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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Jennie,

    Sorry, I was over posting on the roll call. I feel so bad for you. Jobs are hard enough without adding politics into the mix. It's terrible to have to be in the middle of some 'game'. Especially when it's to get someone to quit their job. The whole thing stinks, to put someone else in the middle. I don't envy you.....
    AF since 12/2/12


      Newbies Nest

      Hi folks
      Oh it was awful when I couldn't fly into the nest! Like most people I thought it was me

      I came back from a busy day which included a movie ( with so much popcorn and chocolate we all felt sick) a play in a really cool anything goes park for the kids and then an amazing dinner at a friends house..... and wanted to check in so I could go to sleep peacefully....... But no MWO

      Dinner and talking about not drinking was a bit tough, but not as tough as it would have been earlier. I'm glad I had stayed home and kept to myself for a while, because I don't know if I could have dealt with that kind of temptation right back at the beginning. AF has become more normal so apart from a couple if longing glances at my friend's wine glass I sipped my water from a wine glass and enjoyed the evening The hostess also went with water ..... Maybe to keep me company - which was nice.

      My friend who I liked to drink with did try to derail me a little, but the others (including his long time girlfriend and new wife who I absolutely adore) told him off and shut him down. I did get to tease him when he said that when he gave up drinking that he found all his friends were boring..... so quick as a flash I asked if he was worried that I'd find out be was boring
      I chickened out a bit and said it was mostly for health reasons... But also that I found I was drinking a lot and that wasn't good for any one.

      Whew .... I'm glad that is past ......and I could go to a dinner with friends and not drink alcohol and still really enjoy it


        Newbies Nest

        good for you blossoms!!
        Quite frankly, I just don't want to go out at all. I have no desire to go to any fancy restaurant or party. At least not now. BUT, this coming saturday our dear old friends from law school are having a reunion dinner that they have every year. I never get to see them so I will go to it. However, I am going to tell them right away that I don't drink anymore and I am going to be honest about why...that I was drinking too much and it wasn't fun anymore.

        They are very close friends who I have known for over 20 years and so I know they will support me and not try to derail me. Nonetheless, I will bring my own delicious sparkling something and an incredible dessert that will be hard for me to resist so that I have something to look forward to consuming.

        My husband is somewhat disappointed that I never want to go out to dinner, but oh well. The bright side is that we are saving money!!! And lots of it. Amazing how much of my money was wasted on booze. I am assuming that at some point I will WANT to go out again....just not now. Therefore, it has to be a really good reason to go.
        I just won't anymore


          Newbies Nest

          That's great news about your dinner Blossoms! I love the quick witted comment about your friend saying people were boring when he quit drinking! Well done you!

          And good luck with your reunion Jenni! Like you, I'm pretty much avoiding social events at the moment- but your right, the bank balance (and my body!) is so much healthier!

          Siren, thinking of you today and looking forward to your check in
          'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
          Richard Brinsley Sheridan

          1st goal: 7 days
          2nd goal: 30 days
          3rd goal: 3 months


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning all. Writing a quick note as I likely won't get much chance over the next few days. I am very concerned about falling out of the Nest. I've made so much progress here over the last month - baby steps, I know, but I feel a connection to all of you that has contributed so much on my path to freedom. I'm not going to have much computer access or real privacy or real time over this weekend. I don't want to make excuses but I know how (my) life happens. I don't want my next post to be from the bottom of an empty bottle. I'm going to put some alarms in my Outlook calendar so I don't start slipping back when out of touch. I will post at every opportunity.
            10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


              Newbies Nest

              Just remember that You Are Strong And In Control!!

              I have very sporadic internet access but I do have a little notebook in which are tips, words, quotes, advice...anything that inspires me to stay strong when I can log on or feel a week moment.

              Looking forward to you being back in the nest already
              'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
              Richard Brinsley Sheridan

              1st goal: 7 days
              2nd goal: 30 days
              3rd goal: 3 months


                Newbies Nest

                I'M STRONG AND IN CONTROL,
                We'll look forward to hearing from you..on this weekend.

                We'll welcome any post you can give us.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, ISIC,
                  If you fall out of the nest, we'll be there with the ladder to help you back up. You can DO this thing, my friend! You ARE strong, and you really ARE in control. Take a tip from Hippyman, build yourself a basket of lovely things that will help you stay away from the bottle... little treats that you normally wouldn't give yourself. And know that I (and all of us) are sending you strong thoughts that you STAY strong and in control. You helped me over a rough patch. It would be wonderful if I could help you.

                  Tulip, I keep your name in my mind, too. I am glad you joined us. You help me hope for spring!

                  Blossoms, Hi there! So glad the dinner went well... You are an inspiration to me. And you are right, you know. You did step back from drinking for health reasons. That really is all you ever need to tell anyone.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning, Nesters!
                    I'mStrong, what you got going on this weekend? Do you have company coming in?
                    Please be mindful that you don't set yourself up to rationalizing that you didn't have access to us....this is why you have your Plan!! Remember, HOPE is not a gotta plan this thing out. If you've got company coming in, don't feel obligated to be an open bar for them. Remember, folks who don't have problems don't care whether they drink or not. So don't have it in the house....they can import it if they want it. Your house, your rules...the way I see it. Maybe I'm off base...but what is going on that has you worried? We can help!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Gang,

                      Just flying by for a quick peek and I see a few of us struggling here.

                      ISIC, I LOVED the post you shared with us, from FA- and particularly, one sentence, that I want to keep repeating to myself-

                      "What you do right now has a significant influence far into the future. Feel that awesome power and exercise it wisely."

                      This is easy to remember and I think, very powerful.

                      Temptation to go back to the bottle for one thing or another is very frightening and very disheartening, especially as we rack up the days- but, as Byrdie says, We ALL need to protect our quit like it was gold!

                      Day after day, we see one another struggling over one problem or another. All of these problems and temptations are very real, but they are all part of everyday life. Part of life we all have to learn to deal with- or go back to our old ways. Although dealing with the problems and temptations may be the more difficult choice at the moment, the decisions we make will shape our futures in one way or another. If we choose to make wise and healthy choices, our futures will benefit. I know I have never, not once, benefited from using AL to drown my sorrows or problem.

                      Hope this doesn't sound "preachy"- I am talking to myself as well as anyone else struggling with the benefits of staying sober.




                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Thursday everyone! This morning I feel well enough to take my Doxies out for their morning walk. The neighbors all wave and smile as we walk by. I hear words like "'s dachshunds on parade" and "Aren't they adorable" (not thinking they are saying that I am adorable) :H but maybe walking these guys qualifies me??? I am so grateful for returning health! In a few days I will have 6 months sober. I just got news that the friend who came and stayed with me while I went thru with-drawls has returned from his trip to NV. I'll have to make him a welcome home dinner to celebrate my 6 months anniversary! I always have said that it takes and alcoholic to help an alcoholic. In this case, he saved my life! Have a joyful sober weekend. You can get sober. You CAN STAY SOBER! This time 4 sure! :l I've sent some Angels for those in need!
                        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
               Newbies Nest
               Tool Box
               How to get a sobriety plan


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nesters!! We have a major award today!!!!!! Will Overit please come down front for a second?
                          On behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, please accept this Flying Finger Award for 100 Days of giving AL the FLIPPING BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          This is a real turning point in your journey....we ALL know the strength and determination it takes to achieve this milestone. This is the BAGGAGE CLAIM and you and your bag have arrived!!! We are do proud of you!!!! Would you have any words for us??? Well done!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            100 DAYS!

                            WOO HOO! HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE:banana:

                            Thanks Byrdie. I couldn't wait to get here this morning!

                            WOO HOO!

                            AF since 12/26/13

                            "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                              Newbies Nest

                              Well done overit!!! 100 days!!!! AMAZING!!

                              Hope you're planning on treating yourself today!

                              Wonderful news!!!
                              'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
                              Richard Brinsley Sheridan

                              1st goal: 7 days
                              2nd goal: 30 days
                              3rd goal: 3 months


                                Newbies Nest

                                Byrdlady;1480949 wrote: Nesters!! We have a major award today!!!!!! Will Overit please come down front for a second?
                                On behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, please accept this Flying Finger Award for 100 Days of giving AL the FLIPPING BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                This is a real turning point in your journey....we ALL know the strength and determination it takes to achieve this milestone. This is the BAGGAGE CLAIM and you and your bag have arrived!!! We are do proud of you!!!! Would you have any words for us??? Well done!! Byrdie
                                :alf::applaud::wave::alf::applaud: It keeps getting BETTER & BETTER!!!
                                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                       Newbies Nest
                       Tool Box
                       How to get a sobriety plan

