Morning Nesters,
What struggles Chook? You are way too busy operating a home for wounded, aging animals in addition to child care, aren't you? Step back, take some deep breaths............there, isn't that better

My kids are long grown now and I will say those years were definitely all encompassing! There was never a moment left for myself, everyone & everything else came first. I think that helped lead me down the wrong path. Be smart, see if you can't find a way to give yourself a little 'me' time each day & don't run yourself ragged the way I did! Afterall, we need our little Chookie in good form

Finding, my Lavan-ittude is avaiable in any form you need - hell, I'll even fax it to you

Sunni, congrats on your horsey day yesterday! Sounds like a lot of good, clean fun!
Sorry I misunderstood about the outlaws thing.......I thought you were going to see them as well, glad you didn't

Sooty, happy travels, be safe

I have some folks coming for dinner so I need to get to the store & buy something to cook. Geez, nothing like waiting for the last minute!
Have a great nest day everyone, I'll check in later!