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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    One of the simple pleasures of being AF, now every night I am able to take off my makeup and properly wash and clean my face. Gone are the mornings when I wake up all hungoverr with mascara and eyeliner smudges everywhere. All the simple pleasures of being AF are starting to add up, on the way to day 20, with a makeup free face before bed.Happy Easter everyone
    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


      Newbies Nest

      halo;1485094 wrote: One of the simple pleasures of being AF, now every night I am able to take off my makeup and properly wash and clean my face. Gone are the mornings when I wake up all hungoverr with mascara and eyeliner smudges everywhere. All the simple pleasures of being AF are starting to add up, on the way to day 20, with a makeup free face before bed.Happy Easter everyone
      Oh, totally been there done that! But now when I do wake up with smeared mascara, it's because I began nodding off reading in bed and was too lazy to wash it off. But knowing the next morning that was a conscious choice that I remember making is STILL a simple pleasure! Those little things are so cool! :yay:



      For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


        Newbies Nest

        Hey nesters, I truly love you guys, my wife wonders if I'm having an Internet affair, told her hell yes! Get used to it I'm not gonna quit these friends! She asks if I'm doing my AA online again, I just say yes baby!
        Bobby you sound so much better, that's awesome our friends here are so right, make up something with your work buds, guys appreciate bathroom issues I am so grateful and sad baseball coaching is over for me. Just found out one of our good friends really had a terrible argument at a game, had issues with other parents all because of AL and excessive drinking. Love those people really pillars of the community but just got waxed and stupid!
        Bobby you have this, it's tough and weird but it gets easier, to day no keep it up!
        K9 you are so spot on, thank you!
        Red shoe glad things are going well!
        Byrd, and Hippy I am finally getting it ,you all are the glue Happy Easter All! j


          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nest People, its a sunny sober Easter Saturday though we still have the evil white stuff (not cocaine lol).

          Great to see you hanging in Bobby, things will get better now honestly. Hello to the newbies. Don't know if it will help any of you but I have started letting people know at the earliest opportunity that I don't drink, just started a new job and was invited out to a hen night, I accepted the invitiation but pointed out I don't drink, don't care if others do but I don't, not even one. It was accepted without question so this will be the way forward for me, those of you struggling could try it. I've since been asked if I ever drank and been honest and said yes, could drink for England but decided enough was enough and left it at that.
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Nice to see shinning happy faces here
            Calm, happy AF mornings are the best - I totally agree!

            Good for you spiderwoman, planning ahead is a huge help. I have found that people really do not care what is in your glass as long as they have what they want

            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all... Checking in on day 30
              Oh I am so happy to write that.
              I got together with some friends to do Easter stuff for the kids that I organised. Fun, but really tiring .... Especially as I just got back from a trip . The adults had some drinks ... But these are friends I've already met with since I stopped drinking and I brought along a bottle of sparkling cider and my friend joined me in drinking it and brought out gorgeous champagne glasses with a cherry blossom pattern to drink it out of. So nice of her


                Newbies Nest

                Blossoms;1485181 wrote: Hi all... Checking in on day 30
                Oh I am so happy to write that.
                I got together with some friends to do Easter stuff for the kids that I organised. Fun, but really tiring .... Especially as I just got back from a trip . The adults had some drinks ... But these are friends I've already met with since I stopped drinking and I brought along a bottle of sparkling cider and my friend joined me in drinking it and brought out gorgeous champagne glasses with a cherry blossom pattern to drink it out of. So nice of her
                Congratulations on your month, Blossoms! . Despite some challenges, YOU DID IT! The great thing is, it just gets better and easier from here!!!

                Love, NS


                  Newbies Nest

                  Dear Blossoms -- wonderful news and huge congratulations. You are a great inspiration to many.
                  Free at Last
                  "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                  Highly recommend this video

                  July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                    Newbies Nest

                    HAPPY HAPPY day, Blossoms!!! We are so proud of you!!!:yay::yougo::yougo::alf:



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Congrats blossom on your 30 days!!! :goodjob:
                      Very inspiring!
                      On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                        Newbies Nest

                        Congrats on 30 days, Blossoms! That is a big deal and a major accomplishment. Inspiring!


                          Newbies Nest

                          At the good advice of my mentor, I am posting in the Nest for support.

                          We are at my Brother's for Easter and I didn't do too well last night and caved in....not too badly but it could have been. My trigger....hard day at work and sitting around everyone else that was drinking. I'm working on my plan for tonight because as crazy as this sounds, we are cooking out on the grill and that is a big trigger for me. Also, my Brother and his Wife love their wine and that's their big evening ritual (also while cooking) Something about that time of night and cooking. I've read this is a big trigger for many people...not sure why.

                          I honestly think if my Husband didn't drink it would be a lot easier for me. He doesn't have the same problem that I have and he can stop after 1 or 2. For some reason, I feel like I have to drink the whole bottle and then some and I drink it like it's Kool Aid.

                          On a positive note, I'm hoping to get my Husband to start running with me in the evenings. He doesn't run but both of us need to lose 20 lbs. so last night I was telling him that it would be good for us if we could go out and walk or run instead of sitting around drinking wine after work. He didn't say no, so I'm going to keep pushing it. If he doesn't want to go, I'll go with my puppy

                          I hate getting on here and saying I failed but I need to be honest. I know I can do this and I will!

                          I went back to the Toolbox and read some things that really helped me. I also will be checking in here for support.

                          "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
                          [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Blossoms;1485181 wrote: Hi all... Checking in on day 30
                            Oh I am so happy to write that.
                            I got together with some friends to do Easter stuff for the kids that I organised. Fun, but really tiring .... Especially as I just got back from a trip . The adults had some drinks ... But these are friends I've already met with since I stopped drinking and I brought along a bottle of sparkling cider and my friend joined me in drinking it and brought out gorgeous champagne glasses with a cherry blossom pattern to drink it out of. So nice of her
                            Oh fast that time went.....well done, awesome work, so happy for you


                              Newbies Nest

                              spiderwoman;1485122 wrote: Morning Nest People, its a sunny sober Easter Saturday though we still have the evil white stuff (not cocaine lol).

                              Great to see you hanging in Bobby, things will get better now honestly. Hello to the newbies. Don't know if it will help any of you but I have started letting people know at the earliest opportunity that I don't drink, just started a new job and was invited out to a hen night, I accepted the invitiation but pointed out I don't drink, don't care if others do but I don't, not even one. It was accepted without question so this will be the way forward for me, those of you struggling could try it. I've since been asked if I ever drank and been honest and said yes, could drink for England but decided enough was enough and left it at that.
                              You know that making this sort of public commitment is such a boost for your sobriety. Everyone knows me as a non drinker now, no one queries it, and the fact that I have made this very public statement tells my psyche I MEAN IT !


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Miley and welcome.

                                I know what you mean, by the end I actually put my wine in pint glasses to save getting up and down....half a bottle of wine a trip. Vodka was my poison of choice though.....I kept to a half bottle limit but I know I could have drank a bottle with little extra effect. I was way past 'heavy drinker' and had to stop.

