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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Nesters,

    Thanksgiving already Sunni? Well, have a happy one - we'll miss you this weekend. You stick to your goals too, OK?

    Hi Lodestar, welcome! Plenty of room in this nest, make yourself comfortable

    Sooty, you did notice that Mason & Dixon made the trip over from the homeland to do their survey. I suppose that's why the towns around here haves names like Nottingham, Oxford, etc??? I've never seen any of the supposed markers but I know they are right here, somewhere

    Where are the rest of our fledglings today? This old bird can't stay awake much longer but will leave a night light on.
    Have a good, safe night one & all.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Evening all,

      Hi Lodestar! Welcome.

      sunshine_gg;732420 wrote:
      Day of high finance here (aka pay SOME bills ALMOST on time)
      Sunni, you're even funny when you're grumpy! Hope you have a nice weekend.

      Lavande - thanks for leaving the light on!

      Checking in and checking out. See you all tomorrow.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi lav, no I hadnt made the connection about names of towns etc - I was pretty horrified to read that some twits are using the stones for gun practice! They should be ashamed of themselves.
        Weather here very blustery today so I nipped out early for shopping and plan on being lazy for rest of day. The leaves are coming off the trees at a great rate now - better start thinking about Christmas and that will definitely make me a grumpy Sooty so I'll be joining you in the grumps Sunni.
        Hope everyone has a good friday see you all later


          Newbies Nest

          Good Friday morning all Nesters!

          Slept like a rock lat night, never heard the rain move in...........but it's 60 degress here so I won't complain.
          Sooty, the folks in this area really, really love to shoot 'things'. There is a gun club nearby where they shoot at targets. Hunting is a popular past time. And yes, there are the morons that will shoot at rocks or road signs just out of sheer boredom! You have to wonder when's the last time they read a book
          The deer wander through, stop to nibble in the garden or on the fruit trees but I never feel the need to shoot them,,,,,geez!

          FindingMyself, glad you checked in last night - sorry I couldn't wait up!

          Wishing a good day to everyone, I'll check in later!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters:
            I am not yet AF, but any enjoyment I once had (from liquor) is quickly disappearing. The self loathing and disgust are far more prevalent than the effect of the booze. I have picked up the book "Drinking, a love story" and I have the Alan Carr on order at the library. I am trying to get the gumption to attend an AA meeting. As each day passes, I realize I cannot deny my very real addiction to alcohol and come to terms with it. I really believe that for me, it is a matter of truly loving and believing in myself and stopping all things which undermine that. I hope you all are doing well, have a great weekend.
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning,

              Milly24;732629 wrote: it is a matter of truly loving and believing in myself
              Milly, that is definitely a good starting point!

              A bit overcast and cool this morning, but hopefully the sun will break through later. It's good walking weather, so hope to get a nice long walk in after work.

              Happy Friday. Hoping everyone enjoys the day.


                Newbies Nest

                happy hour

                I've been doing all the stuff and sometimes I still don't get through happy hour...any suggestions?

                thanks in advance



                  Newbies Nest

                  Turn that frown upside down

                  I need to share a quick thing

                  Miss Sophie (my 33 year old stubborn as a mule horse), in her quiet, polite, unobtrusive way, gently reminded me that I ought to pay utmost attention when closing her gate. Seems, that it was not properly locked and Sophie marched out of her pasture, up the road to the house, removed empty buckets from the horse feed bin and decided to have lunch straight from the source. Upon being discovered, she gave a big sigh *Busted. I know* and held out her head to be haltered. Which I couldn't do since I had no halter by the house. Thankfully, I at least had a lead rope. Slung that around her neck and walked her back to HER home. Laughing all the way.

                  Funny, how your day can brighten very unexpectedly
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sounds like Ms Sophie is eating OK afterall, I was worried about her ribs sticking out & all. Good for her

                    Milly, glad you're stcking with us! Sounds like you're getting ever so closer to making your commitment to stop drinking. I remember feeling scared about taking the leap too but I am so glad I did
                    I have no regrets, whatsoever. Everything is much, much better for me - not perfect but much better. Some things we can control, some things we can't. But at least now, with a clear head I feel I can handle anything that comes my way.

                    FindingMyself, it is a nice day for walking, enjoy!

                    yaya, hello! Tell us what things you have been doing? Have you made your plan? You need to be ready with alternatives when drinking thoughts start! Look in the Toolbox (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas. Deep breaths, distracting yourself with another activity, taking a walk, make a cup of tea, etc. - anything to keep yourself from drinking. Make sure there is no AL in the house - that's a big help

                    Enjoy your Friday afternoon everyone
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello To Everyone This my first time here I have been reading the threads and post and found them very informative, A little about me well i started drinking at the age of 15 im now 43. I have been to AA it just didn't work for me. I started drinking just on the weekends then,Then at the age of 20 everyday afterwork.I "THOUGHT" It was normal bar everynight shooting pool, dirts, shuffle ball.I really didn't think i was a alcoholic,Then it was progressing but i didn't see it,I was wakin up in the mornings feeling weak and and had the jitters.I soon needed a drink by lunch time everyday to make it thew the end of the work day.Then straight to the bar.I can't tell you how many monday's i missed from work, because i had all day to drink day and night saturday and sunday.I still thought this was "NORMAL".Then i started loosing job after job but blamed my boss for this, see i thought i was good at hiding my drinking HOW wrong i was, I started loosing girlfriends because of my drinking, but again i blamed them not me.Then by my late 20's i started to drink as soon as i woke up if i didn't i would have the "shakes".At this time i was in over my head i needed to drink just too feel "NORMAL",I new i was sick and started drinking alone, i would wake up in the middle of the night with the cold sweats and shaking,for the first time in my life i was scared and very confused i tried to cut back but i couldn't.At the age of 30 i said to myself i have quit. So i went cold turkey I DIDN'T KNOW HOW DANGEROUS this was.I had never heard of the dt's deliurium tremors by the 2nd day i started to here voices and seeing bug's on the floor,and very scary demon like objects the nights was the worst.I think on the 3rd i had my first alcohol withdrawl seizure.I was taken to the er in the hospital they gave me sedatives to calm my nerves i was still shaking and couldn't sleep.I was very week see i was drinking and not eating,The doctor told me i had jaundice and had the strength of a 80 yr old women, i was 200lb's and im a six foot man but by the blood work he should me he was right,he told me i was full blown alcoholic and to never ever drink again he said i contined i would be dead with ih a year or 2.Him and the nurses wanted me to go to a straight to a rehab but i said no i have strong will power SO i thought they just shoke there heads at me like i was fool looking back they were right,i was sent home with some sedatives.I was sober for maybe a month then i felt strong and healthy again then i gave in to urge and wasn't long before i drinking everyday again.I went to my family doctor he told me to go to aa i was desperate so i went i didn't like it they told me i could never evere drink again,i just couldn't imagine life with out drinking i felt scared all the time and a outcast with out drinking,anyway i have had some time being sober a few months here and there but no long time soberiety today i have 2 days with out drinking,i really want to stop this madness thank you for listening.I look forward to meeting you all.TRUCKER123


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lavande;732770 wrote: Sunni,
                        Sounds like Ms Sophie is eating OK afterall, I was worried about her ribs sticking out & all. Good for her

                        Milly, glad you're stcking with us! Sounds like you're getting ever so closer to making your commitment to stop drinking. I remember feeling scared about taking the leap too but I am so glad I did
                        I have no regrets, whatsoever. Everything is much, much better for me - not perfect but much better. Some things we can control, some things we can't. But at least now, with a clear head I feel I can handle anything that comes my way.

                        FindingMyself, it is a nice day for walking, enjoy!

                        yaya, hello! Tell us what things you have been doing? Have you made your plan? You need to be ready with alternatives when drinking thoughts start! Look in the Toolbox (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas. Deep breaths, distracting yourself with another activity, taking a walk, make a cup of tea, etc. - anything to keep yourself from drinking. Make sure there is no AL in the house - that's a big help

                        Enjoy your Friday afternoon everyone
                        Thank you! I need to get a definite plan together. I think if I make a plan to do yoga or play outside with my 5 yo daughter every day at 4pm, that will nip that rebellious feeling in the bud...hopefully!


                          Newbies Nest

                          changing my name

                          Hi, I can't remember how to start a new thread, but I think I'm going to change my screen name to something less recognizable (yaya is too much like a childhood nickname and since I'm hoping some of my family members will join, well, I don't want my posts to be recognized by them...hopefully that makes sense!) So I don't want anyone to think Yaya gave up and disappeared...I'll still be out there, with a different name.

                          Thanks for all your kindness...

                          bye for now :thanks:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Trucker welcome and well done on being alcohol free for 2 days. Hope to see you on here tomorrow. Take it easy, drink plenty of water and try and eat some good food.
                            I gotta sign off now but I'll check on you tomorrow.
                            Good night all, hope Friday was good for you.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Turcker: Hi - nice to meet you. I only joined here yesterday, but I have been reading all the posts for the past 15 months. I would suggest you keep reading here and visit the meds forum....I found that the BAC along with all the people here is what has helped me. I have been AF for 31 days now and believe me - that is a miracle - especially since my husband still drinks (alot) every day. If you can get the book from MWO - that is a big help too. Don't give up - I'm sure many more of the senior members will be answering you soon. I hope to talk to you again!! Best of Luck, K.
                              Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry, Trucker, I misspelled your name - not very friendly of me. You'll have to excuse me - I'm still a little shy about posting.
                                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

