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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Blossoms, gosh, your story reminds me of some early days on the roller coaster. During the early days of my last (and final) quit, I had bought some AF wine, and my hubs and I were having FIRST inclination was to chug it?? DAM! That's when I KNEW I had to face the music. That was a pretty low day...but rest assured, the ones since have all been BETTER! I'm telling you, being AF is not bad at all, in fact, it ROCKS! I'm not just saying that either. Feeling normal is priceless! There are a few times that I 'wish' it could be different, but it isn't, and let's move on!! It was the TIME you were spending with your hubs, NOT what was in the glass, right? WELL DONE!!!
    I also totally missed that post where you lost your mom...I'm so sorry...I hope I will be as strong as you when these anniversaries roll around. It's a tough piece of business....

    Stay strong today, Nesters!! Jenni's got me dreaming of Ice Cream Cake!! Hope everyone has an easy, AF day!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Snowflake, congratulations! I am so jealous. You rock!
      Blossoms, I send you a :l. My mom died two years ago, and this winter has been even harder than last. Do we ever stop feeling like orphans?
      Byrdlady, thanks for your thoughts on keeping on keeping on.
      ISIC, thanks for your permission and your thoughts. Your name is right there on my mirror...
      Today is Day 13 for me, and I look forward to the time when I can HONESTLY say that I am doing this for ME and not because my husband wants me to. However, I am sleeping better (finally) and my dreams have gotten more pleasant than the nightmares of the first week AF. Both of those things are a relief.

      As always, I come here hoping to find a friend, and always do. I look forward to a day when I might have a word of wisdom for someone else, but for now I am so grateful for the wisdom I take away. Thank you all.:h


        Newbies Nest

        Yep it was the time.... Which is why I stayed and sat with him for the wine. He needed me to spend that time with him .... And he isn't ready to let go of the drinking wine together yet.

        Maybe it helped that I had been so very emotional earlier in the day ..... I knew I was in no state to judge anything clearly.

        Sorry it wasn't clear... My mum passed away 12 years ago on August 12 2001.... So I don't really have difficult anniversaries anymore, but the first month anniversary of her death coincided with the September 11 attacks and it was a really dark difficult time.


          Newbies Nest

          Nonamegirl - I always feel my mum went too early. She never got to meet my daughter and I know she would have adored her granddaughter.
          Actually that's not entirely true about not having difficult anniversaries - 10 years was harder than I was expecting - very emotional.
          Because I can't visit her grave because I am so far away I have to find other meaningful ways to remember.


            Newbies Nest

            Blossoms, you were clear about when your mom died. Believe me, I remember 9/11 all too well. And I know that no matter how many years come and go, sometimes our losses hit us right upside the head when we least expect them. My dad died in '95, and I still come to tears when I think of him. My first husband died in 1987 and I cannot hear geese flying overhead without crying inside. Oh, gosh. Sorry.

            Blossoms, thank you for coming here. I feel a tie to you, and love to think about your trees in bloom....


              Newbies Nest

              NoName and Blossoms - I just want to give you a :l I'm so sorry for both of your losses. Please stick close to us!

              Snowflake - Enjoy your second hat, it's a backup in case you wear out your first one! Like I said, I have never bestowed one before and apparently I missed out on seeing your first one. You deserve it...keep up your great work!!

              Jennie - Good luck tonight, I think you have a great plan...stay BUSY! When I first got sober, my daughter and I had SO many movie/pizza/campouts that we kinda got tired of it...but it worked Break the habit and it gets easier. Give us a shout out if things really get squirrely for you ok?
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning nesters!

                Blossom-HUGE congrats on not caving for the wine. THAT really took strength. You CAN do this!

                AF since 12/26/13

                "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                  Newbies Nest

                  I am new here and my heart goes out with joy for all your accomplishments and also breaks for all the struggles. I always managed to drink under control, weekends,or occasionally weeknights. But after I lost my only brother (to alcoholism) I kinda threw the towel in, starting making my own wine, and drinking 2 bottles easily per day, adding in shots of hard booze almost daily as well. I couldnt go to any function without a water bottle full of booze. I was functioning still by looking after the house and kids but all curricular activities stopped and I wouldnt leave the house hardly at all. That all began oct.2011. Nov.7 2012 I suffered a seizurein the local drug store. The er said my liver function was at 1300 normal is below 60! I stopped drinking for 7 weeks then thought it safe to have a bit of wine around xmas. Well by the end of january I was right back into it. There was also alot of turmoil at home between my hubby and I so I took the kids, checked into a women's center and stayed 2 weeks sober. Came home and it started again. Well I am so done, this is it for me. I now realize I am not strong enough to just have a few. I am on my 2nd day of cutting back. I want to regain my life again. I want to enjoy the beautiful outdoors with my kids and feel great. Reading through the threads is giving me hope and so much advice! Thank you to all you angels for offering me a bit of hope!
                  Newbie, I am praying for recovery. "Shoot for the moon, even if you dont make it you will land amongst many stars":new:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Katie, welcome to the Newbie's Nest!! It sounds like you are finally ready to kick AL to the curb. Trust me when I say that not one of us here wanted to let it went out kicking and screaming...but we are living proof that it's possible! Please read back a week or two on this thread and get to know us...we have had some great posts and many in their very first days like you. Also, be sure to check out the Tool Box, link is below...100's of tips and ideas to help you. You've landed in a great spot!!

                    Have you gotten all the AL out of your house? That is the first step. Yes, even the stashes. You don't need a safety net...those are for folks who plan to fail!! You are going to win! Surround yourself with things you love to do and eat. EATING is the single biggest silver bullet there is in this fight. A full tummy will not pull at you to fill it with AL!! A full tummy wants no more of anything, and that's the goal right now. Be sure to stay hydrated (with water, and lemon if you have it). Do whatever it takes to get thru this day. We'll worry about tomorrow when it comes.

                    We are so glad you're here! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Snowflake;1477530 wrote: Just flying quickly into the Newbies Nest to say another huge thanks to all who congratulated me on my 30 days AF - your kind thoughts and wishes are very much appreciated. Lot's going on in the Nest today, as usual, so I won't block it up...

                      And?.. I don't want to brag but........ K9Lover bestowed me a second hat - I am absolutely chuffed! I'm keeping it for special days such as Sunday's and Birthday's - Thanks so much K9:h, it was ever so thoughtful of you!

                      Wishing everyone all the best for an AF day today.

                      Love Snowflake
                      AF Day 32
                      Oh....I am sorry I missed it. 2 hats what the heck :H. A belated congratulations to you Snowflake on 30 amazing days. Doesn't it feel great.
                      "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                      ~Author Unknown
                      AF since February 4, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        katiekatlyn;1477608 wrote: I am new here and my heart goes out with joy for all your accomplishments and also breaks for all the struggles. I always managed to drink under control, weekends,or occasionally weeknights. But after I lost my only brother (to alcoholism) I kinda threw the towel in, starting making my own wine, and drinking 2 bottles easily per day, adding in shots of hard booze almost daily as well. I couldnt go to any function without a water bottle full of booze. I was functioning still by looking after the house and kids but all curricular activities stopped and I wouldnt leave the house hardly at all. That all began oct.2011. Nov.7 2012 I suffered a seizurein the local drug store. The er said my liver function was at 1300 normal is below 60! I stopped drinking for 7 weeks then thought it safe to have a bit of wine around xmas. Well by the end of january I was right back into it. There was also alot of turmoil at home between my hubby and I so I took the kids, checked into a women's center and stayed 2 weeks sober. Came home and it started again. Well I am so done, this is it for me. I now realize I am not strong enough to just have a few. I am on my 2nd day of cutting back. I want to regain my life again. I want to enjoy the beautiful outdoors with my kids and feel great. Reading through the threads is giving me hope and so much advice! Thank you to all you angels for offering me a bit of hope!
                        Hi, KatieK.

                        You have found a great place to support you! There is a person here, Nursie, who has a story similar to yours about losing a brother to alcohol. You might find her posts very helpful - she is a wonderful, open person.

                        As much time as you have to spend reading various threads on MWO, and when you feel comfortable, posting often, the better the forum works, I think. For one, you realize you are NOT alone in all of this and for another, different things work for different people and you sometimes come across just the idea that really resonates with YOU.




                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome Katie,
                          You have landed in a wonderful place, use this site, use us, quitting and staying quit is absolutely possible, if you want it, and it sure sounds like you want it. I agree with should dump all the alcohol, you don't need it. The tip about eating is so very true, as well as the lemon water. Stay close to the was key for my quit. I will be watching out for ya. Oh and the toolbox.....lots of good stuff in there, be sure to check it out.
                          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                          ~Author Unknown
                          AF since February 4, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            NoSugar;1477621 wrote: Hi, KatieK.

                            You have found a great place to support you! There is a person here, Nursie, who has a story similar to yours about losing a brother to alcohol. You might find her posts very helpful - she is a wonderful, open person.

                            As much time as you have to spend reading various threads on MWO, and when you feel comfortable, posting often, the better the forum works, I think. For one, you realize you are NOT alone in all of this and for another, different things work for different people and you sometimes come across just the idea that really resonates with YOU.


                            Nice call Nosugar....I didn't even think about hooking her and Nursie up. How are you doing today?
                            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                            ~Author Unknown
                            AF since February 4, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you so much for all the kind words. I did read a few earlier posts in this thread and others and finally felt free to spill the beans about everything. I will check out the tool box and I am staying very hydrated and eating what I can. Also adding in vitamins and gatorade and trying to stay positive. I still dont feel great and last night I was so sweaty. But I know it will pass. I also am excited to have an appointment with a special chinese naturopath saturday! I am doing whatever it takes. The booze is not gone yet. My husband has beer (which I hate) buti know desperate enough I will drink it. So I will ask him to remove it. He knows the whole story too, I just pray he wont become my co-dependant again. I used to be the stronger one so I hope he gets it I need him to understand. As I type that I just realized I have to be committed and strong myself. It's amazing me how much clearer I see when I finally allow myself to express everything. Anyway dont mean to write a novel I will keep reading and most likely post lots these next few weeks.
                              Newbie, I am praying for recovery. "Shoot for the moon, even if you dont make it you will land amongst many stars":new:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Katie and :welcome:

                                As you have just said, posting is very important. Somehow just reading is not enough for most people. When you write something it is like speaking to yourself also, it organises your disjointed thoughts and feelings and gives you focus.

                                There are supplements you can buy from here that help repair and kudzu and glutamine help with cravings.

                                LOLAB........hope your eyes settle down, any idea what is wrong??


