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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Congratulations I'mOnMyWay! No excuses like "I always drink on Tuesdays" anymore You have shown Every Day who is the BOSS!!

    Byrdlady;1479620 wrote: I'mOnMyWay, on behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, please accept this major award for 7 days of ALFreedom! Here, my dear, is your hard-earned full moon!! :moon:
    In our world, this is huge. You have conquered every single day that a week can throw at you, and succeeded! Well done to you! Keep it going it only gets better from here! Byrdie


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Siren, saw the note about closing the R8D units of your work. Sending you thoughts to stay strong in your path to sobriety. Warmest, Free
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        Newbies Nest

        free at last;1479639 wrote: Hi Siren, saw the note about closing the R8D units of your work. Sending you thoughts to stay strong in your path to sobriety. Warmest, Free
        I missed that one in the busy nest! I hope that doesn't affect you personally, Siren, but if it does, you know how you'll handle it best ... AF!!!


          Newbies Nest

          Evening all and welcome to the Newbies - good luck, it'll be the biggest favour you do yourself on every level.

          When they say at places like Weight Watchers "nothing tastes as good as being slim" we can beat that here because "nothing feels better than being sober, getting up without a hangover and being able to drive with out fear at all times." Lots of new faces and posts in the nest so off for a read

          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Newbies Nest

            So, almost 100 days here.............talkin' to you byrdie............anyway, just letting everyone know not to let your guard down. I thought the boredom of the winter was tough, now we're getting into spring, BBQ's, quad rides, camping, etc. The AL thoughts this weekend were crazy! Of course I didn't give in but I thought "oh good, he's going to the store" or "he won't care, he doesn't understand why I quit anyway" or "I could always lie on MWO on Monday" WTF? AL is relentless! Those were all lies, every one of them. So glad I didn't cave and can be here today, not lying.

            Hang in there everyone!

            Bydie-Day 97 today, just in case you were wondering.

            AF since 12/26/13

            "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



              Newbies Nest

              100 DAYS


              You wrote this: When they say at places like Weight Watchers "nothing tastes as good as being slim" we can beat that here because "nothing feels better than being sober, getting up without a hangover and being able to drive with out fear at all times."



                Newbies Nest

                Well, Bobbyslife, get some nourishment by putting a small amount of food in your mouth and let your siliva soak on it for a bit and then chew and then take a swallow. Let it start digesting in the siliva before swallowing. Do it a little at a time. AL messes with the digestive system.

                I see you are off AL 3 days. Give it another 3 days and you will notice the difference.



                  Newbies Nest

                  I see you under that bag, Overit! Note taken!! I am SO glad you stayed your ground! It is NOT worth giving up your quit. I bet you're really happy about it, too. I imagine those NO, HELL NO muscles are getting pretty strong! You got this in the bag!!! :H B!
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Fantastic No Sugar!

                    My best friend (and ex-drinking partner) has now progressed from wine to vodka but she doesn't have a problem apparently. I shudder when I think back to my behaviour over the last couple of years. I never want to feel that embarrasment in a morning wondering what on earth I've said and done, or the bruises where I've fallen and blacked both my eyes which I've done a few times.

                    The only problem I've found so far with being the sober one is that I end up driving the drinkers home after we've been out
                    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                      Newbies Nest

                      spiderwoman;1479676 wrote: Fantastic No Sugar!

                      My best friend (and ex-drinking partner) has now progressed from wine to vodka but she doesn't have a problem apparently. I shudder when I think back to my behaviour over the last couple of years. I never want to feel that embarrasment in a morning wondering what on earth I've said and done, or the bruises where I've fallen and blacked both my eyes which I've done a few times.

                      The only
                      problem I've found so far with being the sober one is that I end up driving the drinkers home after we've been out
                      Well done on 100 days!
                      It's great having a clear head isn't it?!

                      Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                        Newbies Nest

                        97 is pretty exciting! I'm impressed when I've had 9 OR 7 days AF. Byrdlady you are a treasure and you keep me coming back.
                        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Spiderwoman, on behalf of the Newbie's Nest, I hope you will accept this small token of a huge job. This is the Fickle Finger Award...for giving AL the bird for 100 big days!!


                          We all know how much muscle this our world, this is about as big as it gets....we are so proud of you. Not only have you swooped in for help, but you have
                          been a huge source of giving it as well. You check in every single day. Well done!! Continued success! Byrdie

                          PS, thank you I'mStrong!!!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            NoSugar;1479549 wrote: I'm sorry you are having other health issues, Blossoms -- it seems like when we are doing the hard work of getting AL out of our lives to be healthier, it should be working on everything!

                            I've seen posts on here about people having aching joints and muscles in the weeks after becoming AF as well as feeling very cold and tired. Depending on what you're dealing with, perhaps some of it is part of detoxing and will resolve on its own. I hope so and hope you are feeling much better tomorrow.

                            moni;1479565 wrote:
                            Totally agree with the other 'complaints' when you quit. I feel pain somedays I never felt before. Probably because I was so hungover I couldn't feel it. I also suffered a lot of infections in the first 2 months, probably because the alcohol wasn't killing them. LOL!
                            Thank you both for that .... That's really helpful I did search for information on joint pains and quitting drinking but couldn't find anything.
                            I'd been getting a lot of infections and being really tired for quite a while, but maybe that was because I was letting myself get run down.
                            I'd had occasional joint pain, mostly when I was hungover - but after going AF I've a lot more of it .... And it's been pretty bad at times

                            It's encouraging that others have been through the same thing - that helps me to relax and just trust that it will be okay

                            I'm having a tough evening - not tempted to drink, just down in the dumps. It's my first working day coming back to the new place I'm living and the very two people I want to call and talk about my move are gone A lot of tears this evening.
                            I'm so sorry to hear you were feeling so very down last night. I hope you can catch up and talk with the people you want to and you feel happier very soon. Moving is a huge change - and it's no wonder you are feeling down and unsettled.


                              Newbies Nest

                              secret drinking

                              After posting earlier, went into the kitchen to make dinner and was remembering drinking when we are out socially - business dinners, conventions, dinners with other couples - I nurse my glass or two of wine. I appease the beast by promising to give it more when I get home - so 'they' don't see me loaded". Amazing the control I have when plotting my little secret - and nagging my husband that it is time to leave. I'm not having any cravings now, have no intention of drinking - actually trying to talk myself to go down to the healthclub and move my lardy behind. I'm just noticing the games I play with myself about alcohol.
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Bobbyslife;1479522 wrote: I can hardly stomach anything. I go for 2 days then the problems play again and again in my head. I went to pdoc, I had some anti depressants prescribed and some other gross stuff that just left me zombie like. When I called the office I was told to give it 4 to 6 weeks.. 4 to 6 weeks.. my goodness... what is someone to do besides grab another bottle.. I tried that will power the thoughts just keep surfacing to my head... hear I am on day 3 what nasty alcohol is I can barealy write my arms are just shaking. no I haven't eaten and the water and lemon doesn't do no mercy.. My doctor said I had low self esteem..what gives I said I never had this problem before and was just a product of me and my girlfriend of 5 years leaving me for another man .... what is it that I am doing wrong.. I tried many times to put down the bottle.. What makes me happy for now sooo sad to say
                                Bobbyslife - are you taking antidepressants AND drinking? PLEASE let your doctor know you are doing this and how much you are drinking - I'm sure he can prescribed something like antabuse. In the meantime, please, please, please don't drink! And don't stop the antidepressants! They do work for some people, but it does take a few weeks. Give it time.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

