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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    oh, wow, that is a challenge, BOBBYS, freaks me out that they would have that wine tasting. I am convinced that people who "enjoy fine wines" are simply ALKs.

    Freaks me out.

    Hey, I never taste the free stuff, whatever it the supermarkets. That's just me.



      Newbies Nest

      I have food issues - sugar=bad and most of the free food has sugar. I faithfully read the ingredients on a food before I buy and if it has "cane sugar" "evaproated cane sugar" "dehydrayed cane sugar" "Cane Juice" ETC...I don't buy or eat it.

      But that's just me all over the place.

      So that's why I don't sample supermarket foods. Crap, I can't even think of sampling AL. The creep AL. No Way.-S-


        Newbies Nest

        thelaststraw;1484355 wrote: I have food issues - sugar=bad and most of the free food has sugar. I faithfully read the ingredients on a food before I buy and if it has "cane sugar" "evaproated cane sugar" "dehydrayed cane sugar" "Cane Juice" ETC...I don't buy or eat it.

        But that's just me all over the place.

        So that's why I don't sample supermarket foods. Crap, I can't even think of sampling AL. The creep AL. No Way.-S-
        I have a lot of food sensitivities as well....sugar is a huge NO NO for me. I eat a nice variety of vegetables excluding corn, tomatoes, carrots, and tomatoes. The only fruits I can eat are green apples and white grape fruit. I eat limited red meat. NO processed foods. My eating habits are pretty strict and I have never felt better. I did however indulge in a little chocolate the other day and broke out in a rash.....wasn't worth it. :H
        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
        ~Author Unknown
        AF since February 4, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone
          So good to see so many new members and everyone doing well

          I'm back from my skiing trip - it posed a few challenges, but I made it through AF It was good to manage a trip alcohol free for the first time, next time won't be so hard.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Blossoms,

            i am new with the terms. First day sober, again, i hope I can do this.What does AF mean?



              Newbies Nest

              Hi, Eiti...Welcome

              AF is alcohol free.

              Wanna join me in the chat room? It's under 'Live Chat' to the right of User CP...
              "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Eiti and good morning to the rest of you, it' amazing what a good night sleep can do to your system! I skipped work gathering last night and stayed home. I felt frustrated last night, but now I feel very different than, say, yesterday morning. I'm actually packing my stuff to go to the gym before work.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello to the Nest... I have not checked in for a while now. I've been having issues quitting AL cold turkey. I've finally realized that I needed to identify my triggers to really begin to look at sobriety. I joined this wonderful community without actually making a plan and I was only able to go 9 days max AF. So, over the past few weeks I've been looking at what my triggers are and making a plan. April has 30 days... so I will go all of April AF. Or I'm going to try. I'm sorry that I have not been checking in. I really love this community, I just needed to really look at my life before jumping into this challenge. So please know that I will be here every day starting April 1st, even if I screw up. Love to you all. :h
                  Would you like you, if you met you?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters

                    Good to see you again MS!
                    Did you ever read the MWO book? It's the best place to get started. Making a plan & identifying your triggers is essential. Go thru the tool box this weekend, lots of great ideas there

                    Wishing everyone a good AF Friday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome back ME and a big welcome to the newcomers!
                      I have had two drunk dreams this week......they are the worst nightmares! I even woke up yesterday expecting a hangover and couldn't figure out why I didn't have one.....that scares me!

                      Last night I went out to dinner with my family. My husband ordered a beer but then really wasn't feeling well so he went back to our room. I was at the table with my kids and there the beer sat. I asked the waitress to clear it away please but it was really busy and she never got around to it. I didn't drink it but having it sit there with no one else's hand on it played with my head. I am done playing with fire....that is what vacation time is for me at this early stage.....
                      Today is our last day skiing and then we head home tonight. I am looking forward to the safety of my house!
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning To The Nest

                        Wow it took until day 9 but I actually did get almost 8 hours of sleep. It feels great being AF and no hangover. Hopefully everyone is doing great today. Its Friday and the temps are supposed to raise. I have to go back to work on Monday. The phone calls came last night and I had my phone on silent wow that's one less trigger. Holiday is coming.... trying to find excuses not too go with family , anyone have any good ones?


                          Newbies Nest

                          OHHH WOW Bobbye,


                          Excuses? I'm sick, sinus attack, gotta wash my hair LOL, the problem with excuses is they all tell you what to do to remedy your problem.

                          HUGE trigger for me...I just say "can't do it" or "I am just too sleepy" which would be true, but then they say, oh you can nap here...

                          "just can't do it"



                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning, by the way BOBBYS.



                              Newbies Nest

                              jenniech;1484587 wrote: Welcome back ME and a big welcome to the newcomers!
                              I have had two drunk dreams this week......they are the worst nightmares! I even woke up yesterday expecting a hangover and couldn't figure out why I didn't have one.....that scares me!

                              Last night I went out to dinner with my family. My husband ordered a beer but then really wasn't feeling well so he went back to our room. I was at the table with my kids and there the beer sat. I asked the waitress to clear it away please but it was really busy and she never got around to it. I didn't drink it but having it sit there with no one else's hand on it played with my head. I am done playing with fire....that is what vacation time is for me at this early stage.....
                              Today is our last day skiing and then we head home tonight. I am looking forward to the safety of my house!
                              Oh I feel for you!! I just came back from a skiing trip ... And it was so hard I am so so happy to be home


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning laststraw

                                those are good ones its just ive never missed this holiday before. but everytime I would be drinking as well as everyone else including my ex. oh well I just can not go this year..

