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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning (errrrmmmm afternoon, that is) everyone!

    Wow, I think I'm still full from last night's dinner. Phew. Thank God, these kinda holidays are far and few in between, or I'd weigh a ton :H

    How is everyone?
    Lav, I'm about to start a fire - brrrrrr... and I really should get out into the garden, too. Need to dig up geraniums to take inside, should bring in all the planters with spiders in, too. And rake. And cut down dead stuff. And... *sigh* Ya know?

    Milly, I'm glad your AA meeting went well! From what I've read it really depends on the meeting/group - so happy to hear you felt comfortable. Now, day 2 and 3, here we come! :l

    Chook - so good to hear you clucking in the nest again Keep it up, girl!

    Sooty, honey, we need to talk. Will have to teach you about hump this and hump that :H And go easy on the grandma stuff - I'm a bit tender in that area right now! Ohhhh.. and Fleetwood Mac.. yeah! Please!

    Finding... :wow3: I had no idea!!! Day TWENTY!!! That's no chump change! Bloody WELL done!

    Ok, really need to get going - hello to EVERYONE out there, near and far - be good and hang on to your goals!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone:

      Sunni - glad to hear you're feeling happier --- thx for your encouragement, I have been to another AA meeting today which was awesome, and will be going to another tonight. I will check in at the nest when I get home again. Here in BC we had a beautiful fall day, up to 15 C. and sunny. The changing of the leaves is gorgeous. Have a good nite all. Take care - P
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Nesters!

        What a nice nest today

        Chicken, I can almost hear your clucking - you know I love it! I think we should start our flight soon - before my wings get too stiff. This chilly, damp weather is awfully hard on us Grandmas, ha ha. I'll have to remind Tranq to pick up Sunni first then swing down to my place before we head South

        Sunni, I actually considered lighting a fire tonight but didn't. Just seems way too soon in the season, you know? Don't worry about the Grandma stuff, I'll fill you in on everything you need to know

        Sooty - Humpmonth??? OK, it works for me, why not?
        Hope you are feeling 100% these days! I'm trying to hold off on the head cold thing as long as possible!

        Finding, you have 20 days - wow, good for you! It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? You will eventually get to the point where you wonder - why the hell did I wait so long???

        Milly, I'm really happy you are getting the support you need - good for you! Keep us informed, OK?

        It's after 9 pm, I think it's time to pull the plug on this day.
        I hope everyone has a safe, comfy night in the nest. See you all tomorrow!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all.

          Sooty - there's no humpmonth - Everybody's working for the weekend - that's it. But keep the tunes coming. Hmmm - How can we get the bus down to Chickster's beach party?

          Finding - 20 days. You Rock! Sounds like you've found yourself a little huh. Keep it going.

          Milly the aa meetings sound great. And you're stringing some days together now too. Keep it going.

          Love, get some rest. Quitting stuff can be exhausting, but gets better all the time.

          Lav - you're in rare form "It's hard to get airborne on a full stomach". That cracked me up! Don't worry, I'll be swinging by after I get up to Sunni's place. Hope I have some tail feathers left.

          Aw, who needs tail feathers at a beach party anyway. Right Chooks honey? --- didn't know you cared. Hey, after the Slug-Bake maybe you and me can sneak away down the beach together. I love the warm surf on a clear moonlit night! Mmmm. I can feel the magic! Maybe a quick skinnydip just for the fun of it? Can't wait!

          Take care all. G'nite from here.
          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone,

            Thank you so much for all of the encouragement and good wishes on day 20. I'm amazed, grateful for your support, and one tired bird tonight. Good day at work, but it was a long one.

            See you all in the morning!


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Finding good night to you & bring on the next 20 days for you huh?

              Now Tranq,are you flirting with Chooksty now? I'll have you know I'm a possessive type who is definately NOT into threesomes!!!!
              But I love the warmer weather here - nice sun,tan on the arms (haven't unearthed the legs yet...erck) & ah yes the ubiquitous could I forget.
              Maybe we should shift our beach party to somewhere else where they DON'T have flies! How about Thailand? My favourite holiday destination...


                Newbies Nest

                Morning gang. Don't worry about getting the bus to Chicken's beach party - this is a chitty chitty bang bang bus - we got wings!! I've now promoted myself from bus driver to pilot - and we wont have to worry about humps in the road if we can fly over them! ... think I'm getting a bit hump obsessed ....:H
                Friday here and its not raining yet though its forecast. Off to catch up on some bits and pieces - have a good day one and all.
                See you all later


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Friday morning Nesters,

                  Dark & damp here, your usual ugly day, yuck! Well, at least I can dream about the sun, sand & blue waters at chicken's place!

                  Speaking of chicken - look out girl! Looks like Tranq's got you on his radar too, ha ha!
                  Tranq, Sunni & I promise we won't tug on your tail feathers - we'll leave that up to chicken & beags

                  Sooty, enjoy your day, looks like we have identical weather patterns..........

                  FindingMyself, congrats on your 20 days, that's awesome

                  Hello to all Nesters yet to wake up!
                  I'll see you a little later. Have a good Friday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,

                    All this talk of sun and sand! I think I might fly the coop and join the great migration south to your beach party Chicken!

                    Beagle - another 20 days, hmmm, I think so, but still can't look that far ahead all at once!

                    Milly - how's it going with the AA meetings? Hope you are doing well.

                    Tranq, Lav, Sunny, Sooty, lovemylife and everyone reading - have a nice day.

                    JC, did you just pop in over here to tease us with the shag-pile? I like to get my facts right from the source, so thought you might fill me in, but guess I'll have to google it. :ey:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi All,

                      Just a quick fly by.

                      Finding: Here's a clue. Google shag pile/carpets.

                      Love Jackie xxx

                      AF since 7/7/2009 and loving it !
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all:
                        Day 3 and 3 meetings under my belt!!!! Feeling quite good, the odd Ativan helps. Glad to hear you are all doing well.
                        Take care
                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          Newbies Nest

                          Milly well done on the 3 meetings, so glad that they are helping. I'm really tired so hitting the sack soon - see you all tomorrow.
                          Keep warm and dry nestlings


                            Newbies Nest


                            Well its going to be 39 Degrees here with massive winds (dry heat),so the beach party sure ain't happeing now..unless you want serious sand abrasion problems!!!
                            Milly & guys are doing great, well done! I had a blip the other night,over did it some, more than I intended, but back on the bus again and not kicking myself these days,cause I know that Sooty's bus is always here for me!
                            JC like to stir huh!
                            Tranq- I am visualising a giant rainbow coloured bus with fluffy wings and a gaggle of birds in 'V' formation flyng through the sky! Are we all nuts??? Like I said I'll have a bonfire going for you guys!
                            Beag's girl, I think Tranq is just trying to make me feel better cause you know, I am the only Chook roosting in this tree! Not the most elegant of birds! huhuhuh!!!!
                            Got to take Loren to swimming lessons today and then shopping, if I don't get blown away by these hot easterly winds urgh!
                            Took Danika on Thursday, she swallowed so much chlorine the poor baby got major diarrhoea,went through her like a dose of salts!!!!!! I felt like a very bad Mum ..urgh!
                            Luv the Chook *fluffing her feathers at you all*


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening Nesters,

                              It's 9 pm & I'm ready to call it a day already! I'm not sure if I ever fully woke up today - these dark days really mess with your mind.......

                              chicken, keep your mouth closed - you don't swallow any of that sand
                              You look just lovely when you're fluffing your feathers!

                              Milly, Finding, JC & Sooty, hope you all had a great day!
                              Greetings to Tranq, Sunni & any others that may drop in yet tonight

                              I'm going to settle down on my twig, the night light will be on for the latecomers.
                              Have a safe night!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone.

                                Milly way to go! Keep doin' what you're doin'

                                Beag's, just where have you been young lady? You got us all worrying about you! Glad you're back!

                                Yeah, like Chicken said I was feeling lonely, and she was her Chicken self, and, and, well you know skinnydippn's just good clean fun...

                                "I'll have you know I'm a possessive type who is definately NOT into threesomes!!!!"
                                --Aw me, another fantasy unfulfilled...

                                Lav, "Sunni & I promise we won't tug on your tail feathers - we'll leave that up to chicken & beags", yeah and I hope I don't get plucked. Ouch!

                                Hey Chicken, I went a bit overboard this week too. Went to a local italian place for a five-course prix-fix with a wine-tasting included. But they kept pouring and I kept... well, I'll be af this weekend for sure and getting back to the groove.

                                Yeah Chooks the sand storm won't do my featherless tail much good will it. Okay. So it's south to Rio, then turn right? Or is it left? Hmmm. Better google up a route. Or bring my gps.

                                Take care!
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

