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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning friends,

    Mein, good to see you back. Like Jenni, your post really rings true with me. Like you, I had a lot of very positive things in my life. Also like you, I had this one diseased blot that was touching everything in my life. Getting rid of alcohol to me meant closing the distance between who I could be and who I really was while drinking. You can have relief from the feeling that you are not living your life to its potential. That constant conflict between the two me(s) was wearing me down. Put an ironclad plan in place and then never look back! I'm very happy for you!

    Jenni, congratulations on your two AF months!
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Newbies Nest

      Goot Morning, Nesters! It was a quiet nest over the holiday weekend, I hope everyone had a peaceful time.
      Mein, great to see you back and ready for action. AL is the dangest opponent I've ever plays dirty...and for all the marbles. I'm so glad you are back on board. It is amazing that just a couple good AF days will allow the clouds to part and the sun to shine a little brighter. So glad you are with us.
      Lamb, there at the end I didn't think I was getting hangovers, either. I just thought it was normal to wake up feeling like hell!! UGG! You are going to be pleasantly surprised in how much better you feel in a relatively short period of time! Read and and post!! Our Kuya ran some numbers and noticed that more active posters had a better success rate! So there really IS something to getting it off your chest! We are so glad you are with us.
      Pinecone, no truer words....there were 2 me's. I'm glad I'm down to just the one, the other one was trying to kill us. :H
      Jenn, Spider, great posts!! Lav, my dear, always a pleasure!
      Good to see everyone!! Have a wonderful, sober Monday!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Suffering through another day 1 - ugh. I've already had nearly 32 ounces of water and forced myself to eat breakfast. I just watched Vegucated and am now considering going completely vegan (I already don't eat beef or pork products). I'm not sure i could give up cheese, though.

        I just want to feel better.
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          Newbies Nest

          jenniech;1486037 wrote: I have experienced that Lamb.....Drank bottle of wine and woke up the next day with no "hangover". HOWEVER, what I thought was no hangover really was just that. Maybe I did not have a headache, maybe I made it to the gym and worked out before a full day of work. BUT, now that I have a few days of sobriety under my belt, I see that I was really really hungover. It is just that my body adjusted to the booze. It must have been working so hard!!! I was still foggy, not sharp, tired all the time and downright depressed.
          So, I used to think I was OK and that I could handle the bottle of wine a night and I did handle it for over a year....but it did start to catch up to me and I feel so so so so so much better now that I don't drink....
          Just my experience...I fooled myself into thinking I was not hungover but I was, no question about it.
          I had a similar experience, jenniech. Because I didn't have a headache (well, maybe a tiny one), from my bottle-a-night-habit, I thought I was getting away with it! Living alone, I thought it was my own, private problem, and that it didn't impinge on the lives of family or friends. When my daughter and I had a miscommunication that resulted in "words," I realized that a molehill had become a mountain, and that I didn't handle the situation properly because I was emotionally and physically beaten down by AL. That's when I began my imperfect journey toward abstinence. Thank you, senior members, for your unwavering support of us beginners! It means so much....
          Friedabee is "free to be!"


            Newbies Nest

            Siren136;1486070 wrote: Suffering through another day 1 - ugh. I've already had nearly 32 ounces of water and forced myself to eat breakfast. I just watched Vegucated and am now considering going completely vegan (I already don't eat beef or pork products). I'm not sure i could give up cheese, though.

            I just want to feel better.
            Siren, don't feel bad! I'm also back to Day 1. It happens and I'm learning that I need to stop punishing myself for it and look forward. I hope you feel better soon!

            This is why I love the Nest... It's 5pm here in Germany and I've already thought "I should have just one shot of tequila to make myself feel better from last nights binge"... wrong!!! Instead I check-in here and I see "welcome back" messages, empathy and encouragement. Thank you all! No tequila for me. Just some sparkling water. Just think "strength strength strength".

            I also want to comment on not experiencing a "hangover". I'm definitely there myself. In fact if I have just one beer I don't feel any kind of buzz anymore. This makes me sad because it shows me just how bad my habit has become. In one way the hangover feeling was a blessing. When I was in college and drank moderately I was ALWAYS sick the next day if I overdid things. This resulted in a "lesson learned" sort of feeling. But now that the hangover feeling has become normal I'm not learning my lesson from drinking too much... in fact, now I drink more to lesson the feeling of said "hangover". Vicious cycle.
            Would you like you, if you met you?


              Newbies Nest

              Pinecone, I just LOVE YOUR POSTS! You are so calm, self-assured, and encouraging.
              What you have done is exactly what I am working on doing.

              Pinecone;1486040 wrote: . Like you, I had a lot of very positive things in my life. Also like you, I had this one diseased blot that was touching everything in my life. Getting rid of alcohol to me meant closing the distance between who I could be and who I really was while drinking. You can have relief from the feeling that you are not living your life to its potential. That constant conflict between the two me(s) was wearing me down. Put an ironclad plan in place and then never look back! I'm very happy for you!
              Have a great day! Love, NS


                Newbies Nest

                MS, I'm going to try to have a completely AF April. I started a thread already - feel free to join me over there, too.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I am joining you and I am going to try my hardest to make it through the month of April.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Piper!! Great to see you!!! Snuggle on in...there is plenty of room! Here is the Butt Velcro! (squeeeeeeeesh ripping off a piece). Welcome! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Siren136;1486147 wrote: MS, I'm going to try to have a completely AF April. I started a thread already - feel free to join me over there, too.
                        Okay, darnit all to heck...I'm in. I've been all over the place lately...on, off, on, off, on, off... exhausting.
                        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                        Go forward boldly and unafraid


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy April' Fools day.......

                          And today I ain't no fool..........I have just spent the last hour reviewing all the posts from my felllow MWO peeps........I have not been here for a while.......been on vacation with limited internet. I was so looking forward to seeing how everyone's progress was........

                          I went 14 days sober prior to my vacation........then had a few drinks on my cruise....did not feel guilty about my choice as i knew it was likely to happen .......I felt more in control on this vacation than any other.. i was able to stop at one and not let the cravings control me......I do not want myself to go into that dark hole. I am focusing on living in the moment....

                          both my teenage kids have moved home this weekend.......even more reason to shape up..........we are a happy family at this point in time..........I do not want to rock this boat.....

                          just wanted to let you know I am back.......and still focusing on AF days.....
                          You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                            Newbies Nest

                            columbia;1486177 wrote:
                            I went 14 days sober prior to my vacation........then had a few drinks on my cruise....did not feel guilty about my choice as i knew it was likely to happen .......I felt more in control on this vacation than any other.. i was able to stop at one and not let the cravings control me......I do not want myself to go into that dark hole. I am focusing on living in the moment....

                            I have never been successful stopping at one so I think that what you managed took amazing self-discipline.

                            I hope your cruise was a lot of fun !

                            Welcome back! NS


                              Newbies Nest

                              Fin;1486176 wrote: Okay, darnit all to heck...I'm in. I've been all over the place lately...on, off, on, off, on, off... exhausting.
                              That's 4 of us now - Siren, Fin, MS, and Piper. Anyone else starting today?
                              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Count me in as well for an alcohol free April! I've been lurking on this website for months only able to get through a few days AF at any one time. Everyone is so supportive & encouraging - I hope this will inspire me to stop completely. I'm done with poor choices that I have made while drinking, not to mention the huge waste of time & money. My goal is to be a better, healthier and (hopefully) happier person. On to day 2....hopefully one of many more.

