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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    reposted here at the request of BHOG, if it helps anyone then it was worth it

    Hi to those who don't know me. I'm pingupurplepants and I stopped a daily vodka and wine addiction exactly two years and one month ago.

    I remember the day clearly. I crawled into my doctors, in tears, and handed her a letter saying I was miserable and felt like shit. She was pretty unsupportive, handed me some ADs, and told me to go away and cut down on pouring vodka down my neck.

    That was the kick I needed. I knew in my heart I was drinking too much but I denied ever having a problem. After all if I wanted to stop for a period of time, I could. At least that's what I told myself. BUt looking back on it, I never had a single day without a drink (more like several) for about 3 years prior to that date.

    I never intended to quit for good. I thought if I could do a week or two, get my head clear, then I would be OK to have another go at sensible drinking. I used the willpower method. That's all. I just refused to pick up that first drink because I knew once I started I knew I wouldn't stop. I had got into a cycle of drinking every night, taking sleep aids to sleep, sleeping like shit, waking up with a headache, and doing it all again day after day. The times I started drinking got earlier and earlier, sometimes as soon as I got in from school if I knew I didn't have to go out again. I declined social functions and meetings if I knew I wouldn't be able to drink. My head and body were totally fucked up.

    It has not been an easy journey. As time went by, I discovered this site, originally intending to get some advice about controlling drinking. Yet something inside made me feel uneasy about trying again. I talked endlessly to a few people, blogged my thoughts, and the weeks and months of alcohol free living stacked up. Each month was a new challenge, and I gave myself treats and made a big fuss (quietly in my own little world) to celebrate the fact I'd reached another milestone. I became very introvert without alcohol, and felt uncomfortable and down right miserable at social functions. Everyone around me still drank. They called me dull and boring. It felt horrible. But still I carried on.

    When I hit a year and had a mega happy dance, afterwards, I was confused. Do I have another go or do I carry on with this hermit like existence. I knew the answer in the bottom of my heart was that AF life was the only way to go, but I was still unhappy inside. I missed drinking and the high it gave me. I started to forget all the shit that went with it.

    A year and a month (this day last year) after quitting I felt really low. I spent the next few months having a massive internal battle with myself. Nothing seemed to make any sense. I didn't know what to do. I tried AA which turned out to be a disaster. I tried keeping a journal and I started a scrap book with print outs of quotes and advice from people on here.

    Something clicked for me last Winter. I am not sure what. I think it was progressive, I mean I didn't wake up one morning and think I'm cool now. But slowly the fog lifted and I started to find a personality and confidence I hadn't felt since I had been drinking. And slowly it became OK for me to not drink, I felt OK being out with other drinkers, I didn't resent it like I did before. I had much more good times and much less wobbles...

    So, why bother to post this? Well I met some lovely people in Dublin last week, at various stages of the journey, and they got me thinking about how to give back. I'm crap with individual advice. And someone on here said just by living you are showing people that there is a way without alcohol in your life

    It took a long long time, and it is still a work in progress, but if reading this helps anyone then it was worth writing it down

    Much love
    (cello player and level 3 skater!!!)
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Newbies Nest

      That's a fantastic and inspirational post Pingu - thank you for sharing. You have amazing strength indead!!

      I've been trying to work out how old you are - because you reference drinking as soon as you got home from school and your name includes 1997 - but that would make you just 16!! :H Maybe your are a teacher? - not that it matters, just the inquisitive side of my nature.
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


        Newbies Nest

        pingu- i loved that post.
        I am at the hermit stage myself. I feel really boring too. But then I got to thinking about that. I am 49 years old. I have been "partying" since I was 14 or 15. That means I have spent almost 35 years socializing while buzzed/drunk!!! No wonder I feel uncomfortable around crowds!! No wonder I can't think of a thing to say!!! In sober years, I am only a teenager!!! So, I need to relax about this. I know I have a personality. I know I am not boring (no one who has lived life is) It is just that I have no sober social skills! I only know how to be social and engaging when I am drunk.
        I just won't anymore


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Laststraw!!! Good to see you!! I am not going anywhere and I am here for you. Someday soon, instead of "just getting through this day" you will be cherishing every sober moment of everyday! I truly believe this!!
          Keep coming friend
          I just won't anymore


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters

            Just wanted to wish everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
            Be grateful for another hangover free morning

            My heart & prayers are with the people in Boston today.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1492696 wrote: I finally found it! This is for the 30 day'rs:
              Byrdie - this is amazing - exactly what I needed to hear and I'm sure what all Newbies will need to hear - can that be put somewhere where we can easily find it again and again?
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                Newbies Nest

                Snap, I will put that in the tool box....It took me a LONG time to find it myself!! Let me go see to that...Thank you! B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nesters. I've just come back from holidays and didn't have access to wifi easily, so I wasn't reading or posting very much in the last couple of weeks. Having a quick browse around, it seems like a good time to have been away. (Referring to the hippyman episode)

                  I had a much needed break from daily life and just blobbed about, restoring lost energy. Anyway, back to reality and busy schedules......and just life with all it's ups and downs.

                  I will continue to read and post occasionally, as I appreciate the support of MWO
                  Have a good AF day everyone.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pingu, thank you so much for posting that for us! That was VERY inspirational...change doesn't happen overnite, but it DOES happen! I know that took a lot of time to compose...We appreciate that very much. We must have started around the very same time! I have 2 years and almost 3 months!! Stick around! We don't bite!!

                    New Day, great to see you! Glad you got your batteries recharged!

                    Hope everyone has a happy, sober Tuesday!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdlady;1492745 wrote: Thank you, Laststraw....she does sleep right up on my shoulder. I have another one for newbie's who need it. We got K9 thru her rough spot of 40 me over mine at 12 days...we will remind you of the definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Stick close and we will get you thru the rough spots. That's what we're here for. Rubi is pulling for you, too! Byrdie
                      I am forever grateful for the Nest for getting me through my rough 40 day periods (how many times Byrdie? A couple at least!!!). For some reason day 40 seemed like the point where I felt "cured" and one or two wouldn't hurt...only we know where 1 or 2 12 or 15!!! And's not "fun" anymore. After being sober, I don't see how being drunk can be considered a good time. Sick, nauseated, acting stupid, doing dangerous things...etc, etc. So please, do not feel down or complacent no matter what day you are on. Remember the truth about alcohol, not the lies it tries to tell us.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am NOT enjoying the same phenomenom at the 70 to 80 days mark. it sucks...I was doing so well without any cravings and then all of a sudden BAM there they were. And reading threads like Scand's wanting to drink after 14 weeks AF, and hippy revealing the lies (I don't care what gender the person is - that person still manipultated and lied to all of us - felt like that person was have a good laugh at our expense) - these threads don't help me at all.

                        OK, I have had enough. I promise not to mention those two issues again. Sorry
                        I just won't anymore


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all...not exactly a 'newbie' but I am back again..... day one for me tomorrow, most I have gone is 4 days. I know that is nothing...not even a dunt on the sober life, but how weird is the sober life eh!! so much time on my so much time wasted.
                          I need support...all us drinkers seem to think yeah..I can stop whenever I want. way pedro. (anyone familiar with only fools and horses wil get that!)
                          Anyways, got my multi vitamins, got my milk thistle but between 5pm and 8pm I really really struggle, also a whole wkend without a drink my boozey brain kicks in big style.
                          I am in Scotland and please please please be someone here I can either pm or be in forum that can give me a swift kick in the shins when im struggling. I wont bug, pester, ask for personal email or moby number, just here.
                          Thanks a lot, and well done to everyone who are really trying an getting somewhere. I am amazed at folks who can even go 7 days without a tipple.


                            Newbies Nest

                  's ok Jennie...we all go through this at one point or another. And when we see questionable behavior on threads it doesn't help any of us. Hopefully we can get past all that drama and move on...acutally I KNOW we will...we are a strong bunch! I caved on smoking at 81 days...WTF??? I still haven't figured that one out, or started over. But believe me, I wish I hadn't!!! Don't do the same with the fight against will regret it. It doesn't seem like it, but it's easier to fight cravings than to start over!!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome Pooks! Just jump right in, as you can see we are in this together! Read back a few days and get to know us...and be sure to check out the Tool Box (link below) for helpful tips and coping skills. The laser guided bullet for the first few days is to EAT! We have gone so long just drinking our meals that we forget what it's like to eat and enjoy our food. Keep your tummy full and you will struggle a lot less! We are glad you're here.

                              Jenni...Scan was going to drink. He didn't listen to anyone's advice at all. He had already made up his mind. And by virtue of the fact that a long termer like Hippy fell (regardless of the circumstances) should be sobering to us all. That could be any of us...we have to remain vigilant!! We can't drink AT people and it not come back around on us. The joke will always be on us. I think one of the things that keeps me strong is that with any argument that may ensue on these boards, if you stay sober, you are winning it. Being sober is the best reward!! Don't let outside influences determine YOUR path!! That's what I try to maintain....No matter what and no matter who!!! This phase you are in is temporary...and boy will you be glad you stayed the course. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                jenniech;1492884 wrote: Hi Laststraw!!! Good to see you!! I am not going anywhere and I am here for you. Someday soon, instead of "just getting through this day" you will be cherishing every sober moment of everyday! I truly believe this!!
                                Keep coming friend
                                I'm staying. I wouldn't leave the best thing that has happened to me. :rays:


