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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    [QUOTE=Mein Sonnenschein;1491162]Hello Everyone! Just a quick check in today. 12 days... woo hoo. QUOTE]

    Great job Mein - we're running side by side with 12 days. Good job to everyone else here too - we're racking up a lot of AF days between us!! :goodjob:

    Well - last week I saved myself around ?65 (about $100) by not buying wine - so I treated myself to three chickens!! :H I always wanted some chickens, but as I was always drunk at night, I couldn't have been responsible for putting them safely away at night. They are called Mary, Martha and Madge - they still haven't laid any eggs, but I'm living in hope.

    This week I have saved another ?65 - so I just ordered myself a new swimming costume (I started swimming a couple of times a week now and my otherone is almost transparent on the bum!!) and I also ordered some new jogging pants (not sure if I will take up jogging but the possibility is there!!)

    So - I'm now busy thinking what I will treat myself to next week - still have seven days to think about it.

    Have a wonderful Friday night everyone and looking forward to an AF weekend.
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      Newbies Nest

      Snap! Apparently I was a very cheap drunk! I am only saving about $10 a day! But still I use the savings to do nice things for myself and others! It is amazing when you add it all up, let's see, in 2 years that's over $7300 I have saved! Dang! I don't think I could have afforded myself if I had stuck to the good stuff! So glad that you are enjoying the dollars in other useful ways! You will prolly get a Christmas card from your liver this year saying how much it appreciates your efforts!!! :H:H:H Keep up the good work!!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdlady;1491204 wrote: Snap! Apparently I was a very cheap drunk! I am only saving about $10 a day! But still I use the savings to do nice things for myself and others! It is amazing when you add it all up, let's see, in 2 years that's over $7300 I have saved! Dang! I don't think I could have afforded myself if I had stuck to the good stuff! So glad that you are enjoying the dollars in other useful ways! You will prolly get a Christmas card from your liver this year saying how much it appreciates your efforts!!! :H:H:H Keep up the good work!!! Byrdie
        Hi Byrdie - that's not drinking particularly good stuff. The cheapest bottle of wine you can get in supermarkets in the UK is ?4 - ?5 a bottle ($6 - $8) so two bottles a night soon adds up. If I was wanting to drink 'nice' wine here I would be looking at at least ?8 to ?10 a bottle!
        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


          Newbies Nest

          Day 2

          OK...this is Day 2 for me. I did have to throw some lemons in the garbage disposal last night to dispel the stinkin liquor I poured down the drain yesterday....

          I have basically planned mostly every minute of my day, and will hit the gym about 4ish so I can be away from home during that "not so happy hour" time. I have found that is the most difficult time for me to maintain. I think after years of working as a paralegal and running from the office each day in homicidal maniac mood, it probably just won't really EVER go away.

          Thanks for being here. It means a lot. Feeling pretty hopeful and determined.


            Newbies Nest

            Great job, Toasty! Distraction, distraction, distraction! You are doing fine!! Keep checking in! Before you know it, you'll be an old pro at this!! B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Toasty120;1491232 wrote: OK...this is Day 2 for me. I did have to throw some lemons in the garbage disposal last night to dispel the stinkin liquor I poured down the drain yesterday....

              I have basically planned mostly every minute of my day, and will hit the gym about 4ish so I can be away from home during that "not so happy hour" time. I have found that is the most difficult time for me to maintain. I think after years of working as a paralegal and running from the office each day in homicidal maniac mood, it probably just won't really EVER go away.

              Thanks for being here. It means a lot. Feeling pretty hopeful and determined.
              I worked as a paralegal about 25 years go, just for a couple of years. This was before word processing was widely used. I know the feeling...! :bonkers:
              Friedabee is "free to be!"


                Newbies Nest

                Hi,lM newly sober, LTS bee. 12 days, love it,not being hung over, feel relaxed, get a bit emotional,to be expected,lM also on herbal magic,doing great, so here l am on my sober journey, just thought LD say something, talk again, good luck to all on our journey of sobriety!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello nesters.....I'm finishing up holiday time in Aruba and finally found some time to get onthe Internet here. Just wanted to pop in and say hello to all. See there are some new people in the nest....Welcome!

                  I also see where hippyman has gone AWOL......hippyman, come are missed......let us know how you are, please.

                  Congratulations to laststraw on your 30 days. .....and all of those who continue to be AF.

                  I'm feeling good and looking forward to returning to the nest with more frequency once I'm back home next week. Have enjoyed the R&R I've had and very much appreciate being able to get away from the chaos of home.

                  Will see you all in a few days.

                  Take care everyone!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Congrats thelaststraw on your 30 days!!! :goodjob: It is a big accomplishment, and like you I cherish my hat from Byrdie big time!!! Keep on adding up those days, and you gave great advice it is indeed one day at a time, and when stress is involved, I break the day down to 15 minute intervals as well....

                    Hope everyone in the nest has a wonderful AF weekend, full of rest and relaxation
                    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                      Newbies Nest

                      [quote]Snapdragon;1491193 wrote:
                      Originally posted by Mein Sonnenschein View Post
                      Hello Everyone! Just a quick check in today. 12 days... woo hoo. QUOTE]

                      Great job Mein - we're running side by side with 12 days. Good job to everyone else here too - we're racking up a lot of AF days between us!! :goodjob:

                      Well - last week I saved myself around ?65 (about $100) by not buying wine - so I treated myself to three chickens!! :H I always wanted some chickens, but as I was always drunk at night, I couldn't have been responsible for putting them safely away at night. They are called Mary, Martha and Madge - they still haven't laid any eggs, but I'm living in hope.

                      This week I have saved another ?65 - so I just ordered myself a new swimming costume (I started swimming a couple of times a week now and my otherone is almost transparent on the bum!!) and I also ordered some new jogging pants (not sure if I will take up jogging but the possibility is there!!)

                      So - I'm now busy thinking what I will treat myself to next week - still have seven days to think about it.

                      Have a wonderful Friday night everyone and looking forward to an AF weekend.
                      Isn't it lovely when you can buy something for you that you'll still have tomorrow and it will still be useful, hangovers never were much good for anything!

                      Well done on your savings and the staying AF. I've bought loads of things for me and the house that I would never have been able to afford if I was still buying vino. I bought a bottle for a gift a little while ago and almost collapsed when I paid for itas its gone up so much since before Christmas.
                      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                        Newbies Nest

                        I was a cheap drunk even cheaper as the night wore on. LOL

                        Mein - Good job in getting active! I recently started swimming too. My bathing suit had some pads inserted into the upper area and every time I washed the dang thing they would bunch up into little wads going in different directions. Needless to say I looked a bit odd. I finally cut them out and just wear a tank top over it. No more crazy looks from my fellow swimmers. LOL :wow: (Well OK I still get a few, but not because of that anymore)
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I was a snob drinker and spent WAY TOO MUCH on that crap called wine. I actually convinced myself that the more expensive stuff meant a milder hangover. :H
                          $15 a bottle, sometimes more, NEVER less than $12 and that was everyday and then some more on weekends.
                          So now, I get a massage once a month and I am still way ahead!!!
                          I shudder to think of the annual expenditure I used to make.....
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            CONGRATS on your 30 AF days laststraw, great work

                            Snap, welcome to chicken ownership :H
                            What kind did you get? How old are they?
                            My Buff Orpintons begin laying near the age of 6 months. They are a messy hobby but lots of fun too & very entertaining

                            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Protecting your quit

                              I had a weird experience today. I am reading a novel about an alcoholic woman (The Good House). I am in the first 1/3 or so of the book and she is talking about getting back into drinking a few months after completing rehab. Well - her descriptions sounded so GOOD and TEMPTING, I decided that probably is not the best book to be reading right now! I suspect her life will be crashing down fairly soon so the rest of the book might be good to read but there are too many minefields to cross getting there.

                              During recovery, you have to really protect yourself and your quit from so many influences!

                              I need to find an exciting novel about Life in the Newbies Nest! :H


                                Newbies Nest

                                NoSugar;1491327 wrote: I had a weird experience today. I am reading a novel about an alcoholic woman (The Good House). I am in the first 1/3 or so of the book and she is talking about getting back into drinking a few months after completing rehab. Well - her descriptions sounded so GOOD and TEMPTING, I decided that probably is not the best book to be reading right now! I suspect her life will be crashing down fairly soon so the rest of the book might be good to read but there are too many minefields to cross getting there.

                                During recovery, you have to really protect yourself and your quit from so many influences!

                                I need to find an exciting novel about Life in the Newbies Nest! :H
                                Morning all - and a lovely bright sunny day here in the UK. Got up bright and early this morning and have been busy planting grass seed in the back garden (we've just had lots of building work done and there is bare mud everywhere - need to get the grass growing by June as we have a big family party for my husband's 50th!)

                                NoSugar - I bet if you keep reading that book it will come crashing down around her ears. I can't believe any author who writes about alcohol and rehab would be glamourising it. But I know what you mean. I just read a book and I was astounded by how much of the story revolved around drinking. Girls nights with cocktails, romantic dinners with lots of wine and the 'heroine' in the story constantly getting a little bit too tipsy, staggering and falling over into the arms of her 'hero' who is always slightly amused by her 'drunken' ways - WTF!! My husband didn't think I was cute and gorgeous after I had sunk a bottle or two!

                                I just read a great book (on my Kindle) called After the Fall by Charity Norman. It's about an English family who emigrate to New Zealand to help her husband get back on track after struggling with alcohol - and there is a horrific accident when her small son 'falls' off a balcony. The twist is that her teenage daughter has got involved with Crystal Meth and the description about her addiction is enough to put you off ever taking ANYTHING again. It's a really well written - on the edge of your seat - story too.

                                Lav - I'm loving my hens. They are three hybrids (I was recommended them by the farmer as apparently they are very low maintenance and easy for first time chicken owners like me. I got my first egg this morning! so excited!! :H

                                Hope everyone else is doing OK today - Happy AF Saturday!
                                Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

