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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Quest, lmao at the.5.......��


      Newbies Nest

      Jennie, I loved that clearheaded feeling when I was sober!!!! Great job


        Newbies Nest

        Starfish1;1483617 wrote: NS- we cross posted, but I want to add (again) that I truly believe that keeping myself full of high protein, low carb foods during this quit was a huge factor in keeping cravings at bay. I am definitely one of those who fits Kuya's profile of an anorexic becoming an alcoholic. I never heard or thought of that before, but that's really what happened to me.
        It would be fascinating to know what percentage of people with eating disorders as adolescents end up addicted to something - most likely alcohol, given the common biochemistry. That is one reason supplemental L-glutamine can work for both.

        The typical underlying personality issues and/or triggering life events are consistent, too.

        IMO: In the short run, eat whatever it takes. In the long run eat well in a way the enables you to (almost) easily be out of the clutches of AL and his BFF, Sugar!


          Newbies Nest

          interesting, NS. I had the eating disorder and definitely that perfectionist, type A personality, but for some reason, I never did get any relief from cravings with the l- glut amine. Strange!



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Newbies Nest

            You know, if we were subscribers to MWO we could conduct polls like this...I am dying to know what percentage had disturbing childhoods....AND, I'm afraid my hand goes up on eating disorders, too.

            I initially gained about 3 pounds when I first began my quit (eating everything was wasn't attached to something) but after 3 months I had lost 13 pounds...with no effort, really....booze had more calories than I thought (or maybe I was DRINKING more than I told myself).
            I should bite the bullet and become a subscriber...cause I think polls like this would be helpful to understand how we got here....B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Starfish1;1483627 wrote: interesting, NS. I had the eating disorder and definitely that perfectionist, type A personality, but for some reason, I never did get any relief from cravings with the l- glut amine. Strange!
              How much did you take?


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1483629 wrote: You know, if we were subscribers to MWO we could conduct polls like this...I am dying to know what percentage had disturbing childhoods....AND, I'm afraid my hand goes up on eating disorders, too.

                I initially gained about 3 pounds when I first began my quit (eating everything was wasn't attached to something) but after 3 months I had lost 13 pounds...with no effort, really....booze had more calories than I thought (or maybe I was DRINKING more than I told myself).
                I should bite the bullet and become a subscriber...cause I think polls like this would be helpful to understand how we got here....B
                Hi, Byrdie

                Can only subscribers complete the polls? If so, that wouldn't really help us. I don't know how all of that subscriber stuff works.



                  Newbies Nest

                  If growing up in an alcoholic home, thus having a genetic predisposition (if you believe in that) and coming from a totally dysfunctional and broken home, then, I had a troubled childhood too. I know that's not as bad as many here though.



                  I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    NoSugar, anybody can participate, but only subscribers can initiate them....b
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      OK, they YOU joining is a great idea!!:H:H:H


                        Newbies Nest

                        aw geez...I'm an idiot. There was a party and I totally missed it. Lav, you are an inspiration - and a friend. :h Congratulations on your 4 years!!!

                        re: my vision problems...I guess the decision is to correct my vision for now but I will be seeing a specialist after vacation. It's not a bad thing that I have to spend less time on the computer, I guess. I leave tomorrow for a week, so hang tough everybody - I'll talk to ya soon! I've GOT to figure out a way to bring some sunshine back home with me. I can't bear the thought of returning to this neverending winter. It's gotten me so down.

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Bahaha! NS, you are a riot!!
                          I know, I should join...I get so much from this site. I have been meaning to look into it...I have looked all around it, under it, beside I need to dive in and see, huh? Thanks for the push! I will check it out...B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            NoSugar;1483631 wrote: How much did you take?
                            I took the amount that folks on this site recommended and even more. I forget now, but it was like a tablespoon or 3 at a was a lot. I tried dissolving it in water, putting it under the tongue, everything that was suggested. I even tried different brands and bought the brand that everyone else swore by. It just didn't do anything for me. It's okay, I got thru anyway.



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              lolab;1483638 wrote: aw geez...I'm an idiot. There was a party and I totally missed it. Lav, you are an inspiration - and a friend. :h Congratulations on your 4 years!!!

                              re: my vision problems...I guess the decision is to correct my vision for now but I will be seeing a specialist after vacation. It's not a bad thing that I have to spend less time on the computer, I guess. I leave tomorrow for a week, so hang tough everybody - I'll talk to ya soon! I've GOT to figure out a way to bring some sunshine back home with me. I can't bear the thought of returning to this neverending winter. It's gotten me so down.
                              Good to see you!!

                              I'm sorry your eye struggles continue but am so happy for you that you are heading someplace warm. I am looking out my window at piles and piles of snow. UGH!!! I am a warm-weather girl, myself.

                              Have a great trip and rest all of yourself, including your eyes !

                              Love, NS


                                Newbies Nest

                                Starfish1;1483659 wrote: I took the amount that folks on this site recommended and even more. I forget now, but it was like a tablespoon or 3 at a was a lot. I tried dissolving it in water, putting it under the tongue, everything that was suggested. I even tried different brands and bought the brand that everyone else swore by. It just didn't do anything for me. It's okay, I got thru anyway.
                                Well, that is quite a bit so if it didn't work, maybe it just isn't the right supplement for you.

                                I followed the advice of Julia Ross (Julia Ross' THE MOOD CURE, Julia Ross' THE DIET CURE).

                                I'm glad your diet is helping with the cravings, anyway.

                                Have a great day, Star, and thanks for keeping track of those awards!!

