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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you everyone!
    I am so proud of the Stella award
    I will try to explain it to her tomorrow :H:H

    Four years ago today was my day 1. I made it through so I thought OK, do it again tomorrow. The AF days pile up quicker than you can imagine & life gets better & better along the way

    K9, congrats to you on the weight loss girl - good for you!!!!

    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy AF night in the nest!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Just wanted to say thank you to everyone. I'm still hanging in there and every little bit of encouragement helped
      I'm not feeling that good physically today - a lot of fatigue and some aching, and I'm doing what's right for me and resting while my husband takes the youngun to the slopes. I'm here together with them and we are enjoying the trip, so it doesn't matter.


        Newbies Nest

        Blossoms;1483520 wrote: Just wanted to say thank you to everyone. I'm still hanging in there and every little bit of encouragement helped
        I'm not feeling that good physically today - a lot of fatigue and some aching, and I'm doing what's right for me and resting while my husband takes the youngun to the slopes. I'm here together with them and we are enjoying the trip, so it doesn't matter.
        Remember you never get two bad days in a row and any bad day is your brain rewiring so try to welcome it as a sign you are healing.

        Tomorrow you will be brighter :l


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks guys! I did it!!!!!
          K9- 15.5? Awesome
          Blossom and JCW good job
          Jennie and dayum hang in there!


            Newbies Nest

            Siren136;1483335 wrote: Questy - will you be my quit buddy?
            Siren, I would LOVE to be your quit buddy :l

            PM me any time - day 2 for me today - gonna get a proper plan sorted
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Newbies Nest

              K9Lover;1483398 wrote: Quest -

              The times I've "slipped" also coincide with the times I withdrew from MWO...coming here A LOT will give you strength. You'll think of things you've read or posts you've made, and somehow it will just "stick". I know Lav's avatar of her chicken Stella always pops into my head. That chicken can be mean if you cross don't cross her! LOL Pick yourself up and start over...we're here for you!
              Thanks K9 :l
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Newbies Nest

                Day 59 here and I NEVER knew I could have SUCH a clear head....I have never felt more rested.....WOW....this sobriety thing is AWESOME ..... Yes, it is hard not drinking....BUT the pay off, if you are really patient, is more than worth it. I can think clearly, I sleep like a baby, my emotions are REAL and I am able to really look at myself and figure out what I am truly feeling deep down inside. I have not had that ability since I was a child too young to bother.

                What an incredible journey! Feeling good today because I have been digging really deep and coming up with surprising conclusions about my feelings and how to deal with them!!
                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  Icanwithoutacan - congrats for making it through!

                  Jennie - I love your post today and how exciting to be at 59 days AF! You inspire me.

                  Quest and Siren, I'm just on day 3 today so I'll hang with you both a bit if that's okay.

                  Yesterday went well and I got past a few triggers (it's amazing how many there are). Today I have the hurdle of my husband working a double shift so he's gone from 5:00am until 8:00pm. Those days can be long but I have a lot planned today. Gym to exercise, more sewing to do, and making some bread along with some major laundry and cleaning to tackle. I'm taking my younger daughter to an indoor pool to play later this morning too.

                  I had what seemed to be some symptoms of WD during the night. I woke up and felt some little waves of sort of dizziness and nausea. I didn't get sick but just had to get up and drink a bunch of water and sort of talk myself through it. Better so far this morning.

                  Here's to a good AF day for everyone.


                    Newbies Nest

                    And Lavande - wow and congrats on 4 years! That is amazing. Plus I'm finally seeing the photo of Stella that I've heard about. I love it.


                      Newbies Nest

                      JetCityWoman;1483604 wrote: Icanwithoutacan - congrats for making it through!

                      Jennie - I love your post today and how exciting to be at 59 days AF! You inspire me.

                      Quest and Siren, I'm just on day 3 today so I'll hang with you both a bit if that's okay.

                      Yesterday went well and I got past a few triggers (it's amazing how many there are). Today I have the hurdle of my husband working a double shift so he's gone from 5:00am until 8:00pm. Those days can be long but I have a lot planned today. Gym to exercise, more sewing to do, and making some bread along with some major laundry and cleaning to tackle. I'm taking my younger daughter to an indoor pool to play later this morning too.

                      I had what seemed to be some symptoms of WD during the night. I woke up and felt some little waves of sort of dizziness and nausea. I didn't get sick but just had to get up and drink a bunch of water and sort of talk myself through it. Better so far this morning.

                      Here's to a good AF day for everyone.
                      JCW - we can hang together :l

                      It's great that you've got your day mapped out and are keeping busy - I need to sort the time when I arrive home from work out !!! I usually get in about 5.45pm ish and it's usually straight to the fridge - but not tonight I'm not going to call into the shop under the pretense of buying bread only to walk out with a bottle of vodka and some tonic water - I WILL NOT DO IT !!!!!!!!

                      I need to organise Easter - get eggs for the kids etc., but that means a trip to the supermarket - and running past the wine aisles...............

                      I may just write a list and get my hubby to go :H

                      PM me any time :l
                      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                        Newbies Nest

                        jenniech;1483596 wrote: Day 59 here and I NEVER knew I could have SUCH a clear head....I have never felt more rested.....WOW....this sobriety thing is AWESOME ..... Yes, it is hard not drinking....BUT the pay off, if you are really patient, is more than worth it. I can think clearly, I sleep like a baby, my emotions are REAL and I am able to really look at myself and figure out what I am truly feeling deep down inside. I have not had that ability since I was a child too young to bother.

                        What an incredible journey! Feeling good today because I have been digging really deep and coming up with surprising conclusions about my feelings and how to deal with them!!
                        Inspirational Jennie - well done :l
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Y'know, I'm just thinking of the original reason I wanted to get some AF time under my belt last September - we were undergoing random drug and alcohol tests at work - so the pressure was on to not drink due to the possible repercussions. Well, I was AF for a couple of days, and yes I was tested, and yes I passed. Huge sigh of relief. I then went on to get almost 7 days - the 7th being on a Friday, and I caved :-( But my oh my, I felt great in those 6.5 days (I'm having that 0.5 !! )

                          I want that feeling back again. What I did do in those 6.5 days was I ate - what and when I wanted. I put weight on (which as an already large person I'm terrified of) but my head was clearer, and I was calmer and more relaxed than I had been for a long time.

                          Apologies, I know I'm rambling..............just thinking out loud (virtually lol).
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Quest for the key;1483609 wrote: I put weight on (which as an already large person I'm terrified of) but my head was clearer, and I was calmer and more relaxed than I had been for a long time..
                            Hi, Quest.

                            That seems to be a really common fear but here's the deal IMO: That can be dealt with after you feel 'safely sober'.

                            In the early days, just eat whatever you want that enables you NOT to drink and don't worry about it. When you are past the white-knuckle part and you are thinking straighter and have more energy, you can make better food choices, do the necessary cooking, etc. Even then, you need to stay FULL. It is very very easy for your brain to mistake low blood sugar for an alcohol craving. I used to deliberately get my blood sugar low to get the RUSH from breaking the fast with red wine. This wasn't deliberate in the sense of planning it but over time, I had subconsciously adjusted my behavior so that it happened. I know now I was chasing the feeling of relief from that first glass that spiked my blood sugar and the quicker buzz from drinking on an empty stomach.

                            After this first tough bit, if you keep yourself satiated with high quality foods (IMO, good fats, some protein, and veggie carbs), the cravings might not even develop. If they do, just EAT, and the craving will go away. (For now, carbs are going to quench that biological signal best because they will rapidly increase your blood sugar).

                            Then, when all of that blood sugar business is straightened out, come join some of us on the RealFoodRecipe thread -- we're sharing ideas for making some really good food. The link is in my signature.

                            Not allowing yourself to get hungry could be the key
                            you are looking for, Quest!!

                            Have a great day, NS


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wishing everyone a very happy AF Wednesday :l

                              Everyone sounds great!!!

                              Lav, I would love to have a recording of your conversation with Stella (the chook) about Stella (the award) :H:H- Be sure and tell her that she will live in infamy and we all aspire to receiving that award one day!

                              K9- Wow, girl, 15.5 pounds lost in just a few weeks- that's awesome!! You inspire all of us in so many ways!

                              Blossom, I so hope you are feeling better today!

                              Jet- you sound like an "old timer" already- you are doing great!

                              Questy- sounding good and determined! I would send hubs to the store, if I were you- its just easier that way and there's no sense making things difficult on yourself!

                              So, proud of you, Ican! We know youcan!

                              Jennie- you are my hero! Your posts are always full of such insight. You are fighting the good fight! And you are winning, lady!! Keep it up!

                              Love to Kuya and Byrdie and NS and all others popping in today-

                              And I just cant help adding that I feel great myself! I feel I have turned another corner in this journey. It keeps getting better and better! Hang in there, everyone :l:h:l



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                NS- we cross posted, but I want to add (again) that I truly believe that keeping myself full of high protein, low carb foods during this quit was a huge factor in keeping cravings at bay. I am definitely one of those who fits Kuya's profile of an anorexic becoming an alcoholic. I never heard or thought of that before, but that's really what happened to me.



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

