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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1481786 wrote: Back from a birthday party...unscathed. I was the designated driver! Unheard of a couple years ago! There was just me and one other nondrinker there (about 30 people), but no one pushed it or even asked me about problems...I ate something before I went, and it's a good thing we didn't eat until almost 8:30. I got my own waters and held it the whole time. Night nesters~ Byrdie
    Great job Being the DD and having fun without AL!

    I have been hogging the nest tonight and better head home and go to bed.

    Have a great AF weekend, everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      Oneredshoe;1481781 wrote: What is going on health wise? Is it simply aching joints in one arm? Or is it accompanied with numbness and tingles? I may have missed a post somewhere
      It's aching joints mostly - my elbows and fingers the most, and both arms... Except for that night when it was just one arm. Sometimes my knees get in on the act too. one ankle is a bit iffy... but i think that's from where I sprained my ankle and fractured some bones in my foot before Christmas.
      I get some tingling and a kind of hot feeling in my fingers and elbows but not painful and I get nothing I would categorise as numbness.

      It comes and goes... Some days there's nothing, some days it's really painful.
      I really noticed it after I went AF..... Though I'd noticed aching with my hangovers.

      I also pretty much continually have a kind of low grade infection... Swollen lymph glands and sore throat.

      My mother had MS and was hypothyroid.... So I started going crazy with worry about auto immune stuff. I also had an auto immune problem that caused multiple miscarriages.

      I went and got a FULL thyroid work up from *the* thyroid specialty hospital in Japan and the results were all in normal range. A hospital near me has a big rheumatology section, but I'm going to hold off for a while and just give my body a chance to heal a bit and get in balance by itself first.


        Newbies Nest

        Blossoms;1481789 wrote: It's aching joints mostly - my elbows and fingers the most, and both arms... Except for that night when it was just one arm. Sometimes my knees get in on the act too. one ankle is a bit iffy... but i think that's from where I sprained my ankle and fractured some bones in my foot before Christmas.
        I get some tingling and a kind of hot feeling in my fingers and elbows but not painful and I get nothing I would categorise as numbness.

        It comes and goes... Some days there's nothing, some days it's really painful.
        I really noticed it after I went AF..... Though I'd noticed aching with my hangovers.

        I also pretty much continually have a kind of low grade infection... Swollen lymph glands and sore throat.

        My mother had MS and was hypothyroid.... So I started going crazy with worry about auto immune stuff. I also had an auto immune problem that caused multiple miscarriages.

        I went and got a FULL thyroid work up from *the* thyroid specialty hospital in Japan and the results were all in normal range. A hospital near me has a big rheumatology section, but I'm going to hold off for a while and just give my body a chance to heal a bit and get in balance by itself first.
        Wow Blossoms....I am so sorry to read all of this. What about an alternative Dr for now, to help guide you with healing supplements.
        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
        ~Author Unknown
        AF since February 4, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Night all.....sleep tight. Happy unhung morning to all of you, I may sleep in.
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Oneredshoe;1481790 wrote: Wow Blossoms....I am so sorry to read all of this. What about an alternative Dr for now, to help guide you with healing supplements.
            Yes.... I think that's the direction I want to go for the moment. I might look into some Chinese traditional medicine.... Which is pretty popular here.


              Newbies Nest

              Oneredshoe;1481791 wrote: Night all.....sleep tight. Happy unhung morning to all of you, I may sleep in.
              Good night all!! I'll get off my butt and get moving and take advantage of what's left of this beautiful sunny Saturday (lunchtime) while you all sleep


                Newbies Nest

                O boy this is really tough. I need a complete overhaul. Found out my girlfriend has been lying and cheating on me. I need to deal with these emotions the right way. I need to give AA a chance. I need people in my life, as of now I have nobody. And of course I'm still drinking


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening nesters, We lost in the finals, I am officially done with my baseball coaching career! It is a bitter sweet feeling, been doing this for 12 years with both boys. This year was really different, most dads still drinking special Diet Cokes ( beer in a coke can) in the stands. Had a dad ask me tonight during the first game, hey whose got the special diets tonight? I said its really a diet coke he said yea right, I looked at him and said whatever!
                  Having 3 teenagers rubs off on you!
                  Last track meet tomorrow with my daughter, I'm closing chapters in my life faster than I can comprehend.
                  One red love the new avatar, never told you the significance of Feb 4 that's my oldest sons birthday kinda special good luck on the move, I thought I had it rough, you are my hero!
                  I do own a small white circus dog, and I'm working hard at being sweet to her haha!
                  Hippy, Star, Over it, Byrd thanks for the well wishes! I appreciate you guys!
                  Tomorrow po- boys on real French bread shaved roast beef with gravy, Black Forest ham and grilled shrimp in butter with melted provolone cheese after track meet. Really trust me thought shrimp with the rest - No way, well I have to admit WAY awesome, thanks everyone!
                  Take care. j


                    Newbies Nest

                    JIMMY dama
                    you sound so strong and you seem to be in such a wonderful place!!! You are an inspiration...I want what you have!!
                    It is 5am here and I have been awake for past half hour. I can't sleep. I am thoroughly exhausted but still can't sleep! I have had a headache since yesterday morning. I am on day 55 but feel like I have symptoms of someone in their first 30 days.
                    Work is REALLY stressing me out. I am usually so good at leaving that stuff at the office. But this time, the problems are too big and related to alcohol so it gets all mixed up in my head. My boss is a raging alcoholic in full denial. Company made him go to outpatient rehab for 3 months and then a year of AA. He did it, but continued drinking. He does not think he is an alcoholic. Meanwhile, he is in the middle of a personal financial shit storm and his boss is forcing him to run everything through ME. His life is a mess and he blames everyone but himself. As far as the job goes, he is totally blaming me for everything. I realize this is completely irrational and completely not true .... it is classic alcoholic behavior of someone in complete denial....He tells everyone that I am a bitch and he refuses to talk to me. He blames me for everything bad in his life. I have done NOTHING but try to save our business and help him. I can't prevent his boss from recognizing what is really going on. I also can't prevent being USED in this situation by my boss' boss. He is using me as his pawn to get rid of my boss.
                    The only shining light in all of this is that I am sober...I would not be able to handle all this if I was busy being an alcoholic drunk myself. Oh, and I guess I am happy that my job does not appear to be in least not right now while I am being used to get rid of someone else.
                    The fact that my boss is a raging alcoholic is actually helping me stay AF.
                    OK, venting done for now. Thanks nesters...
                    going to try to go back to sleep now
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey gang! Heading out for a bit this morning and will read back later. Pretty Tulip has kicked butt and has a good mooning over in roll call. Everyone go take a peek!!!



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Starfish1;1481911 wrote: Whoohoo!!! Pretty Tulip!!! SEVEN days is GRAND and that achievement earns a newbies nest full moon award!!!
                        So PT- here's to you for kickin Al's arse for one full week -:moon:
                        Keep up the great work!!
                        Congratulations, PrettyTulip (BTW, I love your screen name!).

                        I was really happy to achieve 7 days and bet you are, too. It makes it so you can't say to yourself, "But on Wednesdays, I always ....". Because now there is a Wednesday that you didn't!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nest and Happy Saturday!
                          I had a busy week, exhausting, actually. No time to even think about drinking.
                          I did have a couple of scares with the antabuse. My boss made me lunch and after I ate it I asked her how she made it. She said homemade VODKA sauce....I was so scared I would get sick but I was ok.
                          Then I was in an IV class and we had to rub a liquid preparation on each others arms for 30 seconds....for a quick second I was afraid it may create a reaction but again, I was ok.
                          I have to be more careful!
                          Day 1 again 11/5/19
                          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                          One day at a time.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy sober Saturday Nesters. Tomorrow I will be 6 months sober. My life has become is so better. I shared my new hobby on another thread but thought I'd share it here, as well. I have a new project that I'm finding fascinating. I went to the library and got info on the founding of the town I live in. I'm learning about the characters who came here and their adventures in building up this area out of pure wilderness. Last night I even had a dream about it. I was back in the days of the struggles with the native Indians of the area. These strange Europeans came and took over. I remember a gun battle and I was hiding... then I woke up. Now I have even more questions about this town to find answers to. Today I'm going for a walk to the area I think the battle took place and allow my imagination to relive my dream. This is TONS more interesting than the bottom of a beer bottle. Enjoy today and don't forget to be kind. It costs nothing but is priceless!
                            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                   Newbies Nest
                   Tool Box
                   How to get a sobriety plan


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Hippy!
                              I do the same exact thing with my family tree!! I have an ancestor that was part indian and governed the nebraska territory for a while....very interesting stuff! His father (also my ancestor) was kidnapped as a child and raised by Indians and he then married an Indian....It is really fun to find out about hometown has a person who ran for president of US about 100 years ago and he basically built this town. Behind my house is what used to be his original homestead (now woods) I walk my dogs back there and feel the history all around me. I love it!!
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hippyman;1481947 wrote: Happy sober Saturday Nesters. Tomorrow I will be 6 months sober. My life has become is so better. I shared my new hobby on another thread but thought I'd share it here, as well. I have a new project that I'm finding fascinating. I went to the library and got info on the founding of the town I live in. I'm learning about the characters who came here and their adventures in building up this area out of pure wilderness. Last night I even had a dream about it. I was back in the days of the struggles with the native Indians of the area. These strange Europeans came and took over. I remember a gun battle and I was hiding... then I woke up. Now I have even more questions about this town to find answers to. Today I'm going for a walk to the area I think the battle took place and allow my imagination to relive my dream. This is TONS more interesting than the bottom of a beer bottle. Enjoy today and don't forget to be kind. It costs nothing but is priceless!
                                Oh how interesting and exciting to explore!! Enjoy

                                I have a fabulous (bilingual) book that has historical maps and modern maps of all these different districts of Tokyo with historical events (mostly from the end of the samurai era) and the places indicated on both maps with photos and great explanations
                                I love going to the places and trying to imagine how it was

