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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oh wow! Thankyou so much everyone!! I've been so excited knowing this was coming up.... And it feels so good to be here and getting all your congratulations and well wishes It hasn't always been easy - especially dealing with a drinking husband - but knowing I could come in here and that someone would understand my feelings and struggles and give me the support I needed helped me through



      Newbies Nest

      Great job, Blossoms. You should be very, very proud of yourself !!


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters
        Wow its already Saturday, Soon the family will leave and drive to a relatives home and stay until Sunday night. I already made it clear I will not be going. Maybe take the advice on here and rent movies and try to watch them AF, something I don't think I have ever did. Lets hope I don't get any calls from my ex and her new guy friend, since I know that will be a huge trigger. Need to be strong though. But wishing everyone a great Saturday AF!


          Newbies Nest

          Bobby, I think the words we choose help drive our actions. You could change this:

          Bobbyslife;1485226 wrote: Maybe take the advice on here and rent movies and try to watch them AF, something I don't think I have ever did. Lets hope I don't get any calls from my ex and her new guy friend, since I know that will be a huge trigger.!
          To some thing like this:

          I will take the advice on here and rent movies and watch them AF, something I don't think I have ever did. If I get any calls from my ex and her new guy friend, I won't know it because my phone will be off so that I can avoid known triggers.

          This would be a plan for success!

          Congratulations on the good week you have had! Stay tough! . NS


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1485230 wrote: Bobby, I think the words we choose help drive our actions. You could change this:

            To some thing like this:

            I will take the advice on here and rent movies and watch them AF, something I don't think I have ever did. If I get any calls from my ex and her new guy friend, I won't know it because my phone will be off so that I can avoid known triggers.

            This would be a plan for success!

            Congratulations on the good week you have had! Stay tough! . NS
            Excellent advice NS!
            Bobby... She's right! turn your phone off.... You don't need that kind of negative energy in your life anymore.

            Stay tough, think positive!!!

            I remember when you arrived here.... And you were all over the place - broken, confused and beaten. You are sounding so good now... It is so heartwarming to read the difference in your emails.


              Newbies Nest

              NoSugar thanks that is a great idea..... I know they both drink and like to drunk dial or text me childish things.. Sounds like a great idea. Since its the holiday I remember it was always a chance to drink even more and even earlier. Ughh just the the thought of that now makes me ill.


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Blossoms you know how hard it is, but even though the urges are there, I come on here and read or post. Its nice to be AF since people who knew me before are saying your skin looks much better and your not as grumpy, so yes its been positive so far, still in the early stages but have to do this.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Bobby - it sounds like you are thinking all the right thoughts to get through the weekend AF. I feel the same about movies. My husband gave up on asking me if I wanted to rent a movie with him because I'd always "fall asleep" half-way through. Might be a great time for you to catch up on some films AF this weekend.

                  Day 6 for me. I have a baby shower to attend at 11:00. I know this crowd and there will be AL there (which used to seem normal but now I'm thinking, "at a mid-day baby shower????"). I'm bringing me plan and my reasons not to drink. Plus I'm not feeling bloated and yucky so I'm actually excited to wear some nice clothes for it. Another good reason for being AF. I also sewed the gift for the baby this week and there's no way I could have finished it if I had been drinking. So I'm feeling good going in.

                  Have a great Saturday all.


                    Newbies Nest

                    JetCity trying to stay on that right track. I can probably watch a movie and not pass out now. So I know what you mean.
                    Day 6 wow you are stronger than me, I was still not eating at that day, sweating, shaking, nasty. But then again I would drink the whole big bottle of vodka or rum. So good for you on Day 6! I heard many years ago "drink vodka it leaves no smell on you" I wonder if that was true


                      Newbies Nest

                      Attention Nesters! Big doings this morning!! It is with great pleasure that I bestow this small token of a tremendous job upon our very own Blossoms! My is your hat!!


                      I bet your life has changed in so many, positive ways, and far fewer negative ones than you thought! Not only have you come in and taken advice, but you have been so generous in giving it to those behind you in days. We are all so proud of you!! Would you have a few words for us as to how you did it and what you've learned?
                      Here's to a lifetime of sobriety!!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Bobbyslife....another marketing ploy by the vodka people...I can sure smell it. I thought it was just could the marketing geniuses be wrong? I can smell it on people, too, not just in a drink. Speaking of marketing...there was an ad on tv last night, for an APPLE BEER! It made it look really good! And I don't eat apples or drink beer! We must be mindful of these tricky ads.
                        This is a real point of contention for me now...AL is legal, heavily marketed and socially encouraged!!! And we wonder why it's hard to quit!!! We are certainly swimming upstream on this one....but it gets easier!! Just like I would never buy a Jaguar car, I will never buy an Apple Beer. (or vodka)
                        You are doing great! Stay the course and you will never regret it! No one was ever sorry he/she stayed sober!!!
                        Happy Sober Sattidy!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Byrdie
                          It must be a marketing thing, must be. Since people did smell it on me , I guess it wasn't as bad as the other types. I see those type of so good tasting beer ads also. I now turn the channel if I see an ad with any type of alcohol in it. The way they glamorize it sucks.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Bobbys....Kuya says to imagine that they are pouring embalming fluid into those glasses......YOURS! YIKES! Since she said that it put a whole new spin on it for me!!! (whatever works, I say!!) Hugs to you!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              BOBBY big hugs to you. :l you are dealing with that situation head on. When you said that she and this idiot she's shacked up with like to drink and drunk dial all I could think was, " Well, thank heavens our Bobby got the heck away from that woman" Yikes! :egad:

                              Do have Netflix? One thing that helped me was getting involved in a series...took me out of my life for a bit and the best part...NO COMMERCIALS :welcome:

                              Hi Ms. Jet,
                              My twins have had their best friends over this weekend (another set of twins...:nutso: ) and so the weather is perfect for staying sane!! I think I might take everybody over to the local park for the egg hunt...
                              It was a little hard having everyone here last night. Their mom and I could really drink a lot when we all got together...felt good this morning not to be hungover but a bit strange last night...

                              Hope you don't live on Whidby Island. Holy Cow!! I bet most of those home owners thought they were far enough away from the hillside...
                              Well at least there's no more win in the forecast to make things worse.

                              I'm sure the baby shower will go well. Remember to eat before you go and bring a water bottle and say you're in training for the marathon in April.... I think it's iN April ?

                              Have a lovely Easter, :l
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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                     newbie nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nursie;1485036 wrote: my insurance doesn't cover antabuse. I pay out of pocket. It's worth it to me. But I'm looking into maybe getting a prior authorization, or medical necessity. Maybe then it will cover....
                                Nursie OMG I missed your thirty days...:l you are way over it now and well on your way to Sixty!! :yay: you are such an ipirTion. :h

                                And Wow Blossoms! Look at YOU the big 3-0 :goodjob: I thought that was very karmic that your friend brought champagne glasses for your cider with apple blossoms on cool is that?

                                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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                       newbie nest

