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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    You said it Byrdie, having another Af day under your belt is definitely worth it!! Looking forward to Day 13 with the 311 gang,

    everyone went to the bar after work today, and I stayed behind, said I had last minute assignment to work on and then went home, feeling bad about staying away socially but know from my last relapse I am not strong enough to be around people who are drinking, the temptation is still so high..

    Have a great weekend!!
    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


      Newbies Nest

      halo;1481755 wrote: You said it Byrdie, having another Af day under your belt is definitely worth it!! Looking forward to Day 13 with the 311 gang,

      everyone went to the bar after work today, and I stayed behind, said I had last minute assignment to work on and then went home, feeling bad about staying away socially but know from my last relapse I am not strong enough to be around people who are drinking, the temptation is still so high..

      Have a great weekend!!
      You will be gaining so many alert hours each day as you continue on this AF path, you will have tons of time for socializing or doing whatever else you choose! It is great!


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters....
        I just wanted to do a quick pop in, I am still around and still AF, 47 consecutive days today. I have been reading but not posting too often. I am so glad to see all of the newcomers, and all the progress that has been made in the nest. My life has been a little crazy as I am preparing for a very big move, I will continue to check in as often as I can until things settle down in my life a little.
        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
        ~Author Unknown
        AF since February 4, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Ok so seriously.....can you believe I just found this avatar?!!!!!! Too funny!
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Oneredshoe;1481764 wrote: Ok so seriously.....can you believe I just found this avatar?!!!!!! Too funny!
            Very nice red shoe for you (but I do like Maggie!)! Are you happy about your upcoming changes? I hope so.
            It is pretty cool how old we are getting MWO-wise! You won't even mind being in your 50s. I'm pretty used to it from Real Life


              Newbies Nest

              halo;1481755 wrote: You said it Byrdie, having another Af day under your belt is definitely worth it!! Looking forward to Day 13 with the 311 gang,

              everyone went to the bar after work today, and I stayed behind, said I had last minute assignment to work on and then went home, feeling bad about staying away socially but know from my last relapse I am not strong enough to be around people who are drinking, the temptation is still so high..

              Have a great weekend!!
              Great idea to stay away for a while. I am glad I didn't try anything social until I'd passed the 2 week mark. My first social occasion (at 19 days) was also a dinner with lots of good food and with the kids there, so while the feelings were still there for that glass of wine it wasn't all about drinking as a bar would have been.

              Hmmm...... Just a thought ..... For the social aspect with your workmates.... Maybe you could bring in a cake or some goodies to work and suggest that you all share them.


                Newbies Nest

                How are you feeling, Blossoms? I hope some of the achiness is gone!


                  Newbies Nest

                  NoSugar;1481766 wrote: Very nice red shoe for you (but I do like Maggie!)! Are you happy about your upcoming changes? I hope so.
                  It is pretty cool how old we are getting MWO-wise! You won't even mind being in your 50s. I'm pretty used to it from Real Life
                  I am actually pretty nervous....I am moving to a small country that borders South Africa. :wow:, it is only for a couple of years. I have moved many many times within the U.S.A., but never to another country and not one that I have never been to. Getting Maggie there is quite the challenge, I have just deiced this evening to hire a professional company to assist me with all of the ridiculous paper work to import her.

                  I am looking forward to 50, 50 and fabulous!
                  "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                  ~Author Unknown
                  AF since February 4, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    NoSugar;1481769 wrote: How are you feeling, Blossoms? I hope some of the achiness is gone!
                    Thankyou so much for asking:l :thanks:

                    It is actually:thumbs:

                    Interestingly .....I got really bad aching in my joints during that dinner actually .... And pretty much all in one arm.... Shoulder, elbow and fingers of my left hand. I'm left handed so it was making it hard for me to hold my wine glass (with water) and had to switch to a fork from chopsticks because I was so clumsy. Kind of makes me wonder if it's not something psychological.
                    I couldn't have poured myself a glass of wine even if I had wanted to :H

                    It comes and goes, but I am looking at vitamin supplements and just generally improving my health before I start running off to doctors...


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oneredshoe;1481772 wrote: I am actually pretty nervous....I am moving to a small country that borders South Africa. :wow:, it is only for a couple of years. I have moved many many times within the U.S.A., but never to another country and not one that I have never been to. Getting Maggie there is quite the challenge, I have just deiced this evening to hire a professional company to assist me with all of the ridiculous paper work to import her.

                      I am looking forward to 50, 50 and fabulous!
                      Good idea - hiring a professional company for that paperwork. It will be worth every cent of the money for the stress it will save you!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Blossoms;1481776 wrote: Good idea - hiring a professional company for that paperwork. It will be worth every cent of the money for the stress it will save you!
                        The paper work is honestly just crazy, and if it isn't filled out properly they can send me and Maggie back to the states, or euthanize her. Oh my gosh the thought of it is making me sick to my stomach. See this is why I am hiring a company to do this.
                        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                        ~Author Unknown
                        AF since February 4, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Blossoms;1481773 wrote: Thankyou so much for asking:l :thanks:

                          It is actually:thumbs:

                          Interestingly .....I got really bad aching in my joints during that dinner actually .... And pretty much all in one arm.... Shoulder, elbow and fingers of my left hand. I'm left handed so it was making it hard for me to hold my wine glass (with water) and had to switch to a fork from chopsticks because I was so clumsy. Kind of makes me wonder if it's not something psychological.
                          I couldn't have poured myself a glass of wine even if I had wanted to :H

                          It comes and goes, but I am looking at vitamin supplements and just generally improving my health before I start running off to doctors...
                          What is going on health wise? Is it simply aching joints in one arm? Or is it accompanied with numbness and tingles? I may have missed a post somewhere
                          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                          ~Author Unknown
                          AF since February 4, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oneredshoe;1481772 wrote: I am actually pretty nervous....I am moving to a small country that borders South Africa. :wow:, it is only for a couple of years. I have moved many many times within the U.S.A., but never to another country and not one that I have never been to. Getting Maggie there is quite the challenge, I have just deiced this evening to hire a professional company to assist me with all of the ridiculous paper work to import her.

                            I am looking forward to 50, 50 and fabulous!

                            OMG Are you the queen of understatement
                            or what??? :H:H:H

                            ORS: Oh, you know, I thought I would just move to the other side of the world. Did I mention it would be in the other hemisphere, too? Just for a couple years - no biggie...

                            WOW! That sounds exciting (and kind of scary).

                            One thing that is cool- it doesn't have to affect your MWO friendships at all (although you and I might not me online at the same time too often...)!

                            Good luck with all the preparations involved. Getting help sounds essential to me. As does being sober so you're going to need to be really really old in AF-time,


                              Newbies Nest

                              Blossoms;1481773 wrote: Thankyou so much for asking:l :thanks:

                              It is actually:thumbs:

                              Interestingly .....I got really bad aching in my joints during that dinner actually .... And pretty much all in one arm.... Shoulder, elbow and fingers of my left hand. I'm left handed so it was making it hard for me to hold my wine glass (with water) and had to switch to a fork from chopsticks because I was so clumsy. Kind of makes me wonder if it's not something psychological.
                              I couldn't have poured myself a glass of wine even if I had wanted to :H

                              It comes and goes, but I am looking at vitamin supplements and just generally improving my health before I start running off to doctors...
                              Well, I sure can see why it worried you. That would be a really strange thing to suddenly experience. It would be nice for the self-protective, psychosomatic explanation you came up with to be correct!

                              But-bodies are complicated and we've put ours through the wringer. I hope your supplements help!

                              Keep us posted! NS


                                Newbies Nest

                                Back from a birthday party...unscathed. I was the designated driver! Unheard of a couple years ago! There was just me and one other nondrinker there (about 30 people), but no one pushed it or even asked me about problems...I ate something before I went, and it's a good thing we didn't eat until almost 8:30. I got my own waters and held it the whole time. Night nesters~ Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

