Morning, Nesters! Good to see ev'body! Snap, as a girl from the South, we ALWAYS carry and pack of Lance crackers in our purse!! You would be amazed at how handy that it! It hushes little kids on planes...soothes grumpy coworkers...distracts nosey husbands when the MasterCard bills arrive....1000 uses!
Yes, it really IS amazing the good gossip you get privy to when you are sober to hear it and REMEMBER it! Loose lips sink ships!! So true! Glad I'm not the one running around with them anymore!! Building those strong muscles AGAINST drinking is empowering!!! The muscles you use get stronger! (conversely the ones you don't get weaker, too, so that's good!)
Friday is just another day of the week, not a free pass to Boozeville! K9 and the girls will be along later to cheer us on to the weekend! If you got thru the last 15 minutes, you dang sure can make it thru the next 15!! And so it goes...... XO, Byrdie