I was talking with an MWO friend yesterday about how to completely commit yourself to getting off AL.
There is no single answer but this is how it happened for me:
It took a few weeks of whatever 'brainwashing' occurs when you read all the posts at MWO before I felt with certainty that I had to totally quit -now and forever. At first I knew it logically but at a deeper level hadn't accepted it.
I think that as you get to know and like people at MWO and see that they are having better lives and that you can be like them with no regrets --- it just finally sinks in. There was no single moment of clarity for me. I more noticed that what I was posting were the words of someone who was done with AL. And I am.
Stick with it, and you can get there.
Take advantage of what MWO offers - stories of success and failure, a place to share your pain and have some of the burden lifted, a place to ask questions you can't ask elsewhere, a place to be with people who in this aspect of their lives are just like you, and a place to help others. Take the risks of posting and reaching out. This is a safe place to do that, particularly in the nest.
So --- even if you have doubts or set-backs or just are sick of the whole thing ---
:h NS