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    Newbies Nest

    Quest for the key;1483944 wrote: Morning nesters - hope we are all well

    Just checking in at the beginning of day 3 - but I must say that I am feeling fearful of the outcome of this evening, since I don't have tp get up for work tomorrow. Hubs will probably suggest a few beers, and I'm scared I won't be able to say "no".

    Pathetic huh ???

    My plan at the minute is gym after work - so that will mean I get in a little later, and I'll be hungry. I'm hoping I eat and don't succumb to the poison we call AL.

    Anyway, have a happy and sober Thursday all
    Hi Nice to meet you. I haven't been on much these last few days as I've been on a trip. Please read back on my posts and you'll see my problem has been dealing with my husband wanting me to drink with him.
    My suggestion and solution - Get yourself lots of yummy alternatives - smoothies, sparkling water, non-alcoholic beer, sparkling apple cider... What ever you like

    Good luck!!
    Gotta go catch a plane now


      Newbies Nest

      Great job everyone!! Bobbyslife, I know Star will be along shortly wij your moon!!! We are all so proud of you. Drinking AT people never hurt THEM, it only hurts you. I drank AT and ate AT people for years and all I became was a fat drunk!! (that oughta show em). Living well is the best revenge.

      I gotta go check our poll! The next one I want to do is eating disorders....would a simple yes or no be all we need? Next one, maybe smoking? Ideas welcome!

      An Easter weekend isn't a booze free for all. This just means we must shore up our plans...Know that people are going to offer you stuff and have your answer. How can they 'catch you off guard' if you have allowed for this scenario? PLAN for success and you will have it. HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY!! Instead of hoping you can resist...tell yourself that you WILL resist, because this stuff is out to kill you. It's not playing nice and neither should you. And speaking of being nice...don't worry about hurting anyone's feelings by NOT drinking...I've hurt plenty MORE while I WAS than I have since I quit. In fact, I haven't hurt anyone's feelings since I quit....this is a 'fragment' :H of your imagination. NORMAL drinkers don't give a rat's ass what you drink...only heavy drinkers do, and they want you to be worse than them. How do I know? Um....I was one of em. Don't fall for this. Shore up your plan. If someone hands you a drink tell them NO THANKS....this isn't Woodstock, we are fighting for our lives back. If you find someone has slipped you a drink with AL, politely SPIT it back into the glass....Sips lead to Slips, lead to SLIDES out of control. Don't tempt the AL GODS, they know what they are doing...they will sing that sweet song to your thirsty ears....THEY ARE is a trick. Do whatever it takes to protect your quit....dig your heels in and don't give in no matter what and no matter who!!

      I'm heading out of town on business...I am meeting 3 customers during this time...If they want to celebrate something their way....have at it...I will celebrate MY WAY (because I wanted OUT OF THE RABBIT HOLE). Do not budge on your resolve...come Monday we will be celebrating all kinds of MOONS right here. It is worth it to get sober...I promise. If it weren't I'd have been outta here with my quit long ago. Stay the course and you will never be are NOT missing anything, you are gaining your life back! XXOO, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters

        Good plan Byrdie

        Planning to succeed is what it's all about. Wishing & hoping will get you no where fast.
        Quest, make a good plan & commit yourself. It is truly empowering, believe me, I know.

        Have a great AF Thursday everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Kradle - this weather forecast is amazing. My 6 year old is thrilled. She's been dying to ride her bike. Looks like we get to do that this weekend! Thanks for the congrats. :-)

          Bobby - 7 days is great. Keep up the great work. Watch that number continue to grow.

          Byrdie - I will go check out the poll. Thanks for all the great posts. I will be rereading that one often.

          Vekara - great job so far. I'm right there with you.

          It's day 4 for me and I'm ready to tackle it. Made a list of my triggers last night and a list of my reasons NOT to drink. I should laminate that sucker. I will keep it with me all the time.

          Jennie has a big day today!!! Congrats to you, Jennie! What an accomplishment!


            Newbies Nest

            JETCITY - good idea to laminate that sucker.

            I think I'll take your idea and do it myself.

            Have a good day 4. You will be over halfway to your Full Moon!!!! That is something not to be missed!!!!



              Newbies Nest

              Day one under my belt.

              Hi All,
              Well somehow without even trying I made it one day AF. I have not been drinking very much but it seemed like I just had to have one a day... So yesterday I went AF. I hope for a day 2. Thanks for all the support and private messages.YOU ALL ARE SO GREAT.
              Some how through this I have lost 30 pounds 188 to 158 and I am close to the best shape I have been in a very long time.

              I will check in today and let you know how I am doing with the Al.
              It is so funny I joined this gym which is not cheap and I have hired a personal trainer for two days a week to help me with my abs. I fell this is fairly extravagant but it never felt like that when I would go but a fifth or a half gallon of gin a day or spend 300 bucks on a case of wine....

              How easy the mind can be tricked by Alcohol.

              Again thank you all for the support in my absence.

              rednose. :thanks:
              All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                Newbies Nest

                I will pair AL/AF I have noticed in myself:
                Brain Dead/ Alive; Fat/ Fit; Stupid/ Good Ideas; Forgetful/ Sharp mind; Mean/ Nice; Lazy/ Energetic; Sick/ Feel Well; Withdrawn/ Engaged;
                HMMMM lets see, which would I rather live like AL/ AF....hmmm such a decision, which way to go....

                OK in case you are wondering my decision I pick AF, that's right door #2. Ding Ding Ding.

                That's just me.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Laststraw - I love those pairings!!! That is a great idea. And I definitely want to make it to my "full moon"!

                  Rednose - congrats on your AF day and keep it up. Just reading the posts here (like laststraw's above) keeps me focused.

                  Jennie - one more aside for you - I keep your signature line in my head and repeat it to myself when I start to have an urge. Saying, "I just don't anymore" to myself totally helps. Thank you for that!


                    Newbies Nest

                    This is so great to hear this many people are getting AF
                    So far I am liking it, Day 8 and still a little shaky and no appetite


                      Newbies Nest

                      JET, I use JENNI'S signature line, too. It has really helped me.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow that is great. You sound great. HEY, you are great. It is no small feat to go a full week AF. Great job.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh my STARS, Bobby :l

                          Wait a minute here, sir- you slipped that one in on me and I had to go polish me moon!

                          SEVEN DAYS, BOBBY???!!! That is FANTABULOUS, hon! And now on day EIGHT!! You got this in the bag, Bobby!!!

                          We are SO PROUD of YOU!!! And on behalf of the entire Newbies Nest, I bestow your (newly polished) full moon!!!


                          Keep up the great work, Bobby and stick close. You ARE DOING this!!!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            thelaststraw;1484064 wrote: I will pair AL/AF I have noticed in myself:
                            Brain Dead/ Alive; Fat/ Fit; Stupid/ Good Ideas; Forgetful/ Sharp mind; Mean/ Nice; Lazy/ Energetic; Sick/ Feel Well; Withdrawn/ Engaged;
                            HMMMM lets see, which would I rather live like AL/ AF....hmmm such a decision, which way to go....

                            OK in case you are wondering my decision I pick AF, that's right door #2. Ding Ding Ding.

                            That's just me.

                            Love, it, love it, love it, S! Thanks!



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Love your rationing, last straw. I will use that today during my "trying times"

                              Great job, bobby. Day Eight is a milestone!!. Keep going, JetCity!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you all so much. you don't know how much you all have helped me. I am trying to make excuses not to go to family for Easter. I know there will be a lot of liquor at the function.

