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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    All cried out.........going to try to sleep now.

    Millie, Glad to see I'm not alone. I just want this to become easier not harder!
    Lavande, Ditto. It doesn't feel like I'm doing so well, not today anyway. Lets see what tomorrow hold in store for me.



      Newbies Nest

      BBBB, Trucker, Millie, Lodestar and all other newbies. Just keep on keeping on. Yes its scary but you will all get there if you just take it slowly and don't think too far ahead. No one knows what the future holds but one thing is for certain its a damn sight better without alcohol in it!
      And whats to be scared of anyway? So what if you put your crutch away - you can always find something else to lean on - exercise, keeping busy, meeting friends, reading - anything that fills the spaces that alcohol kept full. There's a big world out there to experience without the numbness that comes from being drunk!
      have a good saturday nesters - keep posting and keep reading what others have written. There really is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow!
      love Sooty


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters,

        Thanks for your good advice Sooty! It's true, we need to focus on the present, take care of ourselves now so we will be prepared fo what comes in the future!

        Very grey, overcast day here, rain on the way. Suppose I'll look at my list of indoor projects & choose one

        BBBB, Trucker Milly, Lodestar and others yet to check in, have a great day. Focus on your quit, you'll do just fine.
        Check in later,
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Nester's!
          Well said, Sooty. Af life just get's better and better. For me, that pot of gold is freedom. Freedom at last. No chains, shackles, to stop me flying.
          Keep going folk's. You really can do it!

          Best wishes all!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all.

            Lav, the temps are falling - slowly though. That's good. Gonna be an ok weekend.

            BB hope the morning finds you in good spirits. Guitarista put it great - Freedom is a wonderful feeling that comes from all of this... knowing you're not tied to a bottle, free to do anything you want feels great. As you come through this you'll find it becomes easier to leave the negativity behind - just leave all the al junk in the past and keep looking forward to how you want to be.

            Take care all.
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,

              Wow, yesterday was a busy day here!

              Hi to Trucker. How are you doing Lodestar? BB Change can be hard and scary! It will get better though. I found one of the best parts of not drinking has been that the negative voice GOES AWAY! You just naturally begin to feel better about yourself once you allow your body and mind to recover from alcohol.

              WitchyTrix – what a wonderful note from your daughter! I’m glad you posted *some* of your achievements – you are way ahead of me – but I certainly have been much more proactive in doing things for myself these days. It’s funny how things that we put off taking care of (paper work, among other things) don’t seem nearly as daunting once we are clear headed enough to put things in perspective. I have been thinking much more seriously about quitting the smokes too, so will be interested in how you do. Congratulations, good luck and thanks for posting. I have a big smile on my face from hearing about your success.

              Grateful, 31 days – that’s great. Don’t be shy about posting!

              A big thank you to all of you trail blazers who are days, weeks, and months ahead of us in this journey, for sticking with us "newbies": Lav, Sunni, TW, Sooty and all!

              Have a good day.


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning All!


                Thanks to all for your positive advise. I had a hard night sleeping again. Just woke, having my coffee trying to wake up.
                I'm going to try to focus on the present & try to stop looking down that scary road ahead.
                Happy Saturday to everyone and I'll check in again after I have gotten the cobwebs out of my head.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Lavande;732102 wrote: Good morning Nesters!

                  Goodness beagle, I'm so glad I don't have your job.................hmmm, that visual will be in my head all day

                  BBBB, good for you ignoring the drinking thoughts! They will come less frequently, honestly!!

                  Emmy, love having you here with us. Stick around, you'll be glad you did! Where are you in PA? I'm tucked down in Southern Chester County, just 1/4 mile north of the MD state line. We sit practically on top of the Mason Dixon line (remember that from history class?)

                  I'm heading outside to pick up branches that came down during yesterday's high winds..........
                  Go Phillies
                  After brainfarts , I finally figured out that if I have everything sent to my email , I can then click on the link and respond. There has to be an easier way.. Lav , Did you get my last response to this post? I have no idea where I posted it.. :new: no worries , I get it .. trial&error. I'll be okay ! I think , LOL:H
                  Non Drinker 9/09
                  Non Smoker 6/09
                  Tennis Anyone ?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Checking back in.....

                    Hello to all,

                    Well my day went alot better than yesterday. I had to go & rent a car to drive to the car auction tomorrow to hopefully buy my very own car!
                    Stopped on the way to pick up a few goodies at Trader Joe's and DID NOT buy any alcohol! How empowering that little simple stupid task felt.
                    Came back to my moms had her inspect in my bags etc. this made her feel better as well making me feel a little stronger.
                    I then went back out to run a couple of errands, apparently she fell asleep while I was out, she abruptly awoke when I pulled into the drive & was in a panic, she said when she awoke she was so worried about where I was & how long I had been gone, this made me feel really bad that she has to wake in a panic worrying about me. I hope that I never have to give her cause to worry about me in that way. It's very sad to know a loved one has to have that running through their heads, she is 80yrs old after all.
                    On the other hand selfishly I might add, I will miss having someone that worries & cares in that way.
                    Have to feed my child (my dog) & walk him before dark, so good night for now, will check back manyana.
                    Hope everyone has a good evening.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Seems things have settled down in the nest today - that's good

                      FindingMyself, still sounding strong - that is music to my ears

                      BBBB, you are sounding better today, good for you! Stick with your plan, everything will be OK. Your Mom will relax, give her some time........she has to get used to the new & improved you!!

                      Emmy, I did get your response.
                      To make life easier........go to the top (left side )of the home page & click on CP
                      Go to Settings & Options (left side of page)
                      click on Edit Options
                      Scroll down to Messaging & Notifications and check the options you prefer
                      I'm glad you're focusing on things you need to do & moving forward!

                      Well, I'm putting my feet up for a bit, gonna watch something mindless on TV
                      Have a safe night in the nest everyone, tuck in closer it's getting a bit chilly!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Sunday morning nesters!

                        Where is everyone? I can't be all alone in the nest!!!!!!!
                        I will be back this afternoon with the hope that some fledglings have returned

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Lav and everyone else. I'm still here I'm glad to say. I didn't feel so good last night so took myself off to bed early but am fine again now.
                          Weather dull and rainy here today but not cold, quite warm and sticky in fact - I prefer the cold crisp days of autumn, much more invigorating.
                          Well its a quiet Sunday for me hope everyone is having a relaxing day


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Lav & Sooty! and all the other nesters! staying busy trying to get my partner packed up & ready to move back to the islands with me. Thankfully, she didn't give up on me after all my stupidity and I'm not sure I would be starting AF day 9 w/out her. It feels good!
                            Keep up the fight everyone!!! It's a wonderful thing to wake up in the morning & remember everything I did the night before & the night before that & the night before that........not to mention how good it is to enjoy a full complete day of utter clarity!
                            Have a great Sunday all!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Where to start

                              I don't know where to start here, I'm a newbie. Today will hopefully be my first day AF. I wake up and feel like I'm strong enough not to drink, then the evening comes and I can't stop thinking about it. Looking for friends and support, any suggestions.:new:


                                Newbies Nest

                                me too

                                :welcome:Hi and Welcome NTBH~
                                I find myself in the exact same situation this morning. Last night I was on my 5th glass of wine before 8:00 and passed out in bed by 8:30. I remember my husband saying to me as I staggered to bed "I want my wife back".
                                It seems every Sunday I swear I will not drink for the whole week....and make it maybe 3 days. It seems so easy in the morning.......and as the day goes by and evening approaches I start making excuses and say to myself "it's ok- I can have a couple".
                                I find this site quite helpful in that we are all in the same boat at least, I just joined a couple weeks ago- on a Sunday when I felt the same way as today!! Disgusted with myself!

