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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello all,

    BBBB, Glad today was a good one for you!!! I made a trip to the store today also, I actually wrote on my grocery list "skip the wine". Lol! Good luck on getting a car, too.

    Mermaid, things are sounding terrific for you - congrats!

    Lav, I'm hanging in there by the skin of my teeth, (at least it isn't by the hair of the dog).

    Sooty, grey and gloomy here as well Rain tomorrow, which is fine with me. If it's going to be grey it might as well rain.

    Franzia, NTBH, I've been using Kudzu daily and L-Glut when the cravings are strongest. I can't say they make the cravings disappear altogether, but I think they help. Of course reading and posting here helps a lot. Good luck to both of you. See you tomorrow.

    Bye for now everyone


      Newbies Nest

      Checking in...

      Hi everyone,

      Sorry Lavande, you found an emty nest this morning. I'm back home, bought a car at an auction, what a riot! Thank God my friend is one of the owners. He got me the car with out me having to do much of anything exept pay$$.
      I barely had a single thought about booze today. Although broke down when talking to my friend about my situation, but he was very suportive. It seems that not only alcoholics have their ups & downs, he's had a few as well.
      Anyway I didn't have all the money so I still have to go back tomorrow. I just hope this car will get me around so I can find work etc. etc.
      I am exhausted it was a long drive getting there, a long day & a long drive back.
      I'm hoping that tonight I'll be able to actually get a good nights sleep, still having a problem there.
      I hope everyone is well & will check in tomorrow!
      Good Night,


        Newbies Nest

        Hey kids,

        Sunday is over, I had a good day, sounds like you all did too

        Sooty, hope it wasn't too damp of a day for you!

        mermaid, enjoy that clear head - it really is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

        Welcome needtobehappy! Find yourself a comfortable twig & settle right in the nest with us
        Have you read the MWO book yet & made your plan? Stay close, we're happy to help any way we can!

        Franzia, I'm sorry to hear you are struggling. Perhaps you need to make some changes/additions to your plan! I didn't use the supplements myself but a lot of people swear they make a big difference. I found seriously distracting myself helped me get past the thoughts & urges to drink. They usually only last 15-20 min.

        FindingMyself, I love your shopping list 'no wine' - that's a great visual

        BBBB Congrats on the car!! Great step forward for you! Keep going girl, one day at a time!

        I'm closing up my end of the nest but I will leave a light on - just in case!
        Have a safe night everyone.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          I'm new here.

          Hello everyone,

          I am new to this site. I have been going to another site and I love it there but I saw this one and wanted to give it a try. I have been trying to go abstinent for 4 months now. I have slipped 3 times slightly in that period. The first slip came after 50 some odd days and then it seems to be a trend of every 14 days or so. Gotta get over this blip. I have been sober now since Tuesday, my last blip, I had 6 beers at a friends house. When I started all this I was drinking a 12 pack a day! I am doing much better but just seem to have been slipping the last month. Need to commit again. It is a war it seems on this thing. I call it the EAF The Evil Alcohol Fairy. The closer I get to beating it the stronger it comes at me. Use to be with some warning now the urge will come fast and furious and gets me a bit off guard. Most days is no problem but the 2 I caved with were over the top. Does it happen that way to some of you?

          Good to meet you and I am going to make some rounds and read a bit.



            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Happy Columbus Day to those celebrating!

            Hi T'sHope, Welcome! So glad you've decided to join us in the nest, lots of support available here
            Have you read the MWO book yet & made your plan? Sounds like you need to identify those triggers that keep causing you to slip & take steps to counter to us if you can, we're here to help!

            Time foe me to get some work done. Wishing everyone a great Monday, I'll check in later
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning All!

              Hello to all including T'Hope,

              To all, I'm feeling great today. Finally got a good nights sleep, slept like a log!
              T'hope, I don't have experienced advise to give you, being a newbie myself, except from my experience so far, if you just keep putting your thoughts out there & you see the positive responses, it helps.
              For me it's one thing to keep a journal, but this is one that talks back to you! It's great for me, hope it's great for you too.
              Gotta get going. Didn't realize today was Columbus Day, that means no mail, was waiting for a check, can't pick up the car until then.
              Oh well.........
              Hope everyone has a good productive day!


                Newbies Nest

                Evening all, where is everybody? I've had a good day, still waiting for my cold to depart - can't wait to wave it goodbye. Weather forecast good again tomorrow so I'll be going for another walk I hope.
                Hope that Monday went well for all the nesters.
                See you tomorrow


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone.

                  Glad to hear everyone's doing okay. Me - I've been in computer hell a bit this weekend and just had to break down and fix some stuff I've been living with for a while so that kept me offline a bit.

                  Wow BB I like what you said about how this is like keeping a journal that talks back... a cool and fun thought.

                  Welcome T'sHope - yes, I think everyone is in the same boat to some degree with the EAF! It seems like all we can do is take the bad experiences and use them to make us better somehow.

                  Hi NTBH. Welcome. Franzia, the more you keep trying, the stronger you get. Someone here said nothing that's worthwhile is easy. But this place has made it a little easier for me to ride-out the bumps along the way.

                  Hi Lav. Sooty, that cold's still hanging around huh. Hope it gets better soon. FindingYourself and Mermaid - sounds like you guys are moving forward too!

                  Take care all.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Quick Fly-in

                    Hello Nestlings and NEW Nestlings! Seems every time I am away a whole bunch find their way into our little nest! Maybe I need to go away more often

                    VERY emotional weekend, but that was to be expected. Loads of very conflicting thoughts and emotions flying around in this tired little head and yes, there actually were some drinking thoughts this weekend. That were not acted upon.

                    Anyways, I'll check in for longer tomorrow - I'm just bushed and not good for nuttn tonight.

                    Keep well, everyone.
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome back - the nest is always missing a little something special when you're away!
                      Glad to hear you returned tired but unharmed

                      Hi to all the nestlings that checked in today

                      Need to put my feet up, turned out to be a long day.........
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Chicken Returneth!

                        Hi the Nest! and *cluck*

                        Back onboard once more. More rested now and just had alot of lovely family time..much needed I will admit!

                        Have just read through the last few posts to catch up! Lots of newbies here which is SO good to see..Welcome all,its a great place to be!

                        Am staying busy as usual,but happy to say that on the whole I a remain AF. Even celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary last night with dinner out and no alcohol.

                        Hubby's gout is not good right now so we are both being very good and curbing our cravings..poor man is suffering though,as he can't have seafood either! Feeling very hard done by I will say! I VERY graciously supported him and did not of partake of seafood either..which was a challenge I will say!!!!

                        Kids are good, animals are good! Hope all is well with everyone. Am going to spend some time reading back over posts now..just to get to know everyone and what has been going on with you all.

                        Over and Out


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Chicken, I was pretty clucking lonely with you & Sunni away for so long................
                          Glad you have returned to the nest
                          Congrats on your AF time, goodgirl & your 7th Wedding Anniversary! Sorry to hear about your husband's gout - ouch! Dietary restrictions & the appropriate meds will help, you know that!

                          Turned the heat on last night, the nights have been chilly. Seeing a little sun off & on today so that's good. I need to get some work done this morning & run some errands this afternoon so I'd better get moving

                          Have a great day everyone, I'll be back tonight!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Lav!
                            Missed you..but the nest is still buzzing I see! It must be those 'greenthumbs ' of yours keeping it all well pruned and growing nicely.Lots of lovely comfy twigs for all us Nesters to perch on!
                            Am off to bed now and work tomorrow, so will try to pop in again in the late evening.have a Work Seminar to attend straight after work too..urgh! But if I don't get to say hi tomorrow I will sure as eggs (a chook pun) say Hi on Thursday!
                            What is going on anyway? Have Tranq & Beags gone on a trans-oceanic date yet??
                            What's the go Sunni?
                            It's warming up over here, so I am thinking that Beach party is getting closer!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning fellow nesters:
                              I am back on the wagon - Day 2 beginning - job interview today - hb not very supportive - says he has "more important" things on his mind.....hmmmm....I will keep my goal quiet (from him). I told him I am planning on AA meetings and he says he "doesn't believe in them". Oh well, this is my time and I cannot let his negative attitude jeopardize it. Hope you all have a great day, talk again soon.
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                                Newbies Nest

                                I've been wanting so badly to stop "drinking too much wine" for so many years. How many mornings I've woken with the fear and guilt instead of the sun waking me for a chance at a new day. I'm so embarrassed at my foggy head and lack of control. But, I just dumped out what was left in the wine bottle and decided to that today is my first day. I have things to do. One thing is I have to love myself instead of having this critical despising hidden mess I feel constantly. So many memories of being drunk at important events. Being hungover and smelling like a soggy drunk. I just try to hide it from everyone. My husband drinks way too much and he doesn't seem to think it's a problem. It is.

                                I'm supposed to be cleaning the house but I'm going to the gym. I will be back here later. I can't feel like this another day.

