Good morning (errrrmmmm afternoon, that is) everyone!
Wow, I think I'm still full from last night's dinner. Phew. Thank God, these kinda holidays are far and few in between, or I'd weigh a ton :H
How is everyone?
Lav, I'm about to start a fire - brrrrrr... and I really should get out into the garden, too. Need to dig up geraniums to take inside, should bring in all the planters with spiders in, too. And rake. And cut down dead stuff. And... *sigh* Ya know?

Milly, I'm glad your AA meeting went well! From what I've read it really depends on the meeting/group - so happy to hear you felt comfortable. Now, day 2 and 3, here we come! :l
Chook - so good to hear you clucking in the nest again

Sooty, honey, we need to talk. Will have to teach you about hump this and hump that :H And go easy on the grandma stuff - I'm a bit tender in that area right now! Ohhhh.. and Fleetwood Mac.. yeah! Please!
Finding... :wow3: I had no idea!!! Day TWENTY!!! That's no chump change! Bloody WELL done!
Ok, really need to get going - hello to EVERYONE out there, near and far - be good and hang on to your goals!