Good evening, my fine feathered friends!
Phew.. I'm pooped. Was actually supposed to go to a concert tonight but decided not to. #1 I've been feeling kinda yuck all day with headache and all, and #2 there almost certainly will be an 'after' party ( Mr. Wonderful is good friends with these guys - The Canadian Guitar Quartet) and I'm on shaky ground right now - really don't want to tempt fate. Oh.. and #3 and #4 reasons are that I almost forgot I have to 'perform' tomorrow (the last horse show of the season and I'll be actually competing.. that should be entertaining) so I'll have to be out of the house by 8am and THEN I find out tonight that (hang on, lemme get this straight here) Mr. Wonderful's ex's father and brother are coming for coffee in the morning!

Jackie, are you by chance an Austin Powers fan? :H
Milly - bloody well done. You are really working it, girl. Good for you!
Sooty, please tell us you're not THAT kinda pilot[/video]]YouTube - Drunk Airline Pilot - Dean Martin & Foster Brooks :H
Chicken, did you say THIRTY-NINE DEGREES???? Dammit, Tranq - hurry up! I got a fire going here :upset:
Lav, speak for yourself... I've been known to pull and tug and pluck a good share.. just ask my pooch! :H
Hello and good night to all other fledgelings coming in late tonight... I need to rest my old bones up for tomorrow. Probably won't check in until tomorrow evening.. have a wonderful Saturday!