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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi there TRUCKER 123,

    Welcome to MWO, so glad you found us!
    Wow, you really have had a hard time, hope you are OK. Are you in any danger of DTs again, now? Do you have anyone with you in case you need medical attention? Please take care of yourself, stay well hydrated, drink lots of water, tea, it helps. You have 2 days AF now, that's a terrific start. Stick with us, we'll be around all weekend, of course. Be sure to eat something healthy too, be kind to yourself.

    Wishing you the very best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Milly, you sound exactly like me.... & I just finished Drinking: a love story, & just started Allen Carr this afternoon. Today marks 1 week AF for me & it feels great! Keep reminding yourself of all the stupid sh*t you've done while drunk, how many hours/days/weeks/years you've LOST to AL. Get yourself some L-Glut, I think it's really helping me with cravings/withdrawals. I enjoyed Caroline Knapp's book and have total understanding of her experience.....basically because I've done everything she did with AL and then some....
      You can do it!! There's a TON of support on this forum to help you...if I can do this, so can you!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Lavande thaks for your responce and concern yes my doctor gave me librium to take for 5 days to get threw the withdrawl yes i have someone with me to keep a a watch over me again. thaks again. TRUCKER123


          Newbies Nest

          Finding the need to share this with all of you.

          Hi to all,

          I've been having a great couple of days w/ my mom since we had our how should I say? healing conversation, for her to be the key keeper (thanks to Sunni's advise) and for her to check my bags etc. after I get my car, hopefully this Sunday. It's been incredibly comfortable between us, up till then it was incredibly tense & uncomfortable staying here with her.
          But all this has started me thinking, what's going to happen when I get my car, get a job & get my own place again. Me knowing myself better than anyone, when left to my own devises, I will once again be by myself & I'm afraid that will again lead me back to my old habits.
          I know this sounds rediculous, I'm a grown woman, not a child for Christ's sake. Why is this soooo scary for me?!
          I know it's still a ways off, and hopefully I will still have been able to stay AF.
          Any advise out there?



            Newbies Nest

            Hi all:
            Trucker - all the best wishes to you and 2 days is great!!
            Mermaid - thx for the encouragement, I really have to "buck up" and find the inner strength that I know I have, its just been buried for a long time.
            BBB - I know how you feel with your fear, I certainly have it as well.
            Lavonde - I love reading your posts, they are inspiring
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Newbies Nest


              Just checking in to tell you all ...

              20 days AL free and I found a card from my 19yr old daughter in my bag today. It read ..

              "Mum, just a little card to say how proud of you I am for 'packing the drink in'! I feel like I'm finally getting my mum back. Well done and keep up the good work. Loadsa love, hug and kissed Daisy"

              That alone is worth giving up I can tell ya But in the 20 days ALF I've also:

              Started voluntary work with adults with learning difficulties at a local city farm
              Offered to volunteer for a childen's nursery setting up an allotment
              Started a part-time teaching course so I'm qualified to teach in the adult learning sector
              Decided to breed Giant Continental rabbits (get my 1st breeding pair on Sunday!!!)
              Organised a community arts & crafts Christmas fair
              Sorted out 'the cupboard of doom' which had all my craft materials in - started crafting again and making things for the fair
              Cleaned out (swilled out!) the house which was in a terrible state after a whole year of NO housework
              Actually managed to fill in several really important forms that I've been putting off doing for months
              Started cooking properly and filled the freezer with healthy food for me and my 6yr old son Alfie

              ... and much more

              All of these things seemed inconceivable even a few weeks ago. So much time wasted in the past but focussing very much on the future.

              I'm hoping I don't 'crash and burn' with everything I've been doing so I've booked into counselling sessions to help me keep on track.

              And I'm giving up nicotine next week!

              I know this probably sounds like a self-indulgent 'pat on the back', but I just thought it might be useful to some people teetering on the the brink of NOT committing to moderate/stop.

              For me, the future was full of fear about what would happen if I stopped drinking, changed my life-style and somehow 'became someone else'. In fact, I am just beginning to be MORE of my true self but without the dreadful effects of the alcohol on my self-esteem and physical health.

              The future isn't scary any more and I wish everyone the very best in their own personal very bright futures

              THUS ENDETH MY TOME :H If you got this far give yourself a pat on the back.

              Love and light to you all.

              Trix XXXXXXX

              P.S. Belonging to this forum has contributed a great deal towards my keeping on track these past few weeks. Thank you X


                Newbies Nest

                HI]MWi]]LLY24 wW] am so glad i] found thi]s si]te thx agai]n wTRUCKER123


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Trucker


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone.

                    Welcome Trucker and congrats on taking that big step. Like others have said this place is a great wealth of positive information and encouragement.

                    Trix - big congratulations on 20 days, and you deserve to strut your stuff, that's quite an accomplishment. You said you were "full of fear" about going af, but facing down those fears and finding a way for them to help you grow does pay big rewards. BB, Milly you guys'll be fine too! It takes a commitment to make life better, 'cause we know how bad it can be.

                    Beag'ues??? I don't have any pictures. You have Pictures??? :-o
                    And there you are shining up your halo! lol.

                    Hi Sunni, Lav, Sooty, Mermaid - everyone! Take good care. bfn-
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Do you ever get over all the anxiousness.

                      The last two nights when I lay my head on my pillow all the negativity starts funneling into my brain. Even though I've had a couple of good days I haven't been able to sleep.
                      I don't even know today how many days it's been that I've been AF. Am I going through a bad phase, is this normal?
                      By the way I received the book today & will start reading it tonight.
                      I'm constantly crying & I think I would be drinking right know if I had the booze. I'm such a strong person but I can't beat this, as I said earlier when I'm on my own again, as soon as I have a bad day I'll be back to drinking.
                      Am I going through a bad phase, is this normal?
                      Is it that I have no self asteem left, I honestly don't know if I ever had any to begin with. Why is it anytime I'm wracked by fear or uncertainty, I drink & I think that makes me a better person.
                      Why is it then that I have no friends, no man in my life? My drinking has driven everybody I've known away. Why then do I tell myself it's better to be alone with booze.
                      I'm rambling, sorry........
                      Am I going through a bad phase, is this normal?

                      If you had the patience to read all this rambling my hats off to you!



                        Newbies Nest

                        Thank you all for the warm welcome. Sorry I'm short on words in the postings, but I'll get better at this I think. I'm reading and learning and appreciate having a place in the nest. It feels more comfortable than my own skin has felt in quite some time.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello WitchyTrix and TranqWilly So much information here feeling my way around all the post and threads here glad i landed here Trucker123


                            Newbies Nest

                            I too, found myself crying so much, maybe its all the things we have been trying to repress through drinking coming up. I believe we will have to "confront our demons" at some point, whether through counseling or another method, in order to move forward. It sounds like you are doing really well and I'm sure the soul searching is meant to be.
                            Take care
                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                              Newbies Nest

                              Witchy Trix
                              CONGRATULATIONS, you have done so well and accomplished so much in that time. are an inspiration
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters!

                                Such a busy nest today, Love the company!

                                Witchy Trix, 20 days makes a huge difference! Congrats to you!
                                BBBB, you hang in there! You are doing fine. Remember it's ODAT, focus on today, don't worry about tomorrow! I shed a few thousand tears myself in the beginning, was very emotional. You will get a little stronger each day, honestly. I didn't sleep much either for quite some time, that's very typical. Just be kind to yourself

                                Glad you're staying close Trucker!

                                Still chilly out there in Chicagoland Tranq?

                                Keep up the good work kids, I'm going to curl up in the nest for a while.
                                Have a safe night everyone!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

