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    Newbies Nest

    Cocoflo;1486195 wrote: Count me in as well for an alcohol free April! I've been lurking on this website for months only able to get through a few days AF at any one time. Everyone is so supportive & encouraging - I hope this will inspire me to stop completely. I'm done with poor choices that I have made while drinking, not to mention the huge waste of time & money. My goal is to be a better, healthier and (hopefully) happier person. On to day 2....hopefully one of many more.
    Hi Cocoflo,

    Add posting to reading and you should have much more success getting out from under the burden of AL! Kuya looked at the numbers and noticed that frequent posters had greater success rates. I think that is pretty motivating!!!

    :welcome: NS


      Newbies Nest

      jenniech;1486038 wrote: I have reason to celebrate today!!! I have been sober for TWO COMPLETE MONTHS!!! Both February and March!!!
      It is fun to count the days because they do sneak up on you (they really do after a while even though it goes torturously slow at first) but it is also fun to look at huge chunk months!!!
      Just an excuse to be happy and proud of myself
      Congratulations is really good to start thinking in months isn't it ?


        Newbies Nest

        And welcome to new nesters and welcome back Fin, MS and Columbia.

        New start can do this.

        I drank half a litre of vodka every night for 23 years........ If I can, you can


          Newbies Nest

          Jenni, I think I owe you somepin....2 full months= 2 hats! Wow!!


          I hope you know how much you are loved here, your caring and compassion ooze thru on every post. Thank you for staying here and giving back! On behalf of the whole nest, please accept this small token of a huge accomplishment! Well done! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Siren136;1486180 wrote: That's 4 of us now - Siren, Fin, MS, and Piper. Anyone else starting today?
            Adding nomorejimmy and cocoflo to this list. I think I saw another day oner in a different. thread - Friedabee.

            Have I missed anyone?
            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


              Newbies Nest

              I am so excited! I made it through last night with no drinks!! Technically it was day two but I was too hungover to drink on Sunday.

              My husband drank until 2:30am and I was annoyed because I was tired but conscious he was awake and drinking but he has to work today. So now he's going to work hungover on four hours sleep. Makes me sad

              I told him over the weekend I wanted to do an AFAF (alcohol free April w/ fitness) and asked to come along on the journey but he grumpily declined.

              I want to go the whole hog-no drinking but should I start with a goal like AFAF to be reasonable or would that be selling myself short?

              I am sick right now (does anyone else get COLD/FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS when giving up drink?). Normally it was the perfect excuse to reach for the whiskey. I didn't and I can't wait until I am better and I am feeling great and energized from not drinking!!


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nest
                Was a tuff day today going back to work, Ive been out for so long. I knew someone would ask if I was staying after shift. I said no "ive been sick" I just remember the days staying there and about 8 of us would drink, then some would just stay and go buy more,everyday. Looking back I cant believe I did that sometimes too and the money I spent. I went in with no hangover, everyone else was complaining of theirs. feels good with no hangovers every morning.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Running Aussie;1486303 wrote: I am so excited! I made it through last night with no drinks!! Technically it was day two but I was too hungover to drink on Sunday.

                  My husband drank until 2:30am and I was annoyed because I was tired but conscious he was awake and drinking but he has to work today. So now he's going to work hungover on four hours sleep. Makes me sad

                  I told him over the weekend I wanted to do an AFAF (alcohol free April w/ fitness) and asked to come along on the journey but he grumpily declined.

                  I want to go the whole hog-no drinking but should I start with a goal like AFAF to be reasonable or would that be selling myself short?

                  I am sick right now (does anyone else get COLD/FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS when giving up drink?). Normally it was the perfect excuse to reach for the whiskey. I didn't and I can't wait until I am better and I am feeling great and energized from not drinking!!
                  lots feel like they have flu for a treat yourself as kindly as if you have flu


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Kuya
                    I read the article you link to in your signature re Nutrient deficiencies with alcoholism. Fantastic to know, so thankful.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Running Aussie;1486303 wrote: I told him over the weekend I wanted to do an AFAF (alcohol free April w/ fitness) and asked to come along on the journey but he grumpily declined.
                      Hi RA! Great job! There are a whole bunch of us going AF for April - you'll be #9 in the group. Adding fitness is a good goal too! I signed up for an Olympic distance triathlon at the end of August, so I need to get moving pretty soon!

                      So join the April AF'ers if you want (or just stay right here in the Nest if you prefer).
                      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Great job, bobby and welcome to all those starting at day one today! I began my day one on the first of the month and I think that is good luck!! It's easy to keep track of the days and they rack up faster than you will bieve! Just stick close!
                        I have been busy over the weekend with sick family member and visitations/ funeral for my friend who died last week. I hope this week gets better!!!
                        Love and strength to all!! Big congrats, Jennie!!



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Starfish, so good to hear from you....I hope you do have a much better week. How mentally and physically draining for you. I will be holding you close in my thoughts.

                          Siren, don't you go running off with all our Day 1'rs!!! We just got them hooked on the nest and you're trying to snatch em up! :H:H:H Just kidding...the whole site is a community, it doesn't matter where you post, as LONG as you post and are with friends!! I think sometimes the Newbie's Nest thread is easier to find among the new posts...some days even it disappears in the fray!
                          We are so glad you are here, we have lots of success here! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            No way, miss Byrdie! I even just posted that they should also check in here too, especially when they were feeling shaky. There is usually someone here and that's important.
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              Newbies Nest

                              I was just pulling yer chain, Siren! You are doing an awesome job!! Be thinking of polling questions! I am the Survey Monkey~! :crazymonkey:
                              Have a safe night in the nest eva'body! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Muppett, I am here for the ....first time...I am sipping wine....being honest....actually alcohol is not a much as problem as binge eating....or maybe that's relative....anyway I am HERE, nestled in....feeling warm,
                                accepted....there's always a first step....
                                Time to take care of me and face my feelings....only, honestly, my new friends, I don't know how...


