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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening, my fine feathered friends!

    Phew.. I'm pooped. Was actually supposed to go to a concert tonight but decided not to. #1 I've been feeling kinda yuck all day with headache and all, and #2 there almost certainly will be an 'after' party ( Mr. Wonderful is good friends with these guys - The Canadian Guitar Quartet) and I'm on shaky ground right now - really don't want to tempt fate. Oh.. and #3 and #4 reasons are that I almost forgot I have to 'perform' tomorrow (the last horse show of the season and I'll be actually competing.. that should be entertaining) so I'll have to be out of the house by 8am and THEN I find out tonight that (hang on, lemme get this straight here) Mr. Wonderful's ex's father and brother are coming for coffee in the morning! The ex was Mrs. domestic goddess herself, so I felt compelled to clean every nook and cranny tonight. I'll be really pissed if they don't show! :H

    Jackie, are you by chance an Austin Powers fan? :H
    Milly - bloody well done. You are really working it, girl. Good for you!
    Sooty, please tell us you're not THAT kinda pilot[/video]]YouTube - Drunk Airline Pilot - Dean Martin & Foster Brooks :H
    Chicken, did you say THIRTY-NINE DEGREES???? Dammit, Tranq - hurry up! I got a fire going here :upset:
    Lav, speak for yourself... I've been known to pull and tug and pluck a good share.. just ask my pooch! :H

    Hello and good night to all other fledgelings coming in late tonight... I need to rest my old bones up for tomorrow. Probably won't check in until tomorrow evening.. have a wonderful Saturday!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Sunni!

      yes indeedy,this chook is currently getting deep fried! turn me over,I'm nearly done!

      Speaking of people who are neat freaks..... I should be cleaning today,but can't be as#$#d! Dusty keeps peeing everywhere and I keep cleaning & mopping and cleaning & mopping and very soon I shall force him to wear one of Dani's nappies!!!!!:upset:

      Have a friend's wedding coming up in late November and wondering how I shall do then.Still modding,and on the whole seem to be successful, with the occasional slip up! So I can fully understand your reservations about the concert gig!
      Good thing about the wedding is it is at the friend's house and we are booked in at a Bed&Breakfast just a short walk my plan is this, stay until the kids need to go to bed, then use this as an excuse and walk them back to B&B! this way I'm not cutting short hubby's fun, but have an escape plan set! Just glad we don't have to hop in a car and drive for ages to get back to our accomodation after the wedding..that would sux!

      By the way, would you like some of this heat..I'll send it ,cause right now I think my brain is melting in my scull!

      Luv ya


        Newbies Nest

        Good Saturday morning Nesters!

        Wow Sunni, good luck in your competition today!
        As far as entertaing the ex's relatives - it would be a cold day in hell before I would do that, no kidding!!!! I wish you massive calmness & strength! If that's not enough, you can always use my Lavan-ittude Stay warm up there today, it's damp & chilly here too!

        Hey Chookie, stop bragging about your warm weather........time for you to turn on the AC?
        Housebreaking a puppy is always a fun job, enjoy
        Your plan for the wedding next month sounds good, especially since you'll have the girls along with you. I remember going to weddings at their ages, it was great fun!

        Well, looks like another day stuck inside so I might as well find something interesting to do
        Have a great day one & all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Ahhh Saturday and it's looking like a lurvely day out there.

          Chicken - I'll skip the skin abrasion treatment plan, but keep us chilly chicks (uh, and rooster? Tranq) in mind and send us some warm air.

          Sunny - What kind of horse show are you in? Are you racing around barrels? Jumping over hedges? Roping cattle? I am a bit envious of you being able to ride and just be around horses. Think I fell off enough times as a kid that my horse and pony days are over. Good luck with the ex's outlaws :zonedout:

          Lav - what is hiding behind the mild mannered grandma? Lavan-ittude! I love it.

          Hello to everyone!
          Going to get going and enjoy the day. Will check in later.


            Newbies Nest


            'Lavan-ittude' is a phrase lovingly coined by our one & only TranqWilly!!
            We had some talk going on around here a while ago about attitudes, etc. I described myself as stubborn - persistently stubborn actually. My attitude has gotten me in trouble in the past (think Catholic School). Now I'm putting it to good use to help keep me toeing the line & blow off anyone trying to interfere
            Whenever anyone is having a bit of trouble handling a certain situation I happily send them a bit of Lavan-ittude - just to help them out!

            If you ever need any - just ask, it's free

            I just had a new customer in looking for embroidered jackets, hats, etc. for his new horse hauling business. He has a pretty arabian in his logo, can't wait to do the job. He's just starting out & doesn't need dozens of pieces embroidered, just a few. I cater to this kind of customer, especially when the large companies turn them away. Glad to be of service

            Well anyway, have a good day everyone!
            Lav with plenty of Lavan-ittude to spare!!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Yep Find,

              You discovered the secret -- Lavand-ittude.

              She shares it with us in small doses, 'cause us mere mortals can't take it full force!

              I was up early cockadoodling today... I've got some running around to do and dinner to cook.

              Have a great Saturday everyone.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Uh Oh,

                Quiet nest today - hope all the nestlings are behaving

                What did we have for dinner Tranq? I do like lobster..........
                Hope you day went well

                Well, it's cold, raining & just plain ol miserable. I'm going to wrap up in a blanket & look for something on TV to put me to sleep!
                I'll leave the night light on...........
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening, birdlings!

                  Horse day went well, didn't fall off or stuck off like a sore thumb otherwise :H Placed 4th overall of 12 in showmanship/halter classes and 5th in hunt seat - oddly, enough I know NOTHING about that discipline

                  I KNOW I will pay for today.. dearly, too. Tranq... don't come by in the next few days, please. I'll be too sore to move any further than between bed and coffee maker :H

                  Lav.. I wasn't going to meet the ex-inlaws... I was away, remember? :H They're supposedly nice people.. Mr. Wonderful quite likes them.
                  Chickiedoo... I think your plan for the wedding is an excellent one! Go and have fun and then retire with the chicklets!
                  Finding, no, no barrel racing for me! I'm not into fast and furious anymore.. getting too old :H Oh, Gosh, there were a TON of events today... I rode all but the jumping. This is really the first time in about 30 years I participate at such a thing... and I have barely rode at all this summer (certainly not Altas - I'm buying him in the spring) - so I did western pleasure, western equitation, english hunt seat, hunter hack, english equitation, and some showmanship/halter events

                  Tranq... you're promoted to flock cook on our migration to Chicken and Beagle! Lav, stay warm, my dear... I've got a fire going! Don't care what time of year it is... it's COLD!

                  K.. birdies.. I'm TIRED! Chirp at ya in the am - night night!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just wanted to wish everyone a safe&healthy weekend , I'm just trying to keep busy , I just wish I could stop thinking about having a glass of wine , I'm starting to question why I am doing this .. I'll be OK , 'MEMO TO SELF " I am not going to drink today !!
                    Non Drinker 9/09
                    Non Smoker 6/09
                    Tennis Anyone ?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Emmy stay with it!
                      Make a list of all the good things about not having that glass of wine...!

                      All Nesters, have a good day,will check in again later!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hehehe, Lav, Tranq you had me in stitches with the cockadoodling / Lavan-ittude comments. Does Lavan-ittude come in jell-cap, or can I get a powder to put under my tongue with the L-glut? Anyway, good to know I can throw my Wonder Woman gear out (after Halloween that is).

                        Wow Sunny ? what a full day. I don?t know what half of those events entail. (Western pleasure sounds familiar to me, but I don?t think it had anything to do with horses.:H) I think I remember seeing a picture of Atlas on another thread. He?s lovely! Congratulations on placing 4th!

                        Chicken, it was quite warm here today. I figured your kitchen fan was facing a general east-north-east direction. Much obliged!

                        Em, you have a nice healthy weekend too!
                        Goodnight all


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ahhhh Crud!

                          Our cat Merlin has just turned up with a massive abcess on his face.....why do they always time it on a weekend when there are NO vets around!!!!

                          Just tried to open it up (asceptic techniques of course) and treat it as we have a few previously, but this one ain't budging, actually feels quite solid and dense..urgh! Poor baby!

                          Will try again tonight and if no luck then off to the vet we go!

                          Dusty the puppy is growing gangly and full of beans. Tara the old bullie X is looking old,but still wants to chase balls. Mojo the horse is so grey it aint funny, but still plodding away. The lizard (talon) is enjoying all the Summer insects that are out in abundence right now!

                          LOren is next door playing with the nieghbour's kids and Danika is having her nap! So here I am with a few minutes to shar my worldly
                          Dang it!

                          So what'sup in the Nest?



                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning nesters, hope you're all ok. I'm off for a couple of days visiting family - back on Wednesday. Will try and post but if I don't manage to, keep the nest warm for me cos I'll be back!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Bye Sooty,
                              have fun!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Methinks I am struggling some..for some reason!
                                Not good! Anu sage words of advise?

