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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    G'Night KREEVES.

    14 days is awesome. All that comes with it is awesomer ( yes, I make up words, sometimes ).



      Newbies Nest

      thelaststraw;1493235 wrote: Oh WOW NO SUGAR,
      I never thought of that before. WOW. I am freaking out. Thanks for that thought. Huh, several heads thinking together are better than one thinking alone,

      Congratulations TLS! Way to go!

      NoSugar - thank you for your encouraging words!


        Newbies Nest

        Fabulous bluegrass ensemble jam tonight and no thought of AL the whole time. Working hard on Bill Monroe's Big Mon and Ralph Stanley's Clinch Mountain Backstep. These are super technical fiddle tunes played at 100 - 110 BPM. I'm up to about 90 BPM which would have never happened all tweaked on IPAs. Love it...

        Be good and good night,
        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

        Go forward boldly and unafraid


          Newbies Nest

          That's good to hear FIN. AL is out of the house!!!!



            Newbies Nest


            Hi, I'm new here and beginning to take a more active approach to my problem. I hear my story in many of these posts from the drinking to sleep, or unable to wind down without using alcohol. I have tried therapy for my problem. I also have tried justifying my problem in saying that it doesn't get in the way of my life. But every morning for those first 30 minutes I wake up and have my cup of tea I think to myself "why did I do that?"

            The process of buying it and my after work routine are so normal and they are really inhibiting me from letting myself get out of my routine and get out and do normal things. It also has made drinking socially difficult because I can't hold myself back and find that since I often drink by myself that is what I would rather do. I'm concerned and I need to reach out.

            I live internationally and it makes setting up networks really hard. But, that's why I looked into this approach. I am going to try and get some of the medication that is mentioned. I think it might help in the process but I don't really know what the first steps are on how to use this and create a plan for myself that will work.


              Newbies Nest

              rdrasz;1493280 wrote: :new:

              I live internationally and it makes setting up networks really hard. But, that's why I looked into this approach. I am going to try and get some of the medication that is mentioned. I think it might help in the process but I don't really know what the first steps are on how to use this and create a plan for myself that will work.

              Hello and welcome! I also live internationally (an American in Germany) so I had no idea where to begin with sobriety. I found this site via a Google search and it is WONDERFUL! You will not be disappointed. There is no judgement or disappointment from anyone, just love, strength and support. There are great tools on here and wonderful members who have been through A LOT who give great advice! So stick around, this is a great community that will eventually become a huge part of your life.

              Hi to all in the next. I have not posted in the Nest much as I've been posting in the April AF thread. But I still read whatever I can (when time allows me to). I had a major AL craving last night but I was able to get through it thanks to YOU guys and eating some healthy snacks. I actually had a dream last night that I ate an entire bag of peanut butter chips so now the cravings are invading my dreams... LOL. At least I did not drink in my dream so that's a first.

              I have to get to work. Much love and strength to all in the Nest! :h
              Would you like you, if you met you?


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesties - hope you've all woken feeling bright, shiney and hangover free this morning!!

                Since giving up AL - I've become a self confessed pig!! I am eating for England and have put on 4lbs. So - after my indulgent first couple of weeks I've decided I need to do something about it otherwise the RSPCA will be hauling me off the beach and back into the sea on our hols this summer! :H

                Last night, I took my dogs for a 5 mile hike and then went swimming and forced myself to swim non-stop lengths for 20 minutes (I tried counting how many lengths, but kept losing track!!) This morning I got up bright and early and took the dogs for another 5 mile walk - and plan to do the same this evening. Haven't re-stocked the cupboard with chocolate and Mini Cheddars and plan to shop for fruit instead later.

                On a very positive note - now 17 days AF and FINALLY the intense craving is waning away. I am managing to get through most of the day without even thinking about wine. Still have a little niggle in the early evening - but it's more of a whisper now instead of a loud speaker yelling into my ear.

                TLS - fantastic on day 35 :goodjob: How are you doing?

                Kreeves - 14 days - awesome and glad you are feeling that you are reaping the benefits too.

                I would love to hear how you are all feeling now after several AF weeks under your belts. I've noticed I'm sleeping better (in fact I can't stop sleeping - but the tiredness is getting a bit better now). I no longer sweat profusely during the night (used to wake up drenched in the morning) and my eyes are no longer puffy all the time.

                Welcome rdasz - make a date to join us regularly here in the Nest - we love lots of company.
                Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                  Newbies Nest

                  I just finished posting this on another thread:
                  I would pass out for a good 3 to 4 hours but then wake up having to use bathroom, soaked in sweaty sheets (sounds enticing, doesn't it?) Then toss and turn for HOURS.

                  Anyway, I don't think drunken sleep is real sleep at all. I think it is the body's way of saying STOP DRINKING>>>YOU ARE POIS0NING THE ONLY BODY YOU HAVE. The sweats is a way the body purges the intoxcins (sp?). The tossing and turning is the result of WAY TO MUCH sugar in your body.

                  I am blissfully happy sleeping now!! After about 20 days sober, I started to really crank up the hours of sleep. Now at almost 80 days my problem is that I have so much reading to do at night and since I am sober, I am able to stay up to do it. I have to be better at just turning out the light for some good shut eye.

                  Sleep is way underrated. I am loving getting into bed at night and getting nice and cozy and drifting off to sleep. So much better than falling into bed and simply passing out.
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    jenniech;1493343 wrote: I just finished posting this on another thread:
                    I would pass out for a good 3 to 4 hours but then wake up having to use bathroom, soaked in sweaty sheets (sounds enticing, doesn't it?) Then toss and turn for HOURS.

                    Anyway, I don't think drunken sleep is real sleep at all. I think it is the body's way of saying STOP DRINKING>>>YOU ARE POIS0NING THE ONLY BODY YOU HAVE. The sweats is a way the body purges the intoxcins (sp?). The tossing and turning is the result of WAY TO MUCH sugar in your body.

                    I am blissfully happy sleeping now!! After about 20 days sober, I started to really crank up the hours of sleep. Now at almost 80 days my problem is that I have so much reading to do at night and since I am sober, I am able to stay up to do it. I have to be better at just turning out the light for some good shut eye.

                    Sleep is way underrated. I am loving getting into bed at night and getting nice and cozy and drifting off to sleep. So much better than falling into bed and simply passing out.
                    Jenni - I am exactly the same! Loving sleeping soundly at night, loving reading avidly - never had much time with drinking almost a full time evening pursuit. But I'm loving the fact that I'm no longer drenched in sweat in the morning most of all (I thought I was having an early menopause!! :H) but obviously it's the body's way of getting rid of all that excess alcohol. I was having to wash my sheets almost every day (they would stink of stale alcohol - gross particularly for my husband who doesn't drink much).
                    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters & Happy Hump day!

                      Looks like rain is on the way here, oh well. My tulips are starting to bloom, it's looking like Spring

                      Hello & welcome rdasz!
                      You have found a great place, please settle in & make yourself comfortable.
                      Be sure you go to the Health store here on the site & download the MWO book. It's full of info & a great place to get started

                      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Wednesday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        rdrasz;1493280 wrote: :new:

                        Hi, I'm new here and beginning to take a more active approach to my problem. I hear my story in many of these posts from the drinking to sleep, or unable to wind down without using alcohol. I have tried therapy for my problem. I also have tried justifying my problem in saying that it doesn't get in the way of my life. But every morning for those first 30 minutes I wake up and have my cup of tea I think to myself "why did I do that?"

                        The process of buying it and my after work routine are so normal and they are really inhibiting me from letting myself get out of my routine and get out and do normal things. It also has made drinking socially difficult because I can't hold myself back and find that since I often drink by myself that is what I would rather do. I'm concerned and I need to reach out.

                        I live internationally and it makes setting up networks really hard. But, that's why I looked into this approach. I am going to try and get some of the medication that is mentioned. I think it might help in the process but I don't really know what the first steps are on how to use this and create a plan for myself that will work.

                        Hi rdrasz and folks, I'm another newbie. A thought on not being able to sleep. I attended a sobriety workshop a couple of years ago. I was not sleeping the whole 5 days, mentioned it to the group, they all nodded and one woman said "I didn't sleep for a month!"] I was sure I'd sleep when I got home on day 6 - no such lick! But, on the 7th day I slept. Being tired is somewhat unpleasant and inconvenient but it won't kill you. You *will* eventually sleep well again AF. Give it a little time. Accept and even consider embracing being tired as a temporary step towards blissful, non-drug-induced sleep and freedom. I'm 2 days AF and slept okay enough - thankfully.


                          Newbies Nest

                          :welcome: RDASCZj and Honeybelle!!!
                          Your body is finally rid of the alcohol and is confused as to how to properly take care of itself. It will soon right itself.
                          Give time the time it needs
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey guys and gals Rip checking in.

                            Tomorrow will be day 30 for me sober. 25 yrs drinking on and off, last 5 or so more on than off, heh.

                            Day at a time is working for me so far. I am quite humbled by the wisdom, knowledge and inspiration I have found on this site. It's truly been a blessing having it and hearing from all of you.

                            Keep on keeping on, let's do this folks!


                              Newbies Nest

                              rdrasz;1493280 wrote: :new:

                              Hi, I'm new here and beginning to take a more active approach to my problem. I hear my story in many of these posts from the drinking to sleep, or unable to wind down without using alcohol. I have tried therapy for my problem. I also have tried justifying my problem in saying that it doesn't get in the way of my life. But every morning for those first 30 minutes I wake up and have my cup of tea I think to myself "why did I do that?"

                              The process of buying it and my after work routine are so normal and they are really inhibiting me from letting myself get out of my routine and get out and do normal things. It also has made drinking socially difficult because I can't hold myself back and find that since I often drink by myself that is what I would rather do. I'm concerned and I need to reach out.

                              I live internationally and it makes setting up networks really hard. But, that's why I looked into this approach. I am going to try and get some of the medication that is mentioned. I think it might help in the process but I don't really know what the first steps are on how to use this and create a plan for myself that will work.

                              WELCOME!!! You CAN do was pointed out to me, we're all so similar in our challenges and together we are coming together to take back control. Look around -- so much success and recovery going on here in droves. Again, welcome aboard. As I did on Kreeves' first day, I dedicate my AL free 4/17/2013 to your successful start. Go for it. You'll never regret it.
                              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow! Welcome to all the newbies! rdrasz (sp?), Honeybelle and Rip!! You will find that a bad day sober is 1000 times better than a day spent drunk!!! We are so glad you're here! Please find the link to the Tool Box below, there are literally 100's of tips and coping skills assembled over a span of years to help you! Check in often and post!! Getting it down on paper really helps!

                                For the folks between Day 13 and are about to enter the phase where the Pity Party gets thrown! They are so easy to host...but hard to leave! This is where you will begin to question what you are doing! 'The whole world can drink but ME!' (fists pounding) You know the drill. This is Addiction Head talking (Dick Head)....don't listen. The whole world is NOT drinking except you. Your friends WILL accept the new you, and life WON'T be better with one drink. We know how THAT movie ends! So just stay the course and know that the pity party is normal! Just get thru to the other side and you will be so glad you did! Knowing what to expect is half the battle! Hang tough, Nesters! Everyone is doing GREAT!!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

