liberated from a heavy burden. I think that if you stick with us here and read a lot and post regularly, you will become comfortable with a new way of looking at an old enemy.
            I'm glad you are here. NS


              Newbies Nest

              no misery

              I am not going to be miserable tomorrow. I am going to wake up and let in joy and energy. There is nothing for me to be unhappy or depressed about. Please remind me if I forget - I am happy.:thanks:
              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                Newbies Nest

                I'm Strong and in Control;1476943 wrote: I am not going to be miserable tomorrow. I am going to wake up and let in joy and energy. There is nothing for me to be unhappy or depressed about. Please remind me if I forget - I am happy.:thanks:
                Actually ISIC, I felt pretty awful for a couple weeks - physically (cold, tired), mentally (foggy, tired), and emotionally (all over the charts). I continue to feel better some days than others but overall, I am so happy about this life change that the ups and downs are worth it. And I think they are normal. It is important to work on your attitude, concentrate on whatever you are grateful for, do things you enjoy, and treat yourself well. But don't beat yourself up more - you are starting to recover from a horrible, debilitating addiction. I tend to have a controlling , type A personality - this challenge is teaching me patience. That is one of the many new things I am grateful for.

                I am trying to just BE and accept how I feel each day without judgment. I know this sounds all New Agey, which I generally am not , but all my failures trying to force changes have made me realize I just need to make myself available to the changes that are happening. Part of that work is reading as much as I can here and trying to help others who are struggling with the same enemy.

                Please try to be kind to yourself without trying to force yourself to feel a particular way. NS


                  Newbies Nest

                  NS, you're doing great. You have really embraced this and come into your own. Well done, my friend!
                  Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                    Newbies Nest

                    NoSugar;1476950 wrote: Actually ISIC, I felt pretty awful for a couple weeks - physically (cold, tired), mentally (foggy, tired), and emotionally (all over the charts). I continue to feel better some days than others but overall, I am so happy about this life change that the ups and downs are worth it. And I think they are normal. It is important to work on your attitude, concentrate on whatever you are grateful for, do things you enjoy, and treat yourself well. But don't beat yourself up more - you are starting to recover from a horrible, debilitating addiction. I tend to have a controlling , type A personality - this challenge is teaching me patience. That is one of the many new things I am grateful for.

                    I am trying to just BE and accept how I feel each day without judgment. I know this sounds all New Agey, which I generally am not , but all my failures trying to force changes have made me realize I just need to make myself available to the changes that are happening. Part of that work is reading as much as I can here and trying to help others who are struggling with the same enemy.

                    Please try to be kind to yourself without trying to force yourself to feel a particular way. NS
           sound amazing, like siren said you really have embraced this and come into your own.
                    I really needed to read your words today.....I have NOT fallen off of the AF wagon, I have been faced with a couple of challenges which I knew would happen. I have been pretty irritated and perhaps down right angry over the past couple of days, due to the resistance I have been met with over putting my priorities first. Some people have been down right nasty about it, and have treated me poorly because of it.
                    It is one of those "downs" that are bound to happen yet make me happy and grateful for the changes I have made in my life in order to protect my quit, because it is so totally worth it. Now I don't have to be so irritated and angry anymore, I can let it go, part of the process, embrace my feelings, don't dwell on them and let them go.

                    Thank you for your words, they were the reminder I really needed! Kind of like satisfying midnight snack (bet you can't guess where I got that line from :H ) I have so been waiting to use that back on you, I loved that line! Now I am sure I can sleep. :l


                    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                    ~Author Unknown
                    AF since February 4, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Such positive feelings expressed here.

                      Byrdie's and Slay's posts earlier today were awesome. Accepting where we are, what we are dealing with is hard at first, but essential to getting this monkey off our backs.

                      In early sobriety drinking has filled so much of our time that when we quit life feels SO empty. That does not last long, I am pleased to report. Now there are not enough hours in a day, I don't know how I found time to sit for four hours EVERY night and drink.

                      I thought the following might be a taste of how being sober feels.


                      Originally Posted by one2many

                      150 Things To Do Instead of Drinking

                      1. Read a book
                      2. Take a walk
                      3. Play a musical instrument
                      4. Knit
                      5. Clean your closets
                      6. Research your genealogy
                      7. Cook a gourmet dinner
                      8. Write an article for your local newspaper
                      9. Go take some pictures
                      10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
                      11. Start writing that book you've been planning
                      12. Plan a garden
                      13. Plant a garden
                      14. Play with a pet
                      15. Read to a child
                      16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
                      17. Watch a news special on TV
                      18. Set up a family budget
                      19. Make a web site
                      20. Take up archery
                      21. Exercise
                      22. Go to an online recovery meeting
                      23. Surf the internet
                      24. Call your mom
                      25. Learn a foreign language
                      26. Write a poem
                      27. Play golf
                      28. Take a bubble bath
                      29. Draw
                      30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
                      31. Take a nap
                      32. Listen to music
                      33. Paint
                      34. Clean your desk
                      35. Start a stamp collection
                      36. Go window shopping
                      37. Browse in a book store
                      38. Go to an art gallery
                      39. Go for a drive
                      40. Paint a room
                      41. Watch the clouds go by
                      42. Play darts
                      43. Do target shooting
                      44. Do home repairs
                      45. Clean your garage
                      46. Sort your photographs
                      47. Make a scrapbook
                      48. Climb a tree
                      49. Plant a tree
                      50. Make marmalade
                      51. Make a list of things to do
                      52. Write a letter to the editor
                      53. Volunteer somewhere
                      54. Take a hike
                      55. Take a college class
                      56. Try yoga
                      57. Meditate
                      58. Get a massage
                      59. Make fruit smoothies
                      60. Bake cookies
                      61. Do a crossword puzzle
                      62. Go to the gym
                      63. Plant a color bowl
                      64. Sharpen your pruning tools
                      65. Change your engine oil
                      66. Sew
                      67. Groom your dog
                      68. Go see a play
                      69. Write a sonnet
                      70. Sort your recipes
                      71. Play solitaire
                      72. Go bird watching
                      73. Write a letter to a friend
                      74. Read a poetry book
                      75. Repot your houseplants
                      76. Go to a movie
                      77. Mow your lawn
                      78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
                      79. Make pickles
                      80. Go jogging
                      81. Watch sitcoms
                      82. Plan menus for a diet
                      83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
                      84. Play chess
                      85. Write a country-western song
                      86. Watch a video
                      87. Go for a bike ride
                      88. Plant an herb garden
                      89. Start an online journal
                      90. Dye your hair
                      91. Go to a restaurant
                      92. Lift weights
                      93. Bake some bread
                      94. Learn a martial art
                      95. Polish the furniture
                      96. Make a flower arrangement
                      97. Read the newspaper
                      98. Start some seeds
                      99. Sort your magazines
                      100. Do some laundry.
                      111. Take a nature walk
                      112. Play with your kids
                      113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
                      114. Volunteer at a school
                      115. Pick up garbage in a park
                      116. Tickle your kids
                      117. Play basketball
                      118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
                      119. Read to a child or pet
                      120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
                      121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
                      122. Spend time at the library
                      123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
                      124. Help your kid organize his closet.
                      125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
                      126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
                      127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
                      128. Make tortillas from scratch (better).
                      129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
                      130. Tango
                      131. Learn about someone else’s religion.
                      132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
                      133. Key out a wildflower.
                      134. Do your nails.
                      135. Do word puzzles.
                      136. Play a board game.
                      137. Burn CD’s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
                      138. Plant a bonsai.
                      139. Play Mad Libs.
                      140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
                      141. Read poetry online.
                      142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
                      143. Set up a domino topple.
                      144. Play backgammon.
                      145. Build a house of cards
                      146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
                      147. Read a world almanac.
                      148. Publish a family newsletter.
                      149. Throw cards at a hat.
                      150. Go to bed.
             can fill in 101 - 110!


                      1. Errrrrrrrrmmmmmmm. Talk shit and make a fool of myself ?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning! I have read snippets here and am so wanting to read more and spend more time, but I am having some issues with my eyes. Had them dilated and checked yesterday, and while I have floaters, there doesn't appear to be any detachment or tears. so I guess that is good news, but still don't know if this has been sudden or progressive. I am checked again in a little over a week, but no changes in prescriptions or anything until then, so I am left a little fuzzy.

                        I am sending everybody strength - quitting Al is the best thing I have ever done for myself. The only thing that could ever make me go back is something so drastic that it would make me want to stop living. Because that's what it would amount to. I know in my heart and soul that drinking again = dying. Even if it's just metaphorically - it's true. That life I led was like a living death.

                        ok. Enough happy talk for today! I will try to check in occasionally, turn up the font size and leave a note. :-)

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest


                          I absolutely love your list! My lucky number is 11 so I checked that one out. Hmmmm "Start writing a book that you been planning." Well, I don't think that is going to happen today, so my new lucky number is 149. "Throw cards at a hat." Now that is something that I can do!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters!

                            Lola, sure hope everything is OK with you:l

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump day

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning

                              Hello, and again, thank you.
                              Kuya, your list of things I can do is lovely. Slay, I am printing off the article about dry drunk... I sure did need to hear that. And ISIC, with your permission, I am going to put your name "I AM STRONG AND IN CONTROL" on my bathroom mirror, along with your note about being "happy, and remind me if I am not" I come here and always find encouraging words. Thank you.

                              I feel much better today, and really really appreciate you all.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm looking for my new HAT! YEAH!

                                Dear All in the Newbies Nest

                                I am getting so overly excited ? I am fluttering around everywhere looking for my new HAT ? I thought I would find it here ? but, alas, no, I think I have to fly off to the Roll Call Thread to collect it ? I hope it is still waiting for me!

                                I just want to thank everyone ? especially, Slaythefear, Starfish1, Byrdlady (I hope your eyes are OK), Kuya, Almost free, NoSugar, Jenniech, Lavande, Free at Last and New Day for your kind congratulations on my 30 days AF ? it really has brought tears to my eyes, I am overwhelmed by your kindness ? not only to me, but to everyone you encounter here at MWO.

                                You really are such a fantastic community of people, striving in whichever way to help everyone out, no matter what time of day or night it is or what the dilemma is, there is always someone here willing to help out ? For some it seems to be a full time job, and I really don?t know how you manage to fit it all in with day to day living!

                                Thank you so much and look forward to getting to know you all a bit more in the future, when I fly over to visit you more often

                                In the meantime ? I?m off to the Newbies Roll Call to collect my Hat! ? YAHOO!

                                Lots of Love Snowflake :lX
                                AF Day 31
                                If you don't know where you are going,
                                you'll end up someplace else.

