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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks JetCity
    Good thing you walked right by that aisle. Its going to be one hard Easter and one depressing one for me but I know others have been through the whole thing too... Your doing good on day 3, I remember day 3 I was too sweaty and shaky to even walk or look normal.


      Newbies Nest

      Oh the sweating! I had to change my t-shirt twice in the middle of the night last night because twice it was just soaked through. I know that's common during withdrawl but wow. I could have watered our entire front yard.


        Newbies Nest

        Bobby and Jet- you two are getting thru the toughest part now. The first week can be difficult, but you are almost over the hump- hang in there- the reward is great!



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey guys just checking in - had a lovely tea - pork and veggies - and a hot chocolate

          Hubs can't get over the fact I'm not glugging wine - had to laugh myself !!!

          Anyway gonna settle with a film and an early night - alls well in questys house tonight - day 3 here I come

          Oh almost forgot - well done to the rest of us having af days today where ever you may be xxx

          (One last thing - supposed to be going to a function on Friday night in a pub - soooooo don't want to go and trying desperately to think of an excuse to get out of it - ideas on a postcard please
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Newbies Nest

            Bobby and JetCity...I'm so proud of both of you! Well done!
            I felt like I had the dang flu the first couple weeks...achy and bleh! But it will soon life and you will feel so much better. All you gotta do, is get thru this day!!! Tally Ho!!

            Ok, I am now a subscriber! Now let me see how to do a poll! What do yall wanna know? I got dibs on the childhood thing...we have eating disorders going next....what else? I'ma be a polling fool!! What do you think of that? ___ Yes ____ No. ehehehe. xo, b
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Hang in there Bobby and Jet!! Star's right about the first week being really tough I'm on day 11 and although every day is tough (and I imagine it will be for a while) it does get easi er and being AF feelsmore 'normal' as each day goes by.

              I also have the same worries as you about the easter holiday bobby. My step mum booked a flight for a spontaneous two day trip and has just left. We have had a close relationship for fifteen years and this is the. first time that we have spent anytime together without alcohol. It was hard, and really strange but i got through it. I was REALLY tempted more than once but i kept sneaking off to the bathroom to read my plan and go through my list of reasons why i quit, and that saved me every
              time. For me, having something written down really helps me to stay focused when thoughts of alcohol are taking over. I hope u find something to work for u
              'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
              Richard Brinsley Sheridan

              1st goal: 7 days
              2nd goal: 30 days
              3rd goal: 3 months


                Newbies Nest

                Sounds like your having a lovely night in quest and i'm more than a little jealous of your dinner!!

                My excuse for not going out on day 5 was the tried and tested migraine excuse! They can go as quick as they came so you don't have to feign any symptoms the day after....and a little white lie is worth it to stay AF!
                'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
                Richard Brinsley Sheridan

                1st goal: 7 days
                2nd goal: 30 days
                3rd goal: 3 months


                  Newbies Nest

                  prettytulip, so great to see you! Great job on 11 days!!! I tell you, something just clicked in my head when I got to Day 13. It was as if a switch flipped! It was on that day that I realized that being AF WAS something that I could do!! I hope you find the same thing! You are doing so well...mercifully, it gets easier...if it stayed this hard nobody could do it!! Hang in, better days are ahead! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1483769 wrote:
                    Ok, I am now a subscriber! Now let me see how to do a poll! What do yall wanna know? I got dibs on the childhood thing...we have eating disorders going next....what else? I'ma be a polling fool!! What do you think of that? ___ Yes ____ No. ehehehe. xo, b
                    Hey, Byrdie -- Way to go!!:goodjob:

                    So what are all your cool benefits? Is there a Fancier Nest in there that we should know about ?
                    Ya know, ya get what you pay for and we aren't paying much to be here :H !

                    I think polls will be fun and informative. Does the system run statistical analyses on them or just dump the data on you?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Bobby and jet ...... Don't give up the fight...your reward is just around the corner

                      I too am from a dysfunctional family and had an eating disorder as well as an alcohol disorder
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening everyone,

                        So many posts since the last time I was here! Thank you for your encouraging messages and hope I can send some encouragement over to you guys as well. :thanks:

                        I'm feeling pretty blue, but managed to say no to wine tonight. I feel restless going to sleep, but sort of happy that I'm not blabbering in the kitchen incoherent stuff to my friends. Let's see, not feeling very optimistic about the weekend and Easter as few here already mentioned.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well, when I figure it out, you will see there's a poll out there under New Posts, and you get to vote and see the results after you have voted. It's like a bar graph thing you can see as the voting is taking place. I also get a bigger INBOX so I won't have to be constantly deleting and making space! (I hoard messages). There is also a subscriber's forum...where just those talk amongst themselves....I will check it out, but always seem to land back here...this is home! I get a free download of the MWO book...(which I haven't read) and a free bottle of Kudzu, which I may get, but pass on to someone else if they need it. It's $9.95 a month and they do it in 3 month increments so $29.99 every 3 months. I hope yall got a lot of polling you want to do!!! Now I just gotta figure out how...I have Techie helping me, so should be getting that going soon! How exciting! (I gotta get out more). B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks to everyone this site really helped me out 7 days AF

                            Is the major depression and anxiety normal at this point? Just don't feel like getting up and all that's on my mind is my ex girlfriend. If I could just get that out of my head I think I would be ok to atleast get up and move.
                            Its like with the alcohol every little thing became fun. But cant go back there


                              Newbies Nest

                              Bobbyslife I'm sure it will get better soon. You just have to be patient. I was completely dysfunctional for couple of weeks after things went all wrong with my ex and I really thought the pain will never go away, but it did.

                              Gradually every day I thought about him less and begun taking better care of myself. I was also drinking at that time a lot so I just prolonged everything. Then I moved to a new country, started a new job and simply had to get my act together. Well now I'm here cos I obviously didn't get my act together completely, but the pain did go away.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Byrdlady;1483769 wrote: Bobby and JetCity...I'm so proud of both of you! Well done!
                                I felt like I had the dang flu the first couple weeks...achy and bleh! But it will soon life and you will feel so much better. All you gotta do, is get thru this day!!! Tally Ho!!

                                Ok, I am now a subscriber! Now let me see how to do a poll! What do yall wanna know? I got dibs on the childhood thing...we have eating disorders going next....what else? I'ma be a polling fool!! What do you think of that? ___ Yes ____ No. ehehehe. xo, b

                                Heaven help us all!!!!

                                Morning nesters .......busy place today .

                                Lola .....have a lovely break ......perhaps spring will have sprung properly by the time you return

                       that piece by FA. I realise that part of my joy is embracing and actually enjoying the broken parts, rather than being angry about them. I look at the person I am now BECAUSE of the breaks and, yes, I am proud. I wouldn't look for ways to suffer more but I am also not AFRAID of what life may throw now.

                       your hubby on board with your quitting, it sounds like he doesn't even know......if so how can he possibly support you??

                       keeps getting better, and now I NEVER want alcohol, not even as a fleeting thought.

