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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters,

    What struggles Chook? You are way too busy operating a home for wounded, aging animals in addition to child care, aren't you? Step back, take some deep breaths............there, isn't that better
    My kids are long grown now and I will say those years were definitely all encompassing! There was never a moment left for myself, everyone & everything else came first. I think that helped lead me down the wrong path. Be smart, see if you can't find a way to give yourself a little 'me' time each day & don't run yourself ragged the way I did! Afterall, we need our little Chookie in good form

    Finding, my Lavan-ittude is avaiable in any form you need - hell, I'll even fax it to you

    Sunni, congrats on your horsey day yesterday! Sounds like a lot of good, clean fun!
    Sorry I misunderstood about the outlaws thing.......I thought you were going to see them as well, glad you didn't

    Sooty, happy travels, be safe

    I have some folks coming for dinner so I need to get to the store & buy something to cook. Geez, nothing like waiting for the last minute!

    Have a great nest day everyone, I'll check in later!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning nesters:
      Well, I am at Day 5 today and feeling pretty good, I have been to AA meetings and they have helped tremendously. I can honestly say that cravings for alcohol are minimal, however, i have been really emotional and weepy. I guess as my addled brain recovers from its constant source of alcohol, I can begin to see what was really going on. I have started a journal which also seems to help. I will do anything I can to stay AF, just wishing I hadn't wasted so many years half drunk. It is rainy and foggy here, but quite mild in temperature. Need the umbrella for sure....I will check in later. Hope you all have a great day.
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all.

        We've got a decent day here so I'm gonna hit the golf course - not too many chances here. Made a pot of gumbo last night. Had some spice crusted shrimp with grilled veggies too. Opened with a spinach salad with walnuts, apples and blue cheese.

        Sunni rest up those sore parts. Finding Lavand-ittude - in any form is very fast acting.

        Take care.
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Wow, I do feel positive about this site, what an inspiration you all are, and how wonderful to realise I am not on my own!


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome Gloria! :l
            Yep, positive is a good way to be and you are DEFINITELY not alone Have you read the MWO book yet? Are you making a plan for yourself? Please shout out if you need help or just an ear, ok?

            Well, as expected, I'm crawling around today.. still haven't made it out to the garden yet. Definitely need that Lavand-ittude! However, there is some laundry *uggh* going and a lovely apple cake in the oven. I'll get outside, eventually I've posted some pics in the horsey people thread in General - I'll post it for you nesters, too (btw, this is "Atlas" who I will be buying in the spring):


            And now, off to find Miss Sophie's winter blanket.. I know it needs some repairs and it's about that time again. If I get 1/2 of the things done that are on my schedule today, I'll be a happy girl.

            Tranq.. what the heck is GUMBO??? I have the strangest pictures going through my head now... explanation, please!? :H

            Hope you all are having a fabulous Sunday!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters,

              Milly: So glad you're enjoying AA. Stick with it.

              Chicken: I have a very large wooden spoon for stirring. It's an unwritten rule that children and animals get sick when there is no vet or Doc to get hold of.

              Tranq: OK I'll come clean. A shag pile is a long tufted carpet. Absolutely nothing rude about.

              Now tell us what Gumbo is.

              Sunni: Funnily enough there was a free Austin Powers DVD with the papers this morning.

              Love Jackie xxx

              AF since 7/7/2009 and loving it!
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Newbies Nest

                Milly ? so glad to hear that you are moving right along!

                Chicken ? I?m sorry about Merlin. Have gone through that with one of my kitties in the past.

                Lav ? will keep your fast faxable fix in mind.

                Tranq ? dinner sounds delicious. I used to live in the south and enjoyed some good southern cooking then.

                Gloria ? welcome to the nest ? you are definitely not alone!

                Sunny ? you and Atlas are both lovely, thanks for posting the pics. I was inspired to dig through some old photos to look at my pony (14.5 hands doesn?t count as a horse I don?t think?). Definitely no pictures of me astride the wild child.

                JC?:exclaimation:....I'm slow:H.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning the Nest!

                  Slipped up some last night, but reined myself in and am not too bad this am cause I got ontop of the old demon by having a shower,drinkiing heaps of water and going to bed earlyish! Ugh,the struggle continues! *sigh*
                  Otherwise, will be taking Merlin to the vet today when I can get him booked in! Loren to Kindy and Dani to playgroup,then a work conference this evening!! Just feel like curling up in a ball and sleeping for awhile.
                  Thanks Lav- some of the Lav-attitude would go well right now! Awaiting your fax with anticipation!
                  Thanks for the words of support all!
                  Welcome all newcomers!
                  Sunni- Atlas is divine!
                  Luv yas


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone!

                    Welcome Gloria!

                    Jackie. Gumbo is a soup that I believe originated in and around New Orleans - which has some very distinct food styles. Anyhow, it is typically started with a roux - so it's a thickened broth. I made mine with chicken and andouille (a New Orleans smoked sausage). But I also do a seafood gumbo. It's good hearty cold weather food. There are some good New Orleans style recipes at The Gumbo Pages :: Make Levees, Not War.
                    But New Orleans folks argue seriously about what's a "proper" gumbo. They take their food seriously down there. Good one on the shag pile bit - I'll admit you had me searching.

                    Find, I love New Orleans - but haven't been there since Katrina. The food there is fantastic.

                    Wow Sunni Atlas is beautiful.

                    Chicken I know how you feel. It's easy to get down after a slip -- hangovers seem to hurt more now! Just remember how far you've come.

                    It was a beautiful day here - but high in the 50f's. But sunny - had fun on the course with friends.

                    Take care!
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Is everyone tired or is it just me

                      Milly, your news is great - 5 days! Congrats & glad AA is working for you!

                      Tranq, dinner was (or least it sounded delicious) last night. What did we have tonight????

                      Gloria Hi, hope all is well with you.

                      Sunni, loved the pictures of you & Atlas! Now, when you purchase him next Spring, won't Ms Sophie get jealous??? I've seen my dogs get jealous at times but it doesn't seem to last too long.
                      Now, about the GUMBO - we can ask Tranq to make a quick stop in New Orleans when we head south for Chook's beach party. It's a great winter meal - kind of a thickened soup/stew made with chicken, shrimp or Andouille (Cajun sausage), okra, peppers (basically whatever you find in the fridge), served with rice. Fills you up, for sure! Nothing like Cajun cooking

                      JC, what are you planning to do with that large wooden spoon? I remember breaking 1 or 2 of them chasing my ADHD kid around 20+ years ago, ha ha! He tells me he doesn't remember it!!

                      Finding, stick with us, we have all kinds of attitudes around here, thank goodness!

                      Well Chookie, glad you didn't do too much damage! We want you to be well & happy when we arrive.........maybe we'd better postpone our trip for just a bit. I think maybe you have enough on your plate right now. Don't forget, help yourself to all the Lavan-ittude you need & take care of yourself.

                      I'm turning down the lights now but will leave the night light on, just in case.
                      Have a safe night one & all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Cross post Tranq!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone!

                          Glad to see you are all hanging in there. I am as well! It will be over the 14 day slip for me this Tuesday! I am looking forward to getting over that little bump. It has been some 4 months today since I started my journey and in that time as I said I slipped 3 times. 3beers the first and then about 5 the next 2 times. Seemes like the first 50 went so well then I fell. After that it was about every 14 days. Well, not this next Tuesday. I am planning for that one so it won't get me this time. Going for total abstinence and I can't be giving in like that. I am getting stronger and smarter so I am ready this time. It gets tough sometimes as you all know. But I made this choice and I am sticking to it. Just isn't worth it to me. I don't even enjoy it anymore. It is a habbit and like a bad lover I am getting it out of my life.

                          Take care and I will see you on Tuesday for sure. )


                            Newbies Nest

                            T's Hope,I agree about the learning thing!
                            Everytime I slip up now I figure out a bit more of the Chook puzzle and what makes me tick! So in many ways,each time it happens it gets a little bit easier..two steps forward and one step back is still forward momentum! Good luck for the 14 days,I know how you feel,as does everyone else here!
                            By the way,thanks all for the great comments!
                            Yes Lav..I think I am feeling a bit overloaded just lately,so the slip up happened...another trigger,not stress as such, just too much all at once getting ontop of the Chook!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Monday morning Nesters!

                              I hope everyone had a good night!

                              T'sHope, congrats on your continued success! Your sheer determination is what's needed & most helpful to get you to your goal, good job

                              Chookie, slow down sweetheart! I'm telling you as one who has been there & done it............
                              I always thought I was so strong (and I was) & thought I could handle anything & everything. Well, the truth is at some point you just run out of fuel & that's when you start to mess up! Be smarter, schedule in 'me' time every day OK? It can't hurt, may even help a bit

                              Well, I have a busy day ahead including watching my grandson this I'll get going!
                              Wishing everyone a great day, I'll check in later.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nestlings,

                                Quick fly-by this am... lots on the schedule today.
                                Chicken - onward and upward, my friend. And, Lav is absolutely right, taking on more than you should (I didn't say COULD) handle is a recipe for failure. Take out some time for yourself and learn to delegate a little. Be good to yourself :l

                                T's - this 14 day hump we'll make it! PM me if you need a boot in the rear or an ear/shoulder, whatever. You can do this!

                                Thank you for clarifying Gumbo, Tranq (and Lav)... I had visions of something green and somewhat slimey... *shudder*

                                Lav, happy baby sitting day! Enjoy the little one

                                JC, Finding, Milly, and all others to come.. have a great Monday (ya know.. as well as mondays can go)! Later!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

