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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    afternoon all, lovely to see you back Chicken and congrats on the anniversary.
    I've been out with OH till now (its 3 p.m.), lovely sunny day again. Nothing special to report this end, things ok with me. Hope everyone having a good day.
    See you later


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all,

      Hi Chicken, happy 7th anniversary! Our beach weather is going in the opposite direction, but I might wander down for a bit if the wind and rain let up as the waves should be good after our bit of stormy weather here.

      Sunshine - glad to hear you got through the weekend okay.

      Welcome T'sHope.

      Willowz - hi! keep reading posts here on the board and jump in and post where ever, you'll find a lot of support.

      Milly - thank goodness for this site and all of the positive vibes here. Sorry hb isn't too supportive right now. Good luck with the job interview!

      Hope everyone has a nice day.


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Willowz, I'm off to the gym tonight too. I'll be cycling there and leaving the wallet at home so as not to be seduced by the shop on the way home. Good luck, be selfish and true to your self.
        "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Chicken,

          Glad to see you working hard, toeing the line (chickens have weird toes), ha ha.
          How's the new pup?
          Not sure about Tranq & Beags............... they may be on the way to your place, keep an eye out
          Getting colder in this part of the nest, actually had to turn on the heater last night!

          Milly, glad you're back on board, you can do this! Sorry you don't have support at home, it would be nice but it's not absolutely necessary. I was alone here when I started the program, probably was better off without the distraction of a disinterested husband.

          Hello & welcome to willowz and jamie27! Please make yourselves comfortable here in the nest. We're all here to help! Stay close, check in often, let us know how you're doing

          Sooty, hope the sniffles are gone! Not looking forward to that nonsense this winter!

          FindingMyself, you're sounding good, strong

          Well, I have dinner guests arriving in 2 hours - better get in the kitchen!!

          Have a good rest of the day everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi nesties:
            Back from my interview, went well, but all I want is a damn glass of wine, geez. I will fight the urge, having cranberry juice....this is the worst time of day for me, usually have had a couple by now. Yikes. Have a good night all... I am sure I will be lurking here for awhile...its like a lifeline.
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening, everyone!

              Well, after working until 1-2am in the morning for the past 4 days, today I kinda just crashed Now comes the job of unpacking (no more appealing than packing stuff up, really) and finding room for everything I brought. Fun, fun. No, not really But, at least it's DONE now. On Sunday (Thanksgiving here) I had 3 friends show up to help and cater pizza & cake, and 2 more show up later that evening - so, there was SOMETHING to be grateful for So, here is the final product now: Stunning 77 Acre Country Home For Sale: Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada

              The other blow was a phone call from my 18 year old daughter last night. She is pregnant. Has just started her first year of college, her relationship with her b/f is on the rocks, and did I mention she's EIGHTEEN? I will call her in a few minutes. I was in no shape to really talk to her last night. I was so utterly exhausted and miserable and was afraid I would say something I may regret later.

              In all honesty, with everything that's been going on the last few months, I'm ASTONISHED that I am still AF. This past week has been pretty tough. Thoughts were definitely creeping up and in.

              ChickenLittle - Happy belated anniversary! I hope you had a wonderful evening! You know, that beach party is sounding better every day!

              Hey Lav... you're freezing your feathered lil but off, too, huh? Same here. When is Tranq coming to get us?

              Hello and welcome Milly! Glad your interview went well - keeping fingers, toes, eyes crossed for you here! And, I'm sorry to hear that your hubby isn't the rock of support for you. Very unfortunate - but you are absolutely right; you're doing this for YOU and you'll find your way out with or without his support.

              Willowz - welcome as well. Behold the feeling and determination you have today. How was the gym?

              Sooty, couldn't you share one of your lovely sunny days with us, please? Nuttn but rain off and on and coooooooolllllllllddddd here

              Finding and Jamie, you're sounding good and strong! Good for you!

              Ok, I'm off to call my girlie. And then, make some pumpkin pie. We're having a belated Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night, just Mr. Wonderful, his middle son, my youngest and yours truly
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Sunny
                Wow, what a gorgeous estate, are you leaving it? I must have missed something.
                So sorry to hear of all your recent stresses, congratulations on staying AF, you are so strong and such a wonderful example to us all. Thanks for your kind words of support, I am really having a tough time but it will get better
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone.

                  Hang in there Milly - your right about reading posts here. There is a ton of good info all over this site. The Toolbox thread in the Monthly Abstinence forum is very good.

                  Welcome willowz and jamie. Was at the gym tonight myself. It's amazing how physical exertion can feel good (when I'm done).

                  Hi Sunni, Chicken! Welcome back. Sunni, crazy thing about life - it can sure turn up some surprises huh. You know you'll handle things much better without the al. Things are never perfect, but we can accept the tough stuff and try to make it okay.

                  Haven't heard from Beages though. It's been a while - maybe I scared her away? :{

                  Finding, bbbb, t's how's it going? Lav always a pleasure!

                  Take care all.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Time to close the nest for the night, it's almost 11 pm!
                    Why am I up so late anyway??

                    Sunni, I don't know what to say to you! My thoughts are with you, absolutely. I hope the chat with your daughter went well tonight.
                    I just looked at your website for your property again, what a great job you did It looks just gorgeous.....wish I was in the market! The pictures from the helicopter tour are awesome, what a beautiful area. I hope you enjoy your belated Thanksgiving celebration.

                    Milly, I know you're having a rough time right now but it WILL get better, honestly. We're here with you

                    Hi Tranq, how's things? We had to break down & turn the heat on last's chilly!
                    I need to remember tomorrow to drag out the heating unit that keeps the chicken's water can from freezing. We haven't had any frost yet but I can feel it coming
                    I hope those girls in Australia are enjoying their warm weather. We should probably think about leaving's gonna take forever to get there!!!

                    I'll leave a light on for any late night nesters.
                    Have a safe night everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi! Here is a quick version of my story.

                      Hello Everyone,
                      I am new here and wanted to check in and give you my short version of my story. Great to see so many healing and fighting for sobriety here. Thanks for the warm welcome!
                      I have been at this for about 4 months and had a blip the other day. I am now on day 8 again of my journey. Some may not have counted that but I do. I was drinking about a 12 pack of beer a day for the last 3 or 4 years. I had a bad blow out with my OH who is still drinking and I just decided that was it for me and the bottle. I need to pull it all together and get my life back. I have been making allot of progress. My mood swings have slowed down now.I am sleeping and eating better and my whole life is beginning to get better. I ran across this site and I thought it would be nice to give and get some support in this journey. I will go into more later on but that is the short story of it. it was the kids grew up, I was lonley and OH worked allot. We drifted apart and he drinks allot. I started to then it got out of control. Every day. As you know it is a progressive disease and it destroys lives. I hated not really living, I hated me and I hated everyone around me. I was feeling quite sorry for myself really. Now I know I have the power to fix me, no one else but me. I can encourage and support but not fix. I was always trying to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one. It would be nice if we all had that kind of power to fix and make everyone happy all the time but I am not that person anymore. I am just me. One day at a time. One goal at a time. I have kinda gone away from really counting the days. I put it on the calender and move on. I have decided to be abstinent from it and just accept that. It was hard as heck at first but now it is getting better. Good days and bad. Learning to deal with feeling feelings was the hardest and still is. Drinking to drowned the loneliness and pain.Now I just try and live through it like most people do. I am learning how to live all over again. It was a long 4 months and 2 blips is not to bad. Not good either though. It is my choice to not drink again. I was a bit disappointed in myself the last blip. Seems that it just jumped out at me with little or no warning that time. The harder I fight the trickier it gets. The urges get further apart but allot stronger. I will just keep hammering away at it and now I have all of you to help.I will try and help you all as well

                      Nice to meet you all and thanks for being here. See you around the threads. Hang in there mates.


                        Newbies Nest


                        Hi T,

                        I love the way you say 'blip' and that's what it was.

                        You sound so positive and ready to fight again.

                        Wishing you all the luck in the world.

                        Stay close. Let us know how you're getting on. You'll find loads of support here.

                        Love Jackie xxx

                        AF since 7/7/2009 and loving it
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all the Nest is open for business once again!
                          Happy Humpday, really!

                          T'sHope, so glad you're here with us, thank you for telling us about yourself. A lot of us receive little to no support from the homefront, that's why these threads are so helpful I have also stopped worrying about everyone else's happiness - they need to handle their own stuff! I've focused on myself this year & my new role as Grandma!

                          JC, good to see you as always!

                          Wishing everyone a happy Humpday, I'll be back later
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning everyone,

                            Hi Jamie, sounds like you are making small plans that can make a big difference - leaving the wallet at home to avoid temptation. Good for you.

                            Milly, It will get better ? hang in there. I?m glad to see you here posting every day!

                            Willowz, BBBB hope you are doing well.

                            Sunni, what a lovely home and property. I would love to roam through those fields and woods and come home to such a lovely home. I?m salivating over all of the counter space in the kitchen! I hope all is well with your daughter. Tough week for you I?m sure and I hope everything smooths out soon.

                            Hi Tranq, JC, T?sHope, Chicken! Hope all is well with you.

                            Lav, I?m going to owe you some lightbulbs!

                            Good day all.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Ok I gotta ask - what the heck is Humpday? and what are we supposed to do on it? Dunno if its the same over the pond but one of its meanings over here is to have sex - surely you're not telling us to do that Grandma?????? :H :H


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sooty - Humpday is the middle of the week! And I guess a good day to have sex if you want.....

                                Sunni - I love your beautiful estate - wish I could move there. I'm sure it will sell fast. As far as your daughter - I agree that life happens - maybe not the best time for her, but all babies are gifts. At least you will be able to enjoy your grandchild AF. I am going to be a 1st time GMom in January and am so looking forward to it and am striving to stay AF. It's so nice that your friends helped you out on Sunday - you are blessed to have such good friends.
                                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

